Me and Mikey kinda broke away and it was awesome. We mainly danced and just talked but still awesome. "I love you" Mikey said "I love you too" I said and he kissed me "what would you say if I proposed right now?" I asked "I don't know, you haven't won yet" he said "if you proposed now I'd say no, not cause I don't wanna marry you but cause I have college and stuff I wanna get done before I get married" I said "yah" he said "yah I'm still figuring out if I wanna go to UCLA or New York State university cause yah New York is such an awesome nursing school and ucla has amazing volleyball and nursing but you know I love morning coffee in the snow! And in LA I won't have that" I sighed "I'm being serious when I say this but I'm glad your not thinking about me, cause I don't wanna be the final factor" he said "you can come to La with me anytime but new York you don't know anyone there" he said and I just looked at him "I think I'd rather drop out than be that far away from you" I said "don't say that" he said "I'm probably going to UCLA but we should go to New York together in the winter so we get the winter New York feeling" I laughed "and watch the ball drop" he said and I nodded then I kissed him "one day we can travel the world bug, one day" he said smileing. "Awe my ex step sis and her girlfriend, the short one" chase said cause sence I'm in heals I'm an inch or two taller than Mikey.

When we got back to my house, my dad and Jill were watching tv "hey dad" I said and he hugged me "don't make no grandbabys please!" dad yelled as we went to my room and I couldn't get the rubber bands out of my hair and Mikey was pulling. So I went downstairs "Jill can you help me" I said "come here" she said "Kevin do you have anything acidly" she said "lemon juice" dad said and she got it out and put some on each of the rubber bands and they broke "oh thank you so much" I said "trick I learned in collage." She laughed. I ran back upstairs "hey babe I just wanna say I won" he said "shut up" I said and I shook the rubber bands out. We cuddled and he said I smelt like lemon "yah, it's how Jill got the bands out" I said "oh" he said. "I love you" I said "not as much as I love you" he said "bullshit" I said "nope" he said.

We woke up at like 2pm. I just layed there on his chest while he rubbed my back and we just layed together. "Good morning sleepy heads" dad said walking in and he turned the light on "dad" I whinned pulling myself closer to Mikey. "I'm marking breakfast" he said "shh" I said "you act like your hung over" he said "no I'm just tired!" I said and he turned the light off "thank you" I said and he walked out. I looked up at Mikey and he smiled "your so cute" I said "not as cute as you" he said "you can't even see me" I said "shut up" he laughed and he kissed me.

how's my mother and father?
He said to shut the f up, he's a little cranky.
JJ NO Mikey is the love of my life
When is the team sleepover?
Ask in the group chat so I don't get asked 17 times.

I got to Mikey's face and I kissed him "hey" he groaned "you love me" I said "I know but I'm tired" he said "fine" I said and I layed on him the way I know he hates me "Kenna please stop, I wanna sleep" he said and I rolled off him and faced the wall. "Babe" he said wanting to cuddle "I wanna sleep" I said annoyed and he just sighed "I didn't mean it like that" he said and I just put my hand out to hold his "I'm sorry I made you mad" he said pulling me to him by my arm. "I was being a bitch" I said and I kissed his cheek "mawh" I said.

When we woke up from our nap I had 6 miss called from people in the volleyball team, mainly JJ. "What?" I asked "YOU TOLD ME TO ASK IN THE GROOP CHAT THEN NEVER AWNCERD!" JJ yelled jokejngly "ok, we said two days right?" I asked "yah" nova said "ok, bug I'll be back" I said getting up "no" he complained, holding my hand still. "Daddio" I said jokejngly walking downstairs "yes princess?" He asked "I was wondering if I could have 11 girls come over this weekends" I said "oh 12 teen age girls in my house at once?" He said "I'll invite Jojo so there's one boy too" I said "no it's ok, as long as all of their parents are ok with it, and Jill was comeing over that weekend but I'll rececgual" he said "no dad she can the girls will love her, if she's ok with it" I said "she really wants to be close with you so I'm sure she'll say yes" he said "she's awesome, she makes me miss mom though" I said "you always will baby, no one can ever be as amazing as that girl, maybe besides you" he said "your crazy dad" I said and he hugged me. I went back upstairs to Mikey and he was at the end of my bed in just his boxers "hey handsome" I said "still on the phone!" Bee yelled "I only called him handsome" I said "we all know where that goes" JJ said "shut up man it was one time" he said"oh yah what about all the other times you got a bonner in school cause of her?!" JJ yelled "Litissin bitch Jojo makes fun of me enough" he said "ok stop fighting" I said "bye" I said hanging up "your so damn cute" I said as he put his glasses on "and now that I can see I can acreuately say that I am not as cute as you" he said.

Bugg boyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora