Start of Something New

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"Elena Sosa, Brayden Blackburn." Captain Fitzgibbons reads from the death role.and I wait for the end of this. The sun is burning into through my black clothes and into my skin. I hope I don't get a sunburn, it's just another problem to add to the growing list. There's a single silver four on my collarbone, which is the mark of a first year, and a Fourth Wing patch on my shoulder.  we have uniforms but not flying leathers so i'm assuming everything we're doing today, thankfully, has nothing to do with dragons. 

"Jace Sutherland," Fitzgibbons continues to read. "Dougal Luperco." He already called out Dylan's name while back and I haven't felt anything since. Nobody will remember all these names so it's hopeless. I hadn't gotten good sleep last night, almost half the damn first-floor was snoring. Plus, the end of my knife was digging into my head since I put my dagger under my pillow—just incase.  

"Simone Casteneda."  He closes the scroll of paper. "We commend their souls to Malek." God of death. May they rest in peace and give us strength. The little quiet we have is broken as the squad leaders all turn and begin to address their squads. 

"Hopefully you all ate breakfast, because you're not going to get another chance before lunch," Dain says. 

"He's good at pretending he doesn't know you," Rhiannon whispers and I just nod. "He is," I hear Vi say softly from my side. I can hear the longing in her voice and I look at her, shes smiling like he'd just propose to her. Dear gods, I hope I stay single forever. 

"Second and third years, i'm assuming you know where to go," He continues as other scribes go to their quadrant. There's a mutter of agreement from the seniors infront of us, since we're first years we are behind of them. "First years, at least one of you should have memorized your academic schedule when it was handed out yesterday. Stick together. I expect you all to be alive when we meet this afternoon in the sparring gym." Shit. I forgot we were sparring later today. Whoever's going against me is going to beat me to a pulp. All I have to do is survive, I tell myself over and over again. 

"And if we're not?" Some smart-ass from behind says. Rhiannon looks back and rolls her eyes as she looks forwards again. 

"Then I won't have to be concerned with learning your name, since it will be read off tomorrow morning," Dain answers with a shrug. A second year infront of me snorts a laugh. "Sawyer?" Dain looks to a first year. 

"I'll get them there," I'm assuming a guy whose Sawyer answers. 

"Get going," Dain orders. His voice booming at us. Everyone starts moving around the same time and they start chatting. The second and third years move in a different direction than the first years. 

"We have about twenty minutes to get to class," Sawyer shouts but doesn't turn around to face us. "Fourth floor, second room in the left in the academic wing. Get your shit and don't be late." He storms back to the dormitory without another word. 

"That had to be hard," Rhiannon says as we follow the crowd to the dorms. "Being set back and having to do this over again." 

"Better than being dead," Ridoc, the smart-mouth says, we met yesterday before dinner. 

"That's true," Violet reply's as we head to the door. 

"I overheard a third year say when a first year survives the Threshing unbonded, the quadrant let's them repeat the year and try again if they want," Rhiannon adds, whoever does that must be really patient and confident. I hear a bird whistle and I know exactly who it is. I roll my eyes. Dain would always do this when we were kids and honestly it was quite annoying because as soon as he figured out how to do it, he did it every fucking day. 

"I'll be—" 

"I'll grab your stuff and meet you there. It's under your bunk, right?" Rhiannon asks. 

"You don't mind?" 

"Your bunk is next to mine, Violet. It's not a hassle. Go!" She shoulder bumps her and Violet looks to me, I just nod and say "go." 

"Thank you!" She smiles and goes off with Mr. Charming. I sigh and turn to Rhiannon, "Let's go. I'm sure she won't be late to class." 

We start heading to the dorms, " long has she liked him?" I whip my heads towards her and she has a small devious smile on her face. I snort a chuckle, "She's liked him since we were six, she thought he looked like if two of the most beautiful people in the whole world had a child. She said 'his looks could stop someone from going into war." I snicker and Rhiannon bursts out laughing. 

"Are you serious?" Rhiannon's chest heaves with breaths. "That's—something." 

"I know," I sigh dramatically and we've reached the dormitory. "Alright, I'll get Violets and I'll meet you by the academic doors, I want to talk to Tara." Rhiannon informs. 

"Okay, but don't take too long or else i'll shit on your pillow." 

"Ew. I promise i'll be quick. Whatever you do— stay away from my bed."

"No promises, bye." 

We part ways and I head to my bunk. Violet and her sleep next to eachother but my bunk is across Vi's. I bend down and reach under my bed for my things. I grab them and walk out the door to start heading to the academic doors. The rotunda is slightly crowded but I know there could be way more people out here. 

I see my sister in the center of the rotunda and she just stands there. My blood runs cold. Riorson is staring at Violet. I walk towards them, step by step until i've reached from behind Violet and I can see Riorsons smirk growing. I grab her arm, "What are you doing?" I hiss silently.

"I already knew you parents are tight," Riorson calls out to us. "But do you two have to be so fucking obvious?" 

A few people stop and stare. This isn't good. I tug on Violets arm but she ignores me and just keeps staring at him. 

"Let me guess," he looks between them. "Childhood friends? First lovers, even?" I scoff. This has to be a joke, who even cares about this. 

"He can't hurt you without cause, right?" Violet whispers. He's safe—but we're not. "Without cause and calling a quorum of wingleaders because you're a squad leader. Article Four, Section Three." 

"Violet, Dain is safe, but we are not. We have to go now." I hiss under my breath. 

"I expected you to do a better job of hiding where your affections lie, Aetos." Riorson starts walking down the steps and I tug on Violets arm again. 

"Run," He orders us. "Now." 

Violet finally runs and I start after her. 


Again, another short one but it's the whole chapter four. I can't wait to get to chapter 13. I'm so excited for the Threshing chapter. I already have an idea of what i'm going to do so I hope you'll enjoy. 

Words 1200

-P <3

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