Chapter Two

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10 years later

Harry's point of view

I smiled at the camera. I really want to sit right now but these paparazzis won't give us a break. We're going to be late for our flight. I looked at my band mates who forced a smile to the cameras. I guess we're all in the same page here. Luckily, Paul hovered over to block all the paparazzis on our way. The five of us got on our ride with a sigh of relief. "How do they even know we're leaving? It's 4:00 in the morning!" Niall beamed. I laughed at his Irish-sleepy voice as he leaned on Liam's shoulder. "Typical paparazzis, they always crave for everything that's happening." I said almost sounding sleepy. I couldn't sleep last night due to excitement. We're going to promote comic relief in the US. Our first concert will be in Madison Square Garden with 2 guest singers. The management never mentioned who the guest singers are. Oh well, surprise me!

We finally reached the airport. The car pulled up at the unloading station and Zayn groaned as Liam began to stand up. Both Niall and Zayn are leaning against Liam's shoulder but Niall wasn't much of a heavy sleeper. Louis leaned on me as I got up. "Lou, get up." I said, gently tugging him by my shoulder. "But I'm so sleepy." He said and yawned. "I promise that you can use my shoulder as a pillow once we get on the plane." I said and he smiled. "That's a deal." He said and got on his feet. We took our luggage and headed towards the plane.

As promised, Louis is leaning on my shoulder. I let him sleep. Liam reminded us that it will be an early flight. I got so excited, I barely slept but maybe I could take a little nap throughout the flight. I gently lay back on the seat, careful not to wake Louis up and closed my eyes. (And enjoyed the roller coaster that is life Haha. I'm just kidding.)

"Harry, Harry, wake up, Haz." Louis said, shaking me gently. Wow, I slept throughout the flight. I was just going for a 'little nap' but I had a nice, long sleep anyway. "We're here?" I asked. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Oh, no, we're just parking at the sky. That's why the plane stopped." Louis replied sarcastically. "Thank you, Lou, that is much appreciated." I replied sarcastically. "Yeah, yeah, c'mon now, Haz, we have to get on the cab." He said urging me to stand up. I groaned as I stood up. Liam handed me my luggage and we left the plane. There's already a huge crowd at the airport. Once again, how did they know we're here? Well, our fans are better than the FBI. I flashed a smile as we entered the loud building. Yells echoed everywhere but I still felt quite sleepy even though the screams were definitely deafening but I love it. Paul ushered us to the loading station and we got on our ride on the way to the hotel we're staying.

We reached the hotel. It wasn't that far from the airport. We went to our room. My phone blared. "Hello?" I said, very much sounding annoyed. "I've heard you're all in Los Angeles. Well, that's good news! We can get started. Come to the venue and we can start brain storming ideas for the show." A man said. "Sure but who is this?" I asked. The number is unregistered on my phone which only meant that I don't know this person. "I'm the manager of your guest singer." He said. Before I could ask who the guest singer is, the other line went dead. After calling without more information about him, he hangs up on me? Who does that? Oh yeah, he does that. I mentally punched myself for being so utterly ridiculous that even my thinking is going crazy!

"What are we going to do? We're in the city of lost angels, lads!" Louis said. I looked at him, confused. "Los Angeles, the city of lost angels, does it ring a bell, Haz?" He said, snapping his fingers simultaneously. "I get you, Lou. You're just really..." I trailed off. "I'm just really what?" Louis mimicked. "Trust me; you wouldn't want me to continue, Lou." I said and chuckled. "You don't say." He said and sat back. "They want to meet us at the venue so we can talk about the concert." I said, scanning through the refrigerator. Niall would be the one usually doing this but I guess he's not hungry, which is weird, but I know my stomach would explode any time now, I'm really hungry and there's barely anything to eat. "I'm too tired." Zayn said stretching out his arms followed by a big yawn. "I'm hungry." Niall blurted out randomly. There it is, now he's hungry. I scooted a bit so I could give him a glimpse of the refrigerator. "There's nothing in there!" Niall beamed. "Exactly," I said and closed the refrigerator. "Can we order food?" Niall begged. "I will explode." Niall added. I gave the lad a gentle pat at the back. "If I only knew the number of McDonald's delivery service in the US." I said. "You did mention that we are going to the venue, we can stop for McDonalds." Liam said. "Okay then, let's go lads!" I beamed and we rushed to the elevator, well, basically, Niall and I chased each other to the elevator. Damn, I'm just so hungry. This must be my Niall vibe talking.

We didn't pass by McDonalds so we all settled for Starbucks. We're having breakfast anyway so we can just take coffee and some pastries. Well, Niall's tray didn't look like 'some' pastries. "Can I have a Caramel cappuccino, please, and I'm sorry but I have to rush the order, I'm late for a meeting." The girl in front of me said. She had her hood up and her glasses on. "Sure, ma'am, what's your name?" The cashier asked. She whispered her name to the cashier and the cashier girl squealed. "Will do, miss Ta-I'm sorry, will do, ma'am." The cashier lady said. The girl walked towards the nearest table and took out her phone. The cashier lady turned to me. "What can I get you sir?" The cashier lady asked. "I would like four caramel cappuccinos please and a cheesecake, wait, make that two cheesecakes." I said, remembering Niall's big appetite. He already ordered but, well, he'll never let a cheesecake pass. "Okay sir, what's your name?" She asked. "Harry." I replied. "Okay, sir, your order will come in a few." She said and smiled genuinely. I looked at the girl who's now talking on her phone. Somehow she reminds me of someone. I shook the thought off and went back to my table with the lads. "Man, I just got a message from Simon and we're late." Louis said as I sat down next to him. "Well, whoever called me never mentioned the time." I said. "All I need is food. I'm really hungry." Niall complained. "That makes two of us." I replied turning slightly to see the girl sitting at the other side of the café. "Miss Swizzle." The café lady called. The girl stood up and took her coffee. She smiled to the café lady and headed out. "Order for Mr. Harry." The café lady called. I stood up and took our order. Niall got a whole cheesecake for himself while the rest of us shared the other one. It's okay; it's really my intention anyway. We demolished our meal quickly. We all headed out because, you know, we don't want to face the wrath of Simon. We love him like a father but you don't want to be on his bad side.

Fortunately, the venue wasn't that far from Starbucks. "Oh, I'm glad you, boys, are here." Simon said as we entered the large stadium. "Huge, isn't it?" He said, looking around. "Well, we have loads to talk about." He said, motioning us to the room behind him. We came in and Niall almost squealed. We're in the same room as Justin Bieber and, could this be? Taylor? She's here! I reckon that Taylor is my best friend. I'm just not sure if she's Taylor Swift, I mean, we haven't seen each other in ten years! That's a long time, you know. I guess I can try to find out if she is the Taylor I'm looking for.


Okay so, I'm doing this story with my wattpad best friend, osnapitzallie. As you know, she is a fantastic writer so I decided to have her co-write the story with me. I know most of you, don't ship Haylor but this is just a story and it doesn't mean we actually support the couple. I mean, we love Taylor and Harry seperately. I'm sure we've made ourselves clear on the note. So, I hope you'd support us through out the story despite it's main characters. We have no hate intended. Thank you for understanding ;*

- XxCarlyxX

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