"Hey buggies" Mikey's mom said and she layed on Mikey's bed. "Hey mama" Mikey said "you guys wanna go get coffee before I take you to school" she asked "sure" Mikey said "well her" Mikey laughed cause he droped out to be a tiktoker. "I have to be in the library half of the day because my nursing class was canceled today" I complained "I could pick you up" Mikey's mom said "no I have volleyball practice today" I said "you guys have 20 more minutes to wake up till breakfast is done" she said leveing the room and I cuddled up to Mikey "hey" he said cause I layed with my head on his hip and hugged him around the waist, above my head. "Morning wood!" Jojo yelled from his room, across the hall "but I'm comfey" I whinned while moving."it hurts" he said and he kissed me "if you would just suck his dick you could lay there all day" Jojo said "I will beat your ass" I said "oh shut up" he said and I shimmied myself underneath Mikey. "Kenna, Mikey, Jojo, breakfast!" Their mom yelled "I'm warm" I complained "you complain a lot" Jojo said "she's not a morning person" Mikey said and he kissed my head. I grabbed his glasses and put them on his face of elves he would just put his god damn contacts in. Then I kissed him and he smiled "why do you like my glasses so much" he laughed "they are cute, but bug when you leave we should whare our matching hoodies" i said "ok" he laughed. We have matching champion hoodies, his is red with Elmo on it and mine is blue for the Cookie Monster. "Breakfast is getting cold!" His mom yelled "I'm not hungry, I'll get ready" u said "ok, I'll bring you some bacon" he said going downstairs and I got dressed.

"Hey baby" he said and he set a plate of bacon next to me "babe I'm not hungry" I said "you want coffee?" He asked hugging me "no thank you" I said. And he just hugged me.

I went home after school cause I threw up 5 times. "Your bug boys got something" dad said and I laughed "hey bug" I smiled as I opened the door. "My mom made you soup and I got you flowers" he said holding them out to me but I just hugged him "I'm sorry if I get you sick" I said crying and my dad took the soup and flowers out of his hands so he could hug me back "don't cry" he said "you leave tomorrow and I don't want you to go" I cried "I won't go" he said "MICHEL TUA! You are following your god damn dreams" I said nose to nose with him "I don't wanna leave you" he said tearing up too "comeback to visit, and if you don't come back for prom in kicking you" I smiled "I will Kenna, I promise" he said and I kissed him.

"I wish you would show me your dress" Mikey said over the phone. "You can see it whens ready" I said "honey you ready?" Dad asked "do I have to dad I honestly don't care" I said "I want you to meet the other important girl in my life" he said "fine, Mikey I gotta go" I said and I hung up "you know that song 'I got some color back she thinks so too I laugh like me again she laughs like you' that's exactly like us, you laughed like mama" he said "dad stop" I sighed. We went out to dinner and she has a daughter and a son. Son about my age daughter is 4. "I have two other sons whom are 24 and 25" she said and I looked at my dad, scared. "Princess I know it's a lot of people" dad said "princess" her son said mockingly "chase" she said.

"There's my baby girl" mama said hugging me "who the fuck do I need to talk to about my daughter getting bullied!" Mom yelled "chases mother" the lady said

My mom got arrested that night. Dad bailed her out. I seen the same tattoo on dads girlfriend and a scar from moms ring. "Dad can I please just leave?" I asked "whatever Kenna but I hope you know I'm marring this women! She makes me forget about your mom!" He yelled and I angerly walked out of the restaurant and called Jojo. "I'm comeing k, I've got you" he said and I called Mikey but he didn't awncer. My mom died in a car accident while I was at my gymnastics meet, she was comeing from work, and she was with my older brother, Payton , I was 12. Mikey called me back freaking out "I'm sorry I just am pissed and sad" I said "bug just tell Me" he said "it's whatever I'll tell you later" I said as jokes car pulled up and he got out "you good?" Jojo asked "hey bro" Mikey said "hey man" Jojo said "Jojo is your night in shinning armor when I'm not there, in a brotherly way" Mikey said "he's exactly like how Payton used to be" I sighed "it's the god damn dinner isn't it?" He asked "my dads apparently getting married and I'm not ready for another women in my god damn house playing mommy for me, unless your mom came over" I laughed "who's ass should I beat?" Jojo asked while hugging me "no one's my mom already did one of them" I said

She moved in. "Whoa" I said as they brought shit into my room "Roma is rooming with you" dad said "A FOUR YEAR OLD!" I yelled "yes and the wedding is during spring break so you need a dress soon" dad said "that's when I'm visiting Mikey" I said "well new dates" he said to me walking away and I just watched them bring stuff into my room and all hours of the day toys were beating thrown. "HII!" She screamed while I was calling Mikey, when they were not there dad was normal.

"Dad please put Roma in the spear room or room with her brother! Nither of them are my siblings and she is not my mom, they are over stepping!" I said "honey, I get it pops isn't my dad hes my step dad but you gotta get used to it" he said and I started crying cause prom is in a week and Mikey doesn't know when he's comeing home, I'm shareing my room, I've been getting bullied at school by chase, jone, dads girlfriend is a bitch. "Ok she will be in the spear room" dad said hugging me as I cryed but her mom didn't like that.

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