chapter 2: Five nights until the party

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Y/n Pov:

I woke up about 30 minutes ago. It was now 7:00 on a Sunday morning. I have homework to complete and I bet that Clara is hungover from last night. I stood up very slowly, grabbed some jeans, a shirt, and a flannel. After I grabbed my clothes I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror the place where Clara hit me was bruising up looking almost horrific. The bruise was a combination of pink, purple, and blue and was swelling up a bit. I figured that it would be fine since I wasn't leaving the house to just leave for now. I got ready and went downstairs where no one was, and started making eggs and bacon for my siblings.

While cooking I made a makeshift ice pack out of a sandwich bag, ice, and a paper towel. After I finished cooking Mike walked in nonchalantly. "hey" "hi" "damn that bruise you got is pretty shitty" "thanks could say the same for you. Can you go get crybaby and liz?" "whatever "

Mike left the kitchen leaving me making plates for all of us. Liz came in not as happy as usual but still cheerful Even came in dragging his feet with dark circles around his eyes, tears threatening to come out. They sat down and we all finished I got up and washed the dishes not wanting to get yelled at again. Then the phone rang I walked over to were our phone was located and looked at the number (idc if it's not accurate it is today) it's Mark. "hey Mark what's up?"  " nothing the others and I were just wondering if you and Mike want to hang out" "umm...". Just then Clara walked in looking quite pissed , throwing her purse on the table. " sorry can't I need to go talk to you tomorrow at school bye" I hung up the phone before he could respond and walking to Clara.

She rubbed her temples, groaning. She then with a sudden movement made her way to our liquor cabinet grabbing her cigarettes along the way and a package of Advil. She then grabbed the bottle of whiskey, and a shot glass pouring some in the glass and grabbing two Advil. She put the pills in her mouth and downed the glass. She then grabbed a beer bottle from the fridge opening it with the bottle opener. She didn't leave the room until she glanced at me telling me to scram , so I left the room going upstairs. She grabbed the bottle, her cigarettes, and a lighter and went outside for a good two hours coming in every so often grabbing another bottle. This day was starting to get worse, and it was just 9:30.

   After two hours it was now 11:30 I had to make my siblings lunch. Mikey can't cook and Clara is to drunk to do so. I walked in the kitchen deciding to make sandwiches. I got the materials and made sandwiches for the four of us.
(time skip because i'm lazy )

Even pov:
11:56 pm rang on my alarm clock. I quickly sat up hitting it, standing up, and grabbing my flashlight. I sat at the end of my bed, pulling my knees to my chest with the flashlight in my hands.
1:00 nothing bad happened yet just fredbear.
2:00 I heard walking to my door on the right side. I stood up fast grabbing my flashlight tight in my hands racing to the door, and shinning the light into the hallway.

y/n pov:

I was sneaking to Marks house because one of the principals died and decided to grab snacks and a water because it's a good mile away. I took off my shoes and left my bag in my room just incase anyone was up, and according to my judgment I was correct. A sudden light hit my face and I tried to cover it with my hand. The light turned off quickly and I heard my little brother's voice very fragile, close to tears say my name. I responded with a hmm." what are you doing up ev?" "nightmares" "okay let's get back into bed." I put him in bed despite his demands. I ran to grab the snacks and water, and started my way to Mark's house. The air was nice it felt refreshing, but still was pretty cold, so I sped up a bit. The starry night sky was magnificent, it was covered up with clouds but still so pretty. I was finally at Mark's block and started running over. His house was a one story, small house. He lived with his mother after a divorce. His father was a drug addict, and abused him and his little sister. His mother is really nice and has always respected me. His sister , Cassidy, had a bit of a temper but was pretty cool.

I walked over to his window and knocked on it lightly. He opened it and smiled. "Hello" "hi" He helped me get down onto his floor. We watched a movie until it was 2:00am and then fall asleep.

(sorry the ending sucks I had NWEA testing all week and i'm still tired a bit. I might do a christmas special too. Anyways enjoy your holidays :) )

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