Chapter Four

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Harry's point of view

“Simon’s not picking up.” Liam said that for like the 4th time. “Do any of you have Justin’s number?” I asked. “I did, on my old phone until it flew and broke into pieces.” Niall said. “I’m sorry! I didn’t see you.” Zayn said defensively. He just woke up. Louis decided to drive around that maybe we could find our way back to Madison Square but unfortunately, that worsened our situation. Liam’s phone blared. “Oh thank you, it’s Simon.” Liam said and answered the call. “Yes, um, we missed the intersection and, well; we got, sort of, lost. Louis is driving. Okay, I’ll pass the phone to him.” Liam passed the phone to Louis. “I have to use the loo.” I said. “Can anyone come with me?” I asked. “I’ll come! I need to go too.” Niall said. We both got out of the car. “Where can we find a bathroom here?” I said scanning through glass doors. “Look, there’s a diner.” Niall said and pointed at a small shack that seems to have a fair amount of costumers.

We went in the diner and it smelled like chicken and ribs, it smelled pretty good actually. A brunette girl came out from the kitchen. She’s beautiful. I looked at Niall who seemed to be staring at her. “Welcome, uh, um, how can I help you?” She stuttered. “Um, can we use the restroom?” I asked. “Of course, just turn left and you’ll find your way.” She said and gestured to the hallway with a single light on. “How long do you think we’ll stay here?” I asked. “Not for long, I think. Simon will point out the way.” I replied. “Aw, I wanted to eat, the food smell good.” He said as we entered the restroom. “Is that it or you just wanted to hook up with that girl?” I asked and flashed a cheeky smirk at him. “Well…” Niall trailed off. “Maybe we can stay a little.” I teased. “Can we?” Niall asked eagerly. “Order up and we’ll go.” I said and Niall gave me a wide smile. We left the restroom. “Um…miss?” Niall called. “Yes, is there anything you need?” The brunette girl asked. I looked at her name tag and her name is Alanna. “Can I order some chicken-to-go?” Niall said. “Sure, um, but you do seem to be in a hurry. I’ll push up your order to make it fast.” She said. “Yes please, thank you.” I said. Niall and I sat down on an empty table. “She seems nice, outgoing…I think you should get to know her.” I said and turned to Niall. “Are you serious? I don’t even know how to talk to her.” Niall argued. “Well, you ordered chicken. That wasn’t hard.” I said. “I was ordering food.” He said. Alanna handed us our order in a paper bag. “Here’s your order.” She said. Niall took out his wallet to pay. “Niall, I’ll pay, go back to the car, I bet they’re getting mad for making them wait.” I said. Niall nodded and left the diner. I paid for the food; I gave her a tissue with Niall’s number on it. Oh, Niall owes me big time.

I returned to the car. “Okay, I know the way, no need to panic.” Louis said as I closed the car door. “Let’s hope.” I said. The car drove off and we reached Madison Square. I checked my watch and it’s already 2:30 in the afternoon. Time flies so fast. “Thank God you’re here!” Taylor said and ran over to us. “Wow, how’d you lose behind?” Justin asked. All of us looked at Louis who just stared blankly at us. “Well, at least we’re here now.” He said and folded his arms across his chest. “Yes, we can start the rehearsals.” Simon said and we were lead to a door leading to the backstage. “Hey, someone just texted me, that’s weird.” Niall whispered. I gave him a wink. “Don’t tell me you told her.” Niall said. “I didn’t tell her you like her but I told her to text you.” I said. “You owe me.” I added before running over to the stage. Niall falls in love so easily it’s adorable. Don’t blame me, these boys are the only brothers I have so I love them and I have the right to talk about them with cheesy descriptions. He seemed to be glued on his phone. “So, lads, we’ll be opening with C’mon C’mon.” Simon said. “Alright, we’re singing my song, people, and step aside.” Louis said as he grabbed a mic. Taylor giggled at Louis’ enthusiasm.

The one that I came with, she had to go but you look amazing standing alone…

So this is like one of our usual weird rehearsals. Louis jumped on me while I was singing and I landed on the floor with a loud thud. Niall laughed so hard and we earned a glare from Simon. “You guys are a classic.” Justin said and laughed really hard. “Guys, please be serious, the concert is in a week.” Scott said. We all stopped laughing. “Yes, sir,” We all said and I had a matching salute to go with it. I know, see how normal I am? We started rehearsing seriously. After we open the concert, we’re going to talk to the audience and, well, we’ll explain the whole idea of Comic Relief or Red Nose Day. Taylor will sing after us and then Justin and then us, well, it all goes like that but we’ll sing last and close the show.


It was a tiring rehearsal, we had five reruns, it’s a punishment for us, leaving without permission, getting lost and not taking rehearsals seriously but when did we ever take rehearsals seriously anyway? I saw Taylor standing beside a stereo; she’s fixing her guitar, getting ready to leave. Should I bring it up to her? C’mon, Harry, how would that be offending? I mean, you’re just going to ask her about your whole childhood, what’s wrong with that? I know, but how will I tell her, I can’t just walk up to her and say, ‘Hey, Taylor, I’m Harry from England ten years ago? Do you remember who I am?’ It doesn’t sound bad to me. This is freaky, I’m arguing with myself. I walked up to Taylor. “Hey, Taylor,” I said. She jumped and turned to me, “God, Harry, you scared me!” She said. “I’m sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” I said. “It’s okay, just don’t do that again.” She said and laughed slightly. Now that I’m standing in front of her, I saw the ring I gave her; she had it chained for a necklace. She’s wearing the ring so she must remember me. “Hey, Taylor, we’re going.” Justin called. “Oh, hey, Harry, the boys are looking for you.” Justin said. “Yeah, um, Taylor, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” I said and turned. That went…well? No, you didn’t even get to tell her. That’s it, okay! I’m going to get my best friend back.


Oh yeah, we're going to add other point of views in the story and Allie, heeey! Surprise! I added you to the story as Niall's love interest and she also didn't shut up about Niall the other day she's been going on and on how she loves Niall with or without braces and before and after braces HAHAHAHA it was a really crazy chat though, anyway, I hope you like my suprise for you, Allie :* Anyway, Allie's gonna upload the next chapter and yeah, don't hesitate to suggest like she said, you're welcome to any suggestions. Please fan, like or comment and share the story! 

PS Allie, I think I misspelled your name though? Sorry if I did, I'll change it. Love you ;*


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