A Family and A Friend

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The three of them—Taehyun, Hyo-Joo, and In-Sung—gathered inside the supermarket, the air charged with a blend of familiarity and shared understanding. Taehyun took the lead in addressing the unspoken dynamics among them.

"Alright," Taehyun began, a smile playing on his lips. "Now that we all know everything we need to know about each other, let's work comfortably together from now on."

In-Sung and Hyo-Joo exchanged nods, a silent agreement to move forward with transparency. Taehyun continued, "And if anyone needs help, we help each other out. But let's keep it separate from covering supermarket duties, okay?"

A collective laughter erupted in response. In-Sung, feeling the need to address his past troubles, apologized once again. "I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused."

Taehyun, dismissing the apology with a wave, reassured him, "Water under the bridge. Let's move forward, shall we?"

The atmosphere lightened, and Taehyun encouraged, "Alright, let's get this meeting done and start the day." With cheerful affirmations, they all stood up, ready to tackle the day ahead.

Taehyun walked to the entrance, flipping the "Closed" sign to "Open" with a theatrical flourish. The gesture marked not only the opening of the supermarket but also a symbolic beginning for their renewed understanding and collaboration. As the door swung open, a fresh start awaited them, and they stepped into the day with newfound camaraderie.

Amidst the busy supermarket, Hyo-Joo deftly worked the cashier, In-Sung efficiently prepared ingredients, and Taehyun greeted customers at the meat shop. The day unfolded with a steady flow of people, and the trio engaged each customer with warmth and enthusiasm.

The plush conference room at the Jo company was steeped in an air of formality as Woo-Sung found himself in a tête-à-tête with Mr. Min, the former boss of Hyo-Joo. Mr. Min, his demeanor exuding polite enthusiasm, greeted Woo-Sung with a nod of the head and a remark that expressed the unexpected nature of their one-on-one conversation.

"Vice President Jo Woo-Sung, I must say, I never thought I'd have the honor of a personal conversation with you," Mr. Min's words were measured, his eyes reflecting a blend of respect and curiosity.

Woo-Sung, the one and only Vice President, couldn't resist a smirk. "Well, here we are, Mr. Min. Let's get straight to it. How are the employees under you doing these days?"

A nervous undertone colored Mr. Min's response, "They are doing great, Vice President."

Woo-Sung's smirk deepened, "Funny, because I heard otherwise. It seems there's a talent drain in your department. People are leaving, and not for the right reasons. Care to enlighten me?"

A palpable tension settled in the room as Mr. Min stammered, "I... I have no idea what you're talking about. We've had some challenges, but we're managing."

Leaning forward, Woo-Sung's gaze bore into Mr. Min. "Don't play games with me. I'm concerned about the number of employees leaving from your department. The reasons are consistent, and I don't want the company's image tarnished because of someone like you."

Mr. Min, a veteran of 20 years in the company, attempted to assert himself, "I have no idea what you're talking about. I've dedicated two decades to this company."

Unexpected Business Serendipity || Jo In-Sung x Han Hyo-JooWhere stories live. Discover now