Chapter 33

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Two weeks later

Victoria's point of view

Christmas vacation  officially started yesterday and I was relieved to finally be back home in Arizona. I haven't spoken to Lisa, and as far as I know she's back with the girls two days after we last saw her, at the studio. I'm still keeping my promise to give her time, and I've been pretty busy studying lately and haven't had much time to distract myself.

It's about 5 a.m. in New York and I just got on the plane. I'm expecting a 6-hour flight to Arizona, so I'll try to get at least another three hours. I can't wait to land, see my parents and go outside, where the temperature will be about 30 degrees, not like here, where they are currently -4.

Naomi's coming home tomorrow morning, so I won't see her today, but we're going to spend two weeks together and I'm happy about that.

In about five minutes we took off. I played music on my headphones and leaned comfortably. I tried to sleep, but I didn't get it. I had already been awake, and I hadn't even had coffee just to get some sleep during the flight. After a while, a flight attendant passed by to offer passengers a drink or something to eat. I ended up ordering a cappuccino and a sandwich. I still listened to music until one of Lisa's songs started. I had recently come across an article about this song and speculation was that it was for Park. I stopped the music and took off my headphones.

"Here you come for your cappuccino, your sandwich, and the latest issue of Vogue magazine," he serves me the stuff. I saw that she was giving out the magazine to everyone. I was about to take a sip of my coffee when I noticed the cover of the magazine they had distributed to all the passengers. There was an image of Lisa and Rose from a new photo shoot. I decided to look at the magazine, and there I saw their ad for the new Adidas collection. It was just a short text that described them as an amazing combination and emphasized that no one else could present this collection in a way that they did. For now, I just closed the magazine and flipped it around to see the back cover.

4 hours later

It was almost 9 a.m. here in Arizona, and I just got off the plane. Now I just picked up my luggage and headed to one of the airport exits where my parents were supposed to meet me. When I saw them, I ran joyfully to them.

"Vicky!" they called and hugged me.

"I missed you very much!" I said, and after a while we separated from the embrace.

"You too!" replied Mom.

"How was the flight?" Dad asked me, taking my suitcase as well as the jacket I was carrying and we headed for their car.

"Okay," I replied, though I wasn't sure if that was true or false.

"Aren't you hot?" Mom pointed to my winter jacket that I had put on. She was wearing a summer dress, and Dad was wearing a T-shirt and shorts.

"In New York at night it was -4 degrees. I couldn't come in shorts." - I laughed. My father left my luggage in the trunk and the three of us got in the car. We headed home.

"How does it feel to come back here?" Dad asked, looking at me through the mirror.

"Nice! In fact, I'm even more excited now to be here than when I traveled. Somehow summer time just makes me happier, I don't know how to explain it. Winter in New York is very depressing."

"Now you're going to enjoy the warm weather for two weeks," Mom assured me.

We talked about different things all the way home. When we entered our neighborhood, it was somewhat reassuring. I was home, I felt like I was in my place. I really didn't realize how much I missed it here. We finally stopped in front of our house. Everything was the same, just the way I like it.

"Welcome home!" my dad opened the front door and I walked in first and they followed. My dad took the stuff up to my room and my mom and I went to sit on the couch in the living room.

"Are you hungry?"

"No." I shook my head.

"Something to drink then?" suggested Mum.

"Do you have any homemade lemonade?", I asked her.

"Of course!" she smiled and got up from the couch. He went to the kitchen.

"Girls, I'm going out and I'll see you for dinner. "Dad came down from upstairs. He was wearing a tuxedo.

"Wait! Where are you going? I thought we were going to spend the day together. "I got up and went over to him.

"My vacation starts tomorrow and I'm at work today. I'm sorry honey, I tried to sneak out so I could see you, but I just don't have a choice." she smiled sadly.

"So... what do you want to do today?" my mom asked, handing me a glass of homemade lemonade. - "We can go for a walk outside, go shopping, go to the pool or stay in."

"I'd rather stay home today. We can sit in the garden and talk," I suggested.

"Okay." she agreed.

"Just to get up and change. I'll be right there," I said, and she went out into the backyard and I went upstairs. I walked into my room and looked around. Everything was as I had left it. I decided not to open the suitcase now and look for clothes, but to get some from the wardrobe here. I decided to wear a floral summer dress, I hadn't worn a dress recently and it was really hot outside so it seemed appropriate. I also put on my sandals and tied my hair in a high ponytail. I picked up the phone and went downstairs. I went out to the yard and sat next to Mom on the wooden bench in the garden.

"Now tell me how it is in New York, how are the lectures, any boy?" he grinned.

"I like New York, I definitely didn't get disappointed, the lectures are interesting and I didn't make a mistake with my choice to study fashion design, I've always liked that. Boy..." maybe now was the time to tell her about Lisa. I've been meaning to do it while I'm here and it's convenient that Dad isn't around right now. Not that I won't tell him, but I'd rather talk to Mom about it first.

"I'm listening."

"Well... if I told you you wouldn't believe it," I laughed.

"Vicky. . . ?" she raised an eyebrow and looked at me strangely.

"It all started back in the summer...", I started to tell her. At first she was quite surprised, but she believed me. Well, I had to show her a few pictures of us and some of our chats, but she still believed it. But she also thinks I need to figure out what I want, or rather both of us need to figure it out, because after all Lisa confuses me sometimes too. Maybe I'll call her these days. We need to talk."

"You both need to figure out what you want, because it's important anyway. Don't worry about the challenges, they make us stronger."

Then we sat on the bench, hugged, and continued to talk. In that moment I felt that my mother was by my side, supporting me in my new endeavors and in the love I found in Lisa.

It was a relaxing evening, but not for me. My parents were already asleep, but I still didn't feel like sleeping. I went into my room and took a shower to refresh myself after the long day. Then I put on my pajamas , which consisted of shorts and a tank top, and settled on my stomach in bed. I turned on my laptop and started looking at stuff on Twitter. Lisa had shared a few photos from her photo shoot. Should I call Lisa right now? But maybe it's too late. I doubted he was sleeping. Still, maybe it would have been better not to rush. Although it's been two weeks... Despite these musings, I picked up my phone. I thought for a moment, but finally dialed her number. No one picked up the phone. I understood her. I decided to just go back to my bed. I didn't want to look at social media. I needed a break. During these days here in Arizona, I wanted to focus on my family, friends and of course, me.


Happy Holidays to all

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