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"-dude! I fucking hate this game."

Rain's little outrage was followed by a stream of comments that his eyes were quick to shuffle through. Almost instantly a chain of donations rolled in, some laughing at his expense while others were telling him he was too cute to be pouting like that because of a game.

"Thank you for the donations, rain drops! Maybe it will be enough to buy a new controller just in case I decide to throw mine at the thickest fucking wall in my room."

Now do not get him wrong, being a streamer was fun! He got to play the games he loved with his online friends from all over the world and he was making decent money out of it, but some games deserved a toss in the trash! And he was just about to let his precious viewers know this exact thing, until the sound of the door opening caught his attention. Fuck , Rain had completely forgotten that Phayu stayed home from work.

"Rain," Phayu did not sound pleased, not in the slightest; his tone alone suggested that maybe it was time for him to end the LIVE. "Didn't we just talk about your language this morning?" Yep, definitely time to end the LIVE.

Rain said nothing, instead he focused on the multiple tabs he had open across his 3 displays. He was feeling nervous, something that wasn't helping him in the slightest. "I think we should end today's LIVE here and pick up from where we left tomorrow," he tried, eyes still trying to figure out which display had his streaming app on it. Before he could, Phayu walked up to him in long strides, twirling Rain back around in his gaming chair. "A-ah P'Phayu! I am still LIVE!"

"That's fine, they can watch," with an unamused expression on his face, Phayu grabbed Rain's hair around the headset, forcing him forward until his face was buried into Phayu's pelvis. The man was wearing his sweats, gray and not leaving anything to the imagination. On any other occasion, Rain would have been more than happy to engage, but he could hear ping after ping of donations coming, some large enough for the AI voice to read out worried comments right into his headset. "This is the fourth time this week that you've cursed, and that after I've fucked you raw the first time around. Is that the example you wanna set?"

Rain's arms suddenly seemed to lack strength, but he did— he really tried pushing Phayu away but to no avail. His boyfriend just wouldn't budge! "I am sorry, P'Phayu! Let me end the LIVE first, please!"

"Rain!" He froze, widened eyes looking up at Phayu's intense gaze. There was no way Rain was going to make it out of this without a load down his throat and his scalp aching. "Open up."

The younger whined, but gave one last worried look towards his gaming set-up, internally wincing at the thought of what this was going to mean for him from now on. His lips opened when Phayu's impatient thumb tapped at his bottom lip, welcoming Phayu's awaiting cock. He was so caught up in thought, he didn't even notice when Phayu took himself out of his sweats.

"Hopefully you can learn your lesson after this," Phayu hissed at the warmth surrounding him. He didn't wait for Rain to grow used to the sudden intrusion.

The younger could feel his own face warm up, most probably flushing a pretty pink already. Phayu was forcing his way down his throat, taking his breath away without a care in the world. He waited a whole second for Rain to grow accustomed to the feeling, a reminder that he should be breathing through his nose starting now.

What a fucking slut, he heard the AI in his headset. Sucking dick on LIVE, how pathetic can you get for your boyfriend, came another, bringing tears to Rain's eyes.

Rain swallowed down Phayu's cock with each forceful thrust that followed, ignoring his own coughs as his gag reflex fought against the intrusion.

"Little fucking slut," Phayu moaned, his grip on Rain's hair tightening. "Is this what you wanted? Is this why you just can't fucking listen? Is cock the only thing in this pretty little head of yours?"

Though his tears dropped, Rain whined in agreement. There was nothing he could do now, there was no point in stopping when the stream's AI voice congratulated him on achieving a new record in viewers. Out of the corner of his eyes he could see the stream's system letting him know how many people were recording the LIVE.

"Feels good knowing so many people are watching you? Is that why your little cock is chubbing up, hmm? You even dressed up like a slut today," though it seemed like a compliment when he said it in a gentle voice, his actions spoke otherwise. Phayu fucked his hips into his mouth faster, moaning at the sound of Rain's surprised gag. Rain's throat was fluttering around the head of his cock, his tongue eagerly caressing every part it could reach, going over every vein he could find. "Didn't even bother putting on pants," and Phayu was right, all Rain had decided to wear for the stream was a pair of borrowed briefs from Phayu and a crop top, his legs warmed by cozy thigh highs.

It wasn't like Rain planned on leaving his chair during the stream, let alone get his throat fucked by Phayu in front of thousands of people eager to record the whole situation.

Rain could tell that Phayu was enjoying every second of it, his cock throbbing hot between his lips. "You look so fucking pretty with a cock in your mouth baby," he gasped, shaking as orgasm hit him when Rain moaned around his cock, bringing him over the edge on purpose with the vibrations of it. "F-fucking hell..." Phayu pulled out, his free hand jerking out every drop of cum onto Rain's face and lolled-out tongue. "Show me," he ordered, cursing softly at the sight before him.

His baby looked so beautiful, his eyes teary, and cheeks red and tear stained, his mouth open and tongue out as it cupped the cum Phayu had given him. "Swallow."

Phayu loosened his grip on Rain's head but didn't pull away, instead he started to pat the boy's head like one would with a child. He was so proud of his good boy audibly swallowing down the cum and then showing off his good work to Phayu and then to the camera.

"You guys saw it, right? Isn't he a hypocrite?" Rain joked to the camera, thumb wiping away the cum Phayu had left on his cheeks and nose. He wasn't wasting any, bringing it all back into his mouth while he leaned back into his chair comfortably. "Always cursing but telling me not to," his pout brought forth another round of donations.

Phayu shook his head in amusement, kneeling at Rain's chair. He started to massage the hinge of Rain's jaw, his eyes worried. "I am okay, P'Phayu, I liked it. And they did too!"

Still, Phayu was worried. "Let's go take care of you, my love."

Rain didn't protest. He gingerly waved at the camera, thanking the viewers of his stream for playing with him, and watching a few more donations come in before he ended the stream. "I love being a cam boy, P'Phayu! Let's play doctor next time!"

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