2. A grave and a traitorous thought

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This chapter is dedicated to

      Jaey stood there in shock, as did Sylvia. She had been to late.. to late to save the beloved wolf companion of her dear friend. Sylvia looked away and rested her hand onto Jaey's shoulder. "I- can't believe it.. she's gone.." Jaey said, her voice breaking.

Sylvia couldn't believe it either. She had finally crafted the serum that was no guarantee on saving Crystal but it would've given her a fighting chance. Jaey dipped her head as she slowly walked towards her once faithful companion, Sylvia's hand fell back to her side as Jaey moved. Jaey then knelt once she had reached the wolf. She ran her fingers into the white fur which was once warm, now cold.

"She's truly gone-" Sylvia said in disbelief. Her gaze went from the floor to Jaey, who she could tell was trying hard not to cry in front of Sylvia. Sylvia slowly walked over to Jaey and dipped her head as she knelt. She rested her hand upon Jaey's shoulder once more.

"I'm sorry I was to late." Sylvia knew she'd take the blame upon herself, she also knew Jaey would insist otherwise. But the fact was: no one was to blame.. the wolf was old and ill, and there had been little chance of survival.

Jaey couldn't hold it in anymore as she clutched the white fur within her fists and let out huge sobs. It was absolutely heartbreaking to see such. The once happy, healthy dog.. reduced to nothing but a bag of bones and fur. Sylvia gently patted Jaey on the back, hoping to comfort her friend in these hard times.

"She's gone to the Twisting Nether now.." Jaey said, in-between gasps. The tears had gone, now what was left were horrible, horrible shaking gasps as she took in each breath.

Sylvia looked away for a long moment and sighed, dropping her gaze to the floor. "Come on.. let's go and bury her." Sylvia said with a gentle tone, as she looked back up towards Jaey.

Jaey nodded, still trembling and shaking. Sylvia stood up and gently lifted Crystal up, her legs wobbling with the extra weight.

Jaey noticed and quickly went to Sylvia's aid, picking Crystal's hind legs upwards. Sylvia gave a firm nod and started to lead them towards the back door. They passed down a hallway, the lights from the sconces flickered, making shadows dance off the walls like stars or if one squinted you could see a few goblins dancing with joy. Sylvia looked around for a few moments, trying to avoid the eyes of Jaey or Crystal's body.

Sylvia looked back to Jaey who was just staring towards Crystal, perhaps rethinking her life as she normally did so. Sylvia normally poked at her for it, although maybe Jaey this whole time was still grieving the loss of her husband who died with honor, in battle. Sylvia hanged her head dejectedly and let out a small huff.

Sylvia led them outside and towards the shed which was near the dense forest. She set down Crystal gently and Jaey did the same. The air smelled like rain was coming, a curse that seemed to follow Sylvia. Everytime someone died it always seemed to rain.. no matter what happened, no matter what season of year it was.

She shook her head, trying to focus on the task at hand so she went to the small wooden shed that seemed to be falling apart at the seams and opened the door with a extremely loud creek. She looked around the small shed and saw a shovel. She grabbed the rusty ol' thing and nodded before going down the small hill, which she hadn't even noticed at the time and went towards Jaey.

Inwardly Sylvia knew Minn'do would say something about the dress, fretting over a dress that she didn't even like was the least of Sylvia's concern. She shook her head gently and began to dig, tossing the dirt to the side of her. She could hear Jaey stifling the sobs again.

It was truly tragic what happened to the wolf, but it had been her time. Jaey would understand eventually but for now she needed to grieve. She continued to dig a hole, a hole that'd act as a grave for the amazing companion.

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