3. A plan then a sorrowful goodbye

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This chapter is dedicated to
A.J. Wright

Morning was fast approaching, dawn had already risen and it was only a matter of hours before she left. While she was aware Minn'do had wanted her to leave in the first place Sylvia wished to leave sooner, she wanted to find the Demon Hunters.. but where in the worlds of this universe could they possibly be? She had tried to study a map, and try to remember what happened during the third war.

She growled softly, perhaps she'd work on it another time. History wasn't exactly what Sylvia was known for after all. She shook her head gently, looking over to Jaey who was sleeping upright in a chair, covered with a quilt that had been passed down in her family for generations.

Sylvia chuckled softly hearing Jaey snore. Although she quickly turned back to the map she had sprawled out upon a table and began to trace Ashenvale for a long moment before abruptly stopping. What was she thinking? The horde were coming, although she knew it would be a good couple of weeks, maybe a month or two before they arrived but she insisted on leaving her friend and her little sister behind.

She let out a small sigh. Nothing in war was ideal. Nothing is ever ideal really. But it was a choice she chose to make. She decided if she found zero leads she'd return home and face whatever dared to show itself.

She shook her head in frustration, clearly she should've paid more attention when The Burning Legion first struck. But how could she when she was essentially living under a rock?

These were questions that not even Sylvia herself could answer, either way she had to figure out where she'd go next.. where in Azeroth could the Illidari be. She let out a small huff and readjusted her head to look towards a new angle.

"Perhaps they are still at the Black Temple, but- hadn't it been destroyed?" Sylvia could hear footsteps in the background, a simple pitter patter. "It wasn't destroyed." Jaey said with a yawn at the end and a couple mumbles. "It wasn't? But what about-?" Jaey shook her head and pointed at the map of the outlands. "This is where it is." She pointed to a small dot, although it wasn't labeled Sylvia could tell she was pointing towards the Black Temple.

"Do you think they still resign there?" Sylvia asked, looking up to Jaey with tired eyes. "Hm.. it's doubtful, but.. anything can happen y'know." Jaey said with a hum. "Aye, anything is possible." Sylvia agreed, and looked to the maps. "I know of Illidari Stand.. but that's in the Broken Isles." Sylvia said with a wince. "There is always the boat option.. but then again there is a portal option as well." Sylvia said with a shake of her head at the mention of a portal. "While a boat would take about a week- goodness gracious who am I kidding? I don't have that kind of time!" Sylvia said with a groan and gently hit her head on the wooden table in frustration.

Jaey tsk-ed a few times and gently patted Sylvia on the back. "Come on.. it'll be fine!" Jaey said with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "For Elune's sake.." Sylvia said with another groan.

"You'll be fine! But you better go and pack." Jaey reminded her. "Alright, alright.." Sylvia said with a huff and rolled up the maps and set them gently on a side table and stood up. Jaey shook her head and handed Sylvia the maps. "You'll need these more than me."

Sylvia looked surprised but gave her a small smile. "Thank you, Jaey." Jaey gave a firm nod. "You're welcome! Now hurry home.. I'll meet you at Darnassus." Sylvia gave a firm nod and started towards the door before letting out a small squeak as she was squeezed into a hug. "Jaey!" Sylvia said with a small yelp. "Oops!" Jaey said and immediately let Sylvia go.

Sylvia sighed and turned around, giving Jaey a more gentle hug. "We'll see each other before I leave.." Sylvia reminded her. "But it doesn't make it any better." Jaey said with a sniffle. Sylvia looked to Jaey, meeting her gaze. "Hey.. it'll be alright, it's not like I'm marching into battle-" Jaey shook her head, her gaze dropping to the floor. "But you could die from the ritual alone." Sylvia gave her a small, comforting pat on the back.

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