Chapter Five

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Taylor’s point of view

Its morning and I haven’t finished eating breakfast. Meredith stared at me; we’ve been having a lot of staring competitions lately. Rehearsals don’t start till ten o’ clock and it’s just, like, seven in the morning. I have no idea why I woke up this early but, well, it happens. Maybe because I keep thinking…thinking of you know…


He has the name of my old best friend; Harry from England, wait, Harry Styles is from England. So Harry Styles could be Harry the best friend? But Harry the best friend has straight hair and Harry Styles has curly hair but they both have the same eyes though. Well, straight hair can turn into curls, right?

Meredith tilted her head as she stared at me, she’s so adorable! I can’t help it, I love cats. I could write a song right now but I don’t know what to write about. I could write about Meredith and how she tilts her head and get scared of the fish in the pond. Meredith is the real love of my life.

There’s Justin, he’s a gentleman and very loyal. Despite what the paparazzis say, I see otherwise, I mean, I spend a lot of time with him; of course, I know his real personality and he’s not a jerk like what stupid media say. I opened the TV and E! News is on.

One Direction is having a concert with Popstar, Justin Bieber and Country Sweetheart, Taylor Swift

I watch myself on news sometimes. Most of the time I would laugh at how ridiculously fake some are and sometimes I’d just be surprised how fast they find out what goes on in my life. Then I remember Harry, my best friend from England, sadly, I don’t have the British accent anymore because I’ve developed the accent from Nashville. I still kept the ring he gave me. I had it chained for a necklace and I wear it every day. Well, I really miss him though and we used to play this silly wedding game. My phone blared suddenly; they can’t possibly just call me to be there it’s eight freaking o’ clock. Wow, it has been an hour? I checked the caller ID and it was Justin, oh. “Hey, favourite girl,” Justin said. “Hey, Bieber Cash, what’s up?” I asked. “Just checking up on you, have you eaten?” He asked. Well, hey, that’s really adorable and yeah, I’ve developed feelings for him but I just don’t know if I should say yes right now. I still don’t think it’s the right time though but anyway… “Um, well, I just finished eating.” I replied. “Aw, I wanted to take you out.” He said and I could imagine him pouting. “We can go for Starbucks before we go to rehearsals?” I suggested.

Wait, I just had Starbucks yesterday.

But you can have Starbucks every day, right?

I mean, it’s just coffee, coffee every day isn’t bad.

It’s not bad, right?

I heard Justin chuckle on the other line, “Coffee every day, won’t kill you.” He joked. “Well, I’m sorry Mr. Smarty-Pants.” I sassed. Wow, I’m sassy? What? Sassy Taylor is on the loose. Wait, what? Meredith tilted her head awkwardly. Justin is now going into hysterics on the other line.

I have got to stop saying my thoughts out loud.

“Yeah, you do.” Justin said. I think he can imagine my glares right now. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry, you’re just so hilarious. I’ll pick you up in twenty.” He said and hung up.

Well, a lot could happen in twenty minutes but when you’re alone with a cat and some fishes inside an apartment, well, nothing’s gonna happen. Some part of me wishes something would happen, okay I sound messed up, well, and I’m kinda bored. My friends are out of town, I have to wait for Justin for twenty minutes…well, I could always check on twitter or I could take a shower, yes, a shower would be nice.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2013 ⏰

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