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So I decided to play Oblivion for the first time in years. I started up a new character and started up with a quest in the Shivering Isles. I came upon the New Sheoth Graveyard. The tombstones read several things. I only saw a few, but I'll write down them all (most from ). I don't know descriptions of all of them, but I'll write the ones I know.

Ahjazda (the Khajiit woman that thought the world would end):
In memory of Ahjazda. The world wasn't coming to an end -- only her.

Amiable Fanriene (the man who thought the walls would fall down on him):
Amiable Fanriene, fallen before the walls did.

Bhisha (the Khajiit male who loved dogs):

1. In memory of Bhisha. Killed because he loved dogs.

2. In memory of sweet, harmless Bhisha.

Big Head (the Argonian male who wanted you to find the Fork of Horripilation):
In memory of Big Head. Completely Forked.

Blaise Sette:
Here lies Blaise Sette. Faster than the wind, dumber than a stump.

Bolwing (the Wood Elf beggar who spoke gibberish to everyone):
I think his name was Bolwing.

Brithaur (the Wood Elf that stole from just about everyone):
In the end, his last breath was stolen from him.

Caldana Monrius (the skooma addict):
Caldana Monrius' last words: 'Bring some skooma to my wake!'.

The Cutter (the Crucible blacksmith who liked to cut things/people apart):
In memory of Cutter. She enjoyed every cut to the last. And she enjoyed that one the most. It cut her spirit free.

Dumag gro-Bonk (the Bliss Orcish smith who had a little girl's demeanor/mindset):
In honor of Dumag gro-Bonk. He made killing things fun again.

Earil (the spellshop owner who was entirely obsessed with documenting time):

He taught us to make the seconds count before we close our eyes.

Endarie (presumably an Altmer female):
Remember Endarie. One day she will rise and take her vengeance.

Fimmion (The Wood Elf who constantly asked for sweetrolls):
Fimmion died hungry, or at least he thought he was.

Gloorolros (the false beggar who loved sticks and tried to sell them to passerby):
In memory of Gloorolros. Sticks and stones broke his bones.

Helene the Deaf. She never heard it coming.

Hirrus Clutumnus (The man who asks you to kill him):
Hirrus Clutumnus never felt like he fit in anywhere. He fits in a coffin quite nicely, now.

Lob gro-Murgob:
Lob gro-Murgob died. We ate him and buried the bones here.

Mazaddha (the Khajiit male who sought random things he thought he owned):
Mazaddha found that which he did not seek -- the sharp end of a blade.

Meehn Half-Tail:
May your spirit swim forever, Meehn Half-Tail.

Muurine (the Dunmer woman who loved gossip):
Muurine rests with the knowledge that her death provides much gossip.

Orinthal (the Redguard ex-assassin who is obsessed with numbers and calculations):
Numbers matter no more, for Orinthal has found eternity.

Ranesta lies here, covered in glory and dirt.

Raven Biter (the Argonian male who was paranoid about others sleeping with his wife):
In memory of Raven Biter. He was one crazy son of a bitch.

Rendil Drarara (the Dunmer male chef who offers you glass):
He's cooked his last meal.

Sheer Meedish (Raven Biter's wife, a well-known drinker):
Beloved wife and loyal drinking companion.

Sickly Bernice (the woman who insisted she was sick):
This time, she was right.

Sontaire (the whore):
Finally, Sontaire sleeps alone.

Thaedil (the Wood Elf female juggler right outside Bliss):
In memory of Thaedil. A juggler beyond compare, at least in her own mind.

Tilse Areleth (Dunmer woman who collects junk):
She couldn't take it with her.

Tove the Unrestful (the man who demands calipers and tongs to build a skyboat):
In memory of Tove the Unrestful. His works completed, may he finally find rest.

Una Armina (the owner of House of Oddities):
In memory of Una Armina, a true Oddity.

Ushnar gro-Shadborgob (the Orc male who took care of dogs constantly):
He asked to be buried with his beloved dog. Oh, well.

Uungor (the man who wanted to leave New Sheoth)
Uungor finally got out of the city. Sheogorath watch over his spirit.

Vien Brenenus:
Vien Brenenus. Noble but poor.

Vilval Telaram:
Vilval Telaram was thrown in this hole.

Wide-Eye (the Argonian female who was the Duke of Mania's steward):
In memory of Wide-Eye. May all her children prosper.


So, that's all the tombstones. It's pretty interesting, and I love how creative they were with the descri-- HOLY SHIT WHAT THE HELL?!

She plans to kill us in our sleep and eat our children. I knew she was evil...

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