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SMG3 had finally made it back to the Hall of Relics. He opened the heavy doors, and started searching for the place of the Blade. Then, he turned away from it and moved forward two spaces. He looked to his left and saw the totem he got a splinter from.

He read the metal plate nailed to the stand which described the object.

"The Totem of Blood was originally made to wipe out the vampire race. It did just that, but over time, the wood absorbed the vampiristic energies and became a vampire creator itself. A victim would first need to receive a splinter of the wood, and will then start developing vampiristic traits. After approximately 24 hours, the victim will gain the ability to transform into a bat. After another ~24 hours, the victim will have fully developed weakness to garlic, sun and wooden stakes and complete immortality, and after a third ~24 hour period, fully formed fangs and the ability to infect others through mutual agreement to do so. Further developments occur after this, check our website for more info. It is now stored at the Hall of Relics to stop it from infecting more victims, though other methods to become a vampire have now been discovered."

SMG3 couldn't believe it. A VAMPIRE. He was turning into a VAMPIRE. He got his phone out and decided to Google 'how to turn into bats beginners tutorial for vampires', since it had been about 24 hours since he received the splinter. All they said was to focus on being small, light and jump in the air.

He attempted just that.

He jumped in the air, thinking about being small and light. He turned into a bat with red, beady eyes. He could flap his wings up and down to fly, though he had very limited vision. He made a clicking sound, and his giant ears and mind processed it to tell him all about the shape of his surroundings.

Since the sun allergy didn't take full effect for another day, he could fly in the daytime without dying. He took off, and flew out of the door. He soared through the clouds and finally landed in a cave, where he transformed back into his original state and made a portal to his home.

He did not know that there was someone watching him. After he flew out of the doors to the Hall, someone noticed a smoking bat. This could only mean one thing: a vampire. A vampire was on the loose.

415 words

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