Chapter Three

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Harry's point of view

I sat directly across from Taylor. Simon started talking about the details of the show and its benefit. Taylor listened very attentively. “So, our set list for the show is mixed with songs from the lads, from Justin and from Taylor.” The man who sat next to Taylor said. “Oh yes, I’m Scott Borchetta, sorry for the unexpected call earlier Mr. Styles.” Scott said holding out his hand. I shook his hand along with the other lads. “Let’s talk about the set list.” Simon said taking out a paper from the near desk and a pen from his pocket. He sat back down on his seat and gave everyone a look. “So…” Justin started. “I’d like to begin with a Taylor song.” Justin said. “No, I think it’s better if we start with a Bieber song to get the crowd going.” Taylor suggested. They argued about the opening song. “Alright, let’s not argue, let’s have One Direction open.” Taylor said. “Okay, that could work.” Justin agreed. It’s awkward that we’re quiet. I looked at Justin and Taylor suspiciously. I mean, they look too comfortable with each other.

We finished talking about the set list with a lot of arguments. Louis and Zayn fought about singing I wish or I want and then, they both settled for I would which is pretty ironic and hilarious. “Great! We can start rehearsals!” Scott cheered. We all groaned. I mean, I am excited about the concert but do we have to get started right away? I mean, sure the day is just a week away but…who am I kidding? We really need rehearsals. “Let’s eat at your favourite restaurant.” Justin said. “But that’s too far from here.” Taylor replied. (A/N: I don’t know if In-N-Out Burger is far from MSG but if it’s not, let’s pretend it is for the sake of the story) “Do you guys wanna come?” Justin asked, turning to us. “YES!” Niall squealed. Liam gave him a nudge. “What? It’s Justin Bieber and food, how could I deny that?” Niall whispered. Louis and I snickered. “Okay, then, follow behind.” He said. He opened the car door for Taylor and rode his car, himself. Well, I rented a car which cost a lot. We’re staying for a long time so I think it’s not worthless and it is necessary! I took the driver’s seat and Louis sat shotgun. “I wanted to drive.” Louis said. “Well, we don’t want to get a ticket and I rented the car.” I protested. “Thank you for that amazing compliment, Haz! What a true friend you are.” Louis said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes playfully at his sassiness. I followed behind Justin’s car. LA is a big city.

We finally reached In-N-Out Burger. It’s not a fancy restaurant. Not that I expected it to be a fancy restaurant though but it looked very famous considering the amount of costumers they have right now. We parked and got out of the car. We entered the restaurant and the smell of burgers filled. It smells delicious actually, not that I could taste through my nose. Well, yeah, it got me pretty hungry. “Niall, why don’t you go order for us, mate?” I said and he smiled like a little kid who was given candy. I saw Taylor occupying the 7-chair table. I sat across from her. “I get why this is your favourite restaurant, I reckon you love burgers.” I said, recalling the memory when we were kids. She almost stepped on a turtle because a burger stand just opened at the park. “I do, I love this place.” She said. She sat on the chair, comfortably. She sat with both feet on the chair. It’s cute actually, well, she is my best friend, wait, was my best friend but friends are forever, right? Justin returned with a number for his order. “I got your favourite number.” Justin said as he sat down. He passed the number to Taylor, thirteen. It’s her birth date, that’s why she loves this number. It symbolizes her luck. This is the Taylor who is my best friend! She giggled as she looked at the number. “I’ll post this on instagram.” She said and took out her phone and took a picture of the paper. Wait, her phone? That’s the same phone…oh Harry, it’s obvious, right? Taylor was the girl in the café this morning. It’s like fate pulled me there. Harry, you’re hungry.

“So, why did you let Niall order?” Liam asked. “Its Niall food-lover Horan, mate, he’ll choose the best food this place got.” I replied. Niall sat down next to me with a number. “Best food? Do you mean everything? Get ready for an expensive bill.” Zayn said. “Oh, don’t worry about him Zayn. He rented a car, he has loads of money.” Louis said mockingly. He emphasized the word “loads”. Well, it’s not my fault! I rented the car and it cost a lot so I have the human rights to the car. Justin placed his other arm around Taylor. I exchanged glances with the lads. “Um, don’t mind if I ask but are you guys together?” Zayn asked with confused eyes and furrowed brows. “We’re not.” Taylor replied genuinely. “I’m courting her.” Justin whispered. “Don’t tell anybody.” Justin added. “That seems cute, why not?” Liam asked. “Well, I don’t want her to get hate.” Justin replied flashing a smile at Taylor. “Isn’t he sweet?” Taylor said. “Is that a yes?” Justin asked. “You gotta wait, Bieber Cash.” Taylor replied and giggled. Taylor still has a very adorable laugh and I also reckon that Taylor collects absolutely everything vintage but she’d never steal. One time, I stole a vintage wallet for her and she didn’t talk to me until I returned it. Well, now, I see she sports a vintage dress. It looks very beautiful on her, considering that she is, in fact, beautiful. I don’t have feelings for Taylor but anyone couldn’t deny that Taylor Swift is beautiful and, besides, she’s my best friend. Wait, how come none of us made the first word? Did she forget about our friendship? Should I bring it up? The waiter arrived with all our orders. Niall ordered a lot, by a lot, I’m serious, and it’s a lot. We finished our meal quickly because, you know, the wrath of our bosses won’t be so nice and it’s a bonus that we didn’t tell them we left. We finally left the restaurant and drove back; Louis took the wheel this time. Well, he is like a brother to me; I don’t want arguing with him. “I’m opening the radio!” He yelled.

We are never ever ever getting back together…

Oh, it’s Taylor’s latest song. Louis sang along, I love Louis as a best friend but it’s like he’s choking air. He sings amazingly but right now, he’s not really trying to sound good just to give us a laugh which is why he’s the light of our band, he makes everyone laugh and he just loves to make every one smile, that’s one of the things I love about him. I sound so cheesy and this is my best guy friend I’m talking about.

Baby you got me sick. I don’t what I did…

Our song Heart Attack started to play. Justin turned on the intersection road. “Louis, you missed the turn.” I said. “What turn?” He asked, snapping out of his mini concert. “Justin just turned.” I said. “Oh.” He said in realization and turned swiftly. “Okay, now we lost Justin’s car.” I said. “I’m sorry, I was singing to our song!” He said defensively. “Well now how are we gonna rehearse singing our song?” I beamed. “I’m sure we can find our way, I mean, it’s a huge arena.” He excused. “I’m calling Simon.” Liam said and started dialling on his phone. Niall’s eating a burger and Zayn, well, he’s asleep. We’re lost in Los Angeles, this is great. Note the sarcasm on that.


Hey guys, it's Allie! Yes, I am co-writing with Carly! Carly already mentioned about the 'no hate intended' part of our story. Yes, we know most of you don't like Haylor at all but c'mon don't you think It would be cute to write a story about them? We're still searching for characters to add on the story too! If you have suggestions feel free to message us. You can message Carly on this account or you can also message me (osnapitzallie). When Carly asked me if I could write a story with her, I was so psyched about it 'cause I've been wishing to collab with a writer on wattpad. Well, anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Carls will post the next. Love ya' :*

Allie xx 

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