5. Darnassus at last

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This chapter is dedicated to
You are a best friend and I am honored to have met you in this short life. Thank you for inspiring me!

Sylvia led Asta through the crowds, glad that she had finally found a decent sale for a horse in Dolanaar. She listened carefully to Asta's hoofs clicking against the stone pavement upon the road of the village.

"Asta, come 'ere girl." Sylvia said as the crowd was much thinner so she had some room to get around. She hadn't ridden a horse before.. but what could go wrong? She had at least a little bit of knowledge upon the matter.

Asta glared at Sylvia, while she tolerated the Night elf she wasn't that keen on having a complete stranger now be her owner. "Asta.. Asta.. relax." Sylvia said as she reached upwards towards Asta's head, merely trying to soothe the horse before trying to ride her to Darnassus in a mere three hours.

Asta let out a small huff and dipped her head before raising it and looked around. Sylvia then moved off to the side and leapt onto the mare, unsure of how else she was suppose to get on. She yelped as she fell to the ground after trying to grip the saddle. Asta looked quite amused, well as much as a horse could really.

Sylvia grumbled loudly and stood up, shaking the dirt and dust off of herself. She wasn't willing to give up that easily. Sylvia looked around for a long moment before finally resting her gaze upon Asta. Asta stared back let out a small huff and bent down slightly. Even with Sylvia being 6'10" she had a rough time getting upon the mare. She leapt towards Asta once more. The horse merely moved off to the side and reared upwards before setting down and looked down to the Kaldorei who had face planted upon the stone road.

Sylvia shook her head, slightly dazed from the fall. She sat up and looked to Asta, the world still spinning around herself. She closed her eyes and awaited the spinning to subside. Once it had she stood up once more and walked towards Asta, throwing herself onto the saddle and she managed to grip such and pulled herself up. She grinned, proud of herself that she was now upon the grey mare.

She gently grabbed the reins and tilted her head, trying to remember how she had seen another do it. "Hm.." She said as she re-adjusted herself and made a clicking sound with the tongue.. hoping the mare would move forward. Instead Asta turned around and looked towards Sylvia as if trying to tell her that's not how that worked.

Sylvia shook her head and gently moved the reins, hoping for anything at this point. Asta began to move forward and her hoofs clicked upon the stone road as she did so. Sylvia blinked as she bounced around, clearly a beginner at this point. Asta let out another small huff and carefully began her way back where Sylvia came.. back home.

Sylvia shook her head. "No- no.. no!" She called out and moved the reins towards the right, hoping the horse would understand. The mare merely continued upon that way. Sylvia let out a loud sigh and tugged upon the reins towards the right once more. This seemed to register in the horse's mind as she turned and began to walk towards Darnassus. Sylvia let out relieved sigh and chuckled, patting the mare gently.

"This isn't so bad." Sylvia said thoughtfully and tilted her head with a small, relieved huff. Asta padded carefully out of the village and down the dirt path, a bit faster then a elf could walk.. however it wasn't exactly fast enough. Sylvia wondered how to make Asta go faster since normally it was a giant cat she rode upon instead on a horse. Two very different animals. Sylvia attempted raise the reins up, no reaction. "Hm.."

"Come on, Asta." She began to remember a few catch phases the human travelers and merchants used. "Giddy up?" Sylvia asked. Immediately the horse started off a bit faster then before. "Oh- okay.." Sylvia said, a bit unsure of what she was actually doing.

The day we FellTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon