6. The beginning of the journey

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This chapter is dedicated to Clett, for you fueled my inspiration to keep on writing.

As Sylvia had stepped through the portal with Asta she felt a wave of nausea wash over her. She had never been a big fan of portals or teleportation in general, however she'd have to travel in quite a few of them to make it to another continent on Azeroth.

She gripped onto Asta's reins as she kept her head down and awaited for the sickness to pass. Meanwhile Asta seemed unbothered, perhaps her former owner had been a traveler.

Sylvia looked around, the roots of Teldrassil were visible in the village due to what happened during the Cataclysm with Deathwing. This place was full of greenery with a small harbor not to far away. Two mages on either side of a couple portals could be seen if one squinted. Almost no boats were in sight.

Most people now preferred to travel by portals or at least some sort of teleportation. Sylvia preferred transportation by boat but that wasn't really a option due to the small amount of time she actually had to find a remaining Demon Hunter who knew of the ritual and complete the ritual to get back in time.

Such a task seemed near impossible to complete yet her whole life was resting on such. She had to complete it.. for their sake. It seemed the nausea had finally subsided now as Sylvia sat up and observed the village of Rut'theran.

A few wary and tired looking travelers could be seen dragging themselves along, a Captain about to set out across the still waters and what seemed to be his first mate helping to gather materials before they left port and a few mages tending to the portals.

Sylvia moved Asta towards the boat which was called: 'The Siren's call' and she only found this out due to the writing upon the back of the boat in large, almost rune like letters.

Sylvia thought for a long moment as Asta kept still. She wondered if she knew more in runes then she previously thought. She shrugged it off and continued walking Asta with the mare's reins, her hoofs clicking against the wooden planks now.

She slide from her companion's back, grasping the reins tightly to keep a firm grip on Asta. She patted the Mare's side and hummed quietly as Asta let out a soft cry. "Elune adore!" A Kaldorei called, he seemed to don a royal blue and gold outfit, the signs of a Captain.. at least that was most apparel colors of such.

Sylvia inclined her head in acknowledgement towards the Kaldorei man. His green, long, luscious locks flowed gently from underneath his fancy if not over the top, crow feather hat. Perhaps a bit overly elegant to have been from around here. Most Kaldorei preferred simple clothes or protective gear, maybe even a mix of both.

Sylvia looked to the ground for a long moment, trying to determine if this was a good idea.. leaving her homeland in search of something she might not even find. She shook her head. "I have no choice." She decided as she began to tie Asta's reins to a post. Of course this wasn't ideal for anyone, however it'd only be for a short amount of time and this was the only current way to transport mounts or even bigger livestock in general. Sylvia gave Asta a soft pat which turned into a stroke along the Mare's side.

Asta once more let out a soft cry. Sylvia turned towards the Captain. "I assume you have gold for such a service?" The Captain stated in a question. His long eyebrows arched in a questioning manner. "I do." She answered, pulling a couple gold pieces from her satchel and placed them into the Captain's open right palm. "Where to?" The Captain asked. "The Broken Isles, preferably Suramar, however I know it can be risky due to the Highborne still being.. shall we say.. difficult?" Sylvia said with a soft sigh at the end, seemingly annoyed by the mention of the Highborne.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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