1. A song and the echo

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   Broken, that's the only way to describe Azeroth. Some would even go so far as to say it's corrupted. I'd even believe that myself, knowing the horrors I've encountered. Sadly I know oh to well that's what constantly happens. It was always going to be a war-torn world, filled with fury and rage. Something I knew would be the very thing to end me. This story isn't about me, no. It's about a dear friend who risked it all.

She sat on the edge of a cliff that overlooked the sea humming softly as she did so. Before singing: "Darling, oh sweet darling. Where have you gone? The war has raged far enough. I need you now.. for the war has passed yet I can see deep sorrow, lass." The tune was bittersweet, at the end it seemed to be more of a mere memory then anything. Sylvia stood up, her light blue eyes narrowing as she heard the gentle call of a siren. She stood up and closed her eyes, simply listening.

The siren song abruptly ended, or at least seemed like it as she was tapped on her left shoulder. She turned around to see her younger sister. "Come, Sylvia. Minn'do wants you." Sylvia sighed and gave a short nod in response as her younger sister led the way, her bright yellow eyes shifting every now and again to make sure Sylvia was following behind her. Sylvia chuckled, shaking her head softly, her teal sombra swaying as she did so.

"Minn'do!" Darynn called softly, her voice low as to not disturb the motherly Night elf who might've been resting at this ungodly hour. "I've got Sylvia." She called unknowingly again, before she could hear a few quiet mumbles coming from the living room. Darynn walked over to where their Minn'do sat in a wooden chair, a couple cushions beneath her and then for extra comfort behind her back. Their Minn'do's blue eyes flickered to Darynn then Sylvia. "Come sit down, dear." She motioned for them to sit down and smiled. "Sylvia I know I cannot change your decision.. so.. I have gathered most of your things.. you will leave in three days time."

Sylvia's expression stood unchanged, perhaps even hardened. "If that's what you wish." She said, a bit of disappointment traced her tone yet she still inclined her head once more into a bow. "Elune-adore Minn'do." "Elune-adore Sylvia."

Sylvia stood up and walked over towards her left a bit before going down a narrow hall which was dimly lit by a few oil lamps hanging from the walls like sconces, the lights flickering slightly made small shadows dance from and on the walls. She paused and her eyes rested upon a portrait of a Night elf who had a couple small scars on his face, his hair unruly and a vibrant green.

A few leaves could be found in his hair if one looked close enough, he was wearing a simple blue tunic with black pants, no boots in sight. Sylvia placed a gentle finger on the frame, tracing it before dropping her hand as it went back to her side. "I miss you An'da." She held her breath for a long moment before letting out a shaky exhale and continued to move down the hall, her hands now neatly folded together.

She turned to her left and opened a purple door, it was carved with a few runes, Sylvia didn't know what they meant nor did she care. She didn't have time to study runes when there was a war raging outside. Perhaps it wasn't quite close yet but Horde forces were in Ashenvale and they seemed to be moving this way.. to Darkshore then perhaps even Teldrassil. She took the wooden doorknob into her hand, shook and turned it until the door opened. Revealing a small bed in the right corner, a red rug, a broken mirror split into three still somehow together enough to be able to be used when needed and a pair of Cutlasses on a shelf seemingly on a deadly display.

She walked over to the window and opened the shutters, taking in a breath of the dewy morning air. "Perhaps it's for the best.." She rested her head in her hands, her elbows on the windowsill. She had asked her Minn'do, which she still hated to use such a name when her Minn'do was dead, nonetheless she had been taken in and she was grateful if she could go train to become a Demon Hunter. She wanted to get vengeance for her family, which had been killed by the Horde in a onslaught. She closed her eyes, hearing the door creak slightly. "Yes?" Sylvia asked hesitantly, turning around with her eyes now open and her hands behind her back.

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