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As In-Sung listened to Hyo-Joo's stories of past relationships, he couldn't help but offer his perspective. "It's because you're kind and soft, Hyo-Joo," he remarked, his gaze sincere.

Hyo-Joo, with a thoughtful expression, admitted, "I don't want to see people hurt because of me. That's why I always try my best to make them feel loved."

In-Sung, leaning back on the seesaw, shared his wisdom, "The next time you fall in love, be true to your feelings. Let your emotions out so you won't feel suffocated."

Hyo-Joo nodded in agreement, "You're right, I should."

Recalling Il-Woo's earlier advice about chasing happiness, In-Sung agreed, "You should, especially after all you've been through and worked hard for."

Unexpectedly, In-Sung then confessed, "You know, if a person is happiness, it's you." Hyo-Joo, caught off guard, was momentarily speechless. In-Sung continued, "You always put smiles on the people around you. That makes you happiness itself."

Grateful for his kind words, Hyo-Joo smiled and reciprocated, "Thank you, In-Sung. You, too, are a source of happiness, filling the stomachs of people with your great food."

In-Sung chuckled and thanked her, and they shared a moment of laughter, the connection between them deepening. Walking towards her house, they reached the familiar doorstep.

As they bid farewell, Hyo-Joo spoke softly, "Chase your happiness, wherever you are."

In-Sung, touched by the sincerity, replied, "I will."

Hyo-Joo, with a warm smile, said her goodbyes once again. The night wrapped around them, leaving them with the shared understanding that happiness could be found in unexpected places and moments.

The next morning arrived, and In-Sung and Taehyun stuck to their routine, heading to the market as early as usual. Taehyun, unlocking the door and flicking on the lights, suddenly recalled that Hyo-Joo would be out of town that day, heading to Seoul for some personal business. He turned to In-Sung, saying, "Hey, In-Sung, just a reminder. Hyo-Joo's in Seoul today, so we won't see her around."

In-Sung nodded, understanding the situation. However, a subtle worry crept into his thoughts. Throughout the morning and into the lunch rush, In-Sung couldn't shake the feeling of something missing. The usual vibrant energy of the market seemed subdued, and the absence of Hyo-Joo's presence left an unexpected void. Each interaction with customers felt a bit less lively than usual, and In-Sung found himself glancing at the clock, counting down the hours until Hyo-Joo's return. The day stretched on, marked by a subtle unease that lingered in the air.

In the Jo Company office in the city, Hyo-Joo found herself in a meeting with Mr. Jang, the HR officer. Mr. Jang began with reassuring news, "Ms. Han Hyo-Joo, I wanted to let you know that Vice President Jo himself has resolved your case."

Hearing this, a sense of relief washed over Hyo-Joo. "I'm thankful to Vice President Jo," she replied sincerely.

Mr. Jang nodded, "I'll make sure to relay your gratitude to him." He then shifted the conversation, "By the way, if you're interested, there's an opportunity for you to go back to a company. You'd be in the same department as your friend, Ms. Han So-Hee."

Initially considering the offer, Hyo-Joo felt a sense of familiarity and comfort in the idea. However, a realization struck her – there was something significant she had left behind in Jeolla-Do. With a hint of regret, she apologized, "I appreciate the offer, but I still don't want to return to my corporate life."

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