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After a long day of training with the blade, a small kiss from his boyfriend and some Macca's, SMG3 was done with the day.

He looked at himself in the mirror, and noticed that he was slightly paler than normal. However, he didn't think much of it. He got his pajamas on and went to bed.

The following morning, he felt his hand burning. Ah yes, he thought, I have sensitive skin. It always took SMG3 a shockingly low amount of time to get a sunburn (at least compared to SMG4, anyway), and he must've forgotten to close the curtain.

He changed into his regular attire, slipped on a dark hoodie, threw on some emo makeup and wore an insane amount of sunscreen. He finally went outside to meet with his friends. And right outside the door was...

"Hey, Three!" said SMG4. He, unlike SMG3, had decided to opt for a much more casual, not-at-all emo outfit with a t-shirt, hoodie and jeans.

"Nice to see you!" SMG3 went in for a quick cuddle with his BF. Then, they separated. "So, when's Meggy gonna be here?"

"Any second now!" SMG4 responded. Sure enough, Meggy arrived.

"Heya guys!" said Meggy. "Ready to go for a walk?"

"Yeah!" replied SMGs 3 and 4 at the same time. Meggy brought them through the bushes and into the woods.

"Be careful! You don't want to walk into any-" Meggy warned, a little too late for SMG3. "...thorn bushes," she finished.

Luckily for SMG3, he only got one small cut from the thorns. It was bleeding, but it was just the one. As SMG3 was about to wipe away the beads of blood that formed on the surface of the cut, he paused. He was mesmerized by it, and it looked almost... tasty?

SMG3 made sure that no-one was looking, and licked the cut. It tasted pretty good. He felt his wrist hurting again, this time from a sunburn.

"SMG3, I told you to wear lots of sunscreen!" Meggy said. But I did apply loads of sunscreen there, SMG3 thought.

"Sorry Meggy, I don't feel so good. Can I go back home early?" SMG3 knew that Meggy's Walk Through Nature meant a lot to her, but he also knew he needed to figure out what was happening to him.

"Of course it's fine, SMG3! Just as long as you do this again some other time." With Meggy excusing him, SMG3 ran. Not to his house, but to the Hall of Relics.

He had a bad feeling that the Hall was something to do with these strange occurrences.

418 words

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