Chapter 23

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In the morning

Victoria's point of view

I woke up and quickly realized I wasn't in my apartment. Last night's memories overwhelmed me. I was still in Michael's apartment. I really don't remember when we went to bed or what we had said. Lisa was all I could think about.

I looked at the room around me. I think I was in Michael's room, but he wasn't here. My phone was resting on the nightstand. I held out my hand and took it. It was excluded. I didn't remember when I turned it off, but I can imagine why. I turned it on. It was 9 o'clock. Obviously, I'm not going to class today. Not that I particularly wanted to. Last night's notifications appeared on the screen. Missed calls from Lisa and Mel, and a bunch of messages. Mel and I would talk later. I owe her an explanation for what happened between me and Lisa, and at least I can vent my feelings to her. On the other hand, I opened the chat with Lisa.

Lisa: "Vicky, please pick me up."

Lisa: "I didn't want it to happen."

Lisa: "He means nothing to me."

Lisa: "It's just... We need to talk."

Lisa: "We can't avoid the obvious anymore."

Lisa: "It's pointless to keep denying what's going on between us."

Lisa: "Just call me, I'm very worried."

Lisa: "I hope you're home and you won't do something we'll both regret."

"What's happening between us?"

"As far as I can remember, you said there was nothing."

I wrote to Mel that I was fine and not to worry about calling her later. Then I turned off the notifications and left the phone on the bed, thinking I had to find Michael. I looked in the mirror - I was still wearing the dress, my hair was slightly disheveled, and the makeup... No comment. I left the room and found myself in the hallway.

"Michael?" I cried gently. "Mike?" I repeated.

He appeared from the living room, looking at me carefully. "Hey," he said with a slight smile. "You woke up."


"How are you?" he asked with a slight smile.

"A little better," I tried to answer him cheerfully.

"Are you hungry? I made pancakes," he suggested, and I followed him to the kitchen. It was part of the large room connected to the living room.

"Actually, I'm not going to refuse," I replied as we sat opposite each other. He had already served everything - pancakes, several kinds of jam, chocolate, chopped fruit, even had cream and bacon.

"Thank you for yesterday. I... I'm sorry that..." I started, but he wouldn't let me finish.

"It's okay," he said. "But what happened? You... She hardly spoke, she was thoughtful, she looked like you were going to cry, and you were very tired. At one point, he just fell asleep."

"Yeah, I don't remember when I fell asleep and how I got into your bed." We laughed because the last part didn't sound much... that's right.

"I couldn't leave you on the couch," he said.

"Thank you!" I smiled. "And I'm sorry you're dealing with me right now, you should have been in lectures."

"I didn't want to go anyway," he assured me. "But... I've never seen you like this, so... Depressed. I don't know."

"It's about a girl," I finally said. Still, he deserves to at least know what happened after he did this for me and tried to make me feel better without knowing what had actually happened.

"It has to be serious. I thought that... You don't have a boyfriend," it sounded a little awkward.

"She's not my boyfriend," I replied. "It's hard and long to explain. Simply... I thought something was going on between us, and yesterday I saw her kissing someone else,... It definitely hurt."

"I guess I really... You have strong feelings for her."

"It doesn't matter anymore. I think it all ended yesterday... Not that it started, but... A long story. It wouldn't have worked anyway."

"The loss is all hers. I'm promised that that boy can't even compare himself to you," he tried again to make me feel better.

"Yes... I'll be fine though, nothing much happened," I smiled again and continued to eat. "It's delicious by the way."

"I'm glad!" he smiled.


My day went as usual, I guess. The morning after breakfast, Michael and I talked a little, and then I got a cab and went home. I went into my room and decided to take a long hot bath. That was exactly what I needed after everything that happened. The water fell on my body, calming me down.

When Melanie finished her lectures, we got in touch and told her about everything that had happened. I knew Lisa had already told her part of the story, but I wanted to give her my point of view. After all, Mel was on Lisa's side. She thought I should give things a chance and not be so biased. For too long, I was convinced that nothing would happen between us. But this conversation failed to dissuade me. I don't really feel ready for a boyfriend, especially when it comes to Lisa, which complicates everything.

However, in general, I feel... strangely. I'm certainly better than yesterday, I don't cry every time I think of her. I watched half a season of a series on Netflix and planned on getting dinner, but something is still missing. I can't exactly explain what it is. Even though my day went pretty normal, I feel like something is missing.

I decided to check my Instagram messages after not looking at them all day. I didn't find anything interesting, mainly posts related to yesterday's show. But I decided to see if Lisa had responded to my messages from the morning. At first I paused my chat notifications, intending to ignore her, but my curiosity got the better of me. I opened the chat and saw her reply.

Lisa: We both know what's going on.

Lisa: I told you nothing was happening because you wanted it to end. I decided that... maybe it's not mutual and you don't feel the same way, but that definitely gave you away yesterday, more than ever before.

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