OC Summaries

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Here is a complete (maybe) collection of my characters. I will list their names, books, and important info about them. Be well aware that they've been through some shit.


Name: Russet
Nickname(s): Russ, lass, Russet Nightingale
Game base: Skyrim
Parents: Unknown/not mentioned
Age (in main story): 29
Gender: Female
Race: Nord
Significant other: Brynjolf
Children: Karliah (Kary), Regina
--Eye color: Blue
--Hair color/length: Long and red, occasionally pulled back into a braid
--Skin color: Pale
--Notable marks/scars: Scar on her cheek from a skirmish with a dragon
Alliance(s): Thieves' Guild, Companions, Nightingale, Dovahkiin
Notable beliefs: She deserves the utmost respect often without earning it, Talos, freedom for all
Skills: Swordfighting, lockpicking, remaining unseen
Strengths: Convincing people to do her bidding, sneaking, fighting
Weaknesses: Family
Hobbies: Reading, smithing
Personality: Fiery and loyal, likes to have her own way. Often charges into a fight without thinking and makes impulse decisions. Often unfriendly and hostile.
Likes: Success, winning an argument
Dislikes: Anyone trying to one-up her, criticism
History: Russet's family was slaughtered by the Thalmor, leaving her to tossed back and forth between them until she killed each and every one to escaped. She became a member of the Companions before learning of her dragonblood. She joined the Thieves' Guild and built it back up before becoming a Nightingale. Her journey to later find three Elder Scrolls brought her to give up the life of an adventurer until she found a desire to end the war. Russet joined the forces of both Stormcloaks and Imperials to drive the Thalmor from Skyrim and destroy their influence and power over the rest of Tamriel. When she had her children, she was thought to have favored her firstborn regardless of the untruth, hating herself when her secondborn Regina turned down a dark path.
Secrets: She loved Brynjolf from the first despite her own denial. She somewhat wishes she had never joined the Guild, regretting she could not be an honorable savior.
Extra: Holds grudges for extended amounts of time. Difficult to earn her trust and nigh impossible to regain if lost. 

Name: Regina
Nickname(s): None
Game base: Oblivion/Shivering Isles expansion/Skyrim
Parents: Russet and Brynjolf
Age (in main story): 22
Gender: Female
Race: Nord
Significant other: Sheogorath/Jyggalag
Children: None
--Eye color: Blue
--Hair color/length: Long shining black wavy hair
--Skin color: Pale
--Notable marks/scars: None
Alliance(s): College of Winterhold, Court of Madness
Notable beliefs: She is unlovable, everything will be taken from her
Skills: Magic (particularly Destruction), command
Strengths: Magic duels, mind tests and puzzles
Weaknesses: Love, self-hatred
Hobbies: Reading, practicing magic, hiking through the Shivering Isles
Personality: Self-loathing, dark, domineering, willing to kill to achieve her goals
Likes: Power
Dislikes: Feeling weak or underappreciated
History: Always felt second-best to her older sister Kary, the most admired of the great Russet's children. She is very intelligent but has poor judgment. This led to her casting a spell to send herself back in time, ending up in a tangle with the Madgod of the Shivering Isles.
Secrets: She has contemplated killing her parents when they failed to encourage her in favor of Kary and often thinks she was a replacement for Sheogorath's first love. She regrets falling in love with Sheogorath in guilt that she caused his death-- twice.
Extra: Once she has something she wants, she will refuse to let go regardless of its worth. 

Name: Karliah
Nickname(s): Kary
Game base: Skyrim
Parents: Russet and Brynjolf
Age (in main story): 26
Gender: Female
Race: Nord
Significant other: (TBA)
Children: None
--Eye color: Gray
--Hair color/length: Shoulder-length red hair
--Skin color: Pale
--Notable marks/scars: Cut on her palm from a sparring incident
Alliance(s): Court of Solitude
Notable beliefs: Talos
Skills: Swordfighting, strength
Strengths: Emotion control, confidence
Weaknesses: Family in jeopardy, pride
Hobbies: Sparring, playing the lute
Personality: Very self-assured, comfortable in her own skin. Friendly at first, but will easily turn against someone if they prove to be untrustworthy
Likes: Taking walks in the forest, swimming
Dislikes: Being unable to best an opponent in a physical fight
History: Growing up as the supposed favorite of her parents, she shadowed her younger sister Regina. Kary is the strongest of the two sisters, relying on brawn over brains.
Secrets: She enjoyed being favored over Regina by the Court and passerby.
Extra: Karliah took great pride in her fighting prowess and often picked fights just to prove her strength.

Name: Trinne
Nickname(s): None
Game base: Skyrim
Parents: Unknown, father (TBA)
Age (in main story): 26
Gender: Female
Race: Nord
Significant other: (TBA)
Children: None
--Eye color: Blue
--Hair color/length: Shoulder-length golden-blonde hair
--Skin color: Lightly tanned
--Notable marks/scars: Scar on lip from a skirmish with a troll, red tattoo on her face of a swirl
Alliance(s): Companions, Circle, Greybeards, werewolves
Notable beliefs: Intense belief in Talos, despises the Thalmor, freedom is incredibly important
Skills: Wielding one-handed weapons with a shield
Strengths: Leading, extreme loyalty
Weaknesses: Lack of ability to control temper, charges in without thinking, kills any Thalmor she runs across
Hobbies: Exploring ancient ruins
Personality: Trinne is honest to a fault and very loyal. She loves the heat of battle and power. She would give her life for her friends in a heartbeat.
Likes: Truth and anything that could lead her to the identity of her father
Dislikes: Manipulation, lies
History: Trinne has spent nearly her entire life searching all of Tamriel for clues on her father, who was absent in her youth. Her love for honor drove her to the Companions, where she befriended Farkas and Aela. Vilkas was a rival for quite some time, trying to convince her to give up lycanthropy later in her life. The discovery of her Dragonborn skills gave her a power complex for a while, breaking the connections with her friends. After finally learning humbleness and modesty, she managed to earn back their trust. She took a lover from the Companions though never married him. 
Secrets: She wishes her father had not abandoned her as a child and blames him for her faults.
Extra: Trinne never stopped looking for her father, eliminating anything that stood in her way. 

Name: Eryn Turner
Nickname(s): Turner, lass, assassin
Game base: Assassin's Creed 4
Parents: Elias Turner and Elizabeth Swann (*puts on sunglasses* Deal with it)
Age (in main story): 29
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Significant other: Duncan Walpole (fiance, deceased), (TBA)
Children: Henry (deceased)
--Eye color: Dark golden
--Hair color/length: Fine, long dark brown
--Skin color: Lightly tanned
--Notable marks/scars: Scars on her neck, cheek, arm, and back from her father
Alliance(s): Assassin's Brotherhood
Notable beliefs: The world is cruel and full of darkness, people are inherently evil, drunks and abusers should be killed, freedom is a necessary part of life, justice must be dealt out
Skills: Staying to the shadows, swordfighting, assassinations
Strengths: Blending in, finding people who have done wrong, immense desire for knowledge
Weaknesses: Immense desire for knowledge, will do anything to get her revenge, never lets go of a grudge
Hobbies: Practicing her fighting skills
Personality: Very self-righteous, is very poor at following orders. Her dark past has given her a natural aversion to affection. She often questions the loyalty of others and does not trust easily.
Likes: Being in charge and bending others to her will, truthfulness
Dislikes: Liars, abusers, drunks, sexual encounters, weakness
History: Eryn was raised in a very poor household, losing her mother to sickness at the age of eight. Her father was an abusive drunk while she survived off grass and insects. She resorted to stealing food to try and get a proper meal. Eryn's father sold her into sex trafficking when she was sixteen, taking the money from her forced prostitution to buy alcohol. After other jobs fell through at the age of nineteen, she voluntarily (albeit reluctantly) chose prostitution over starving to death. She fell pregnant and loved her child immensely. Eryn named him Henry, though she feared she could not properly support him. After leaving him with her father for a single hour, she returned to find Elias had smothered the infant. The heartbroken Eryn took her revenge by stabbing Elias through the neck, leaving her town behind. She dealt justice upon those whose actions reflected that of Elias, only getting caught when she killed the mayor of a town. She escaped with the help of Duncan Walpole and joined the Assassin's Brotherhood. She became engaged to Duncan four years later, becoming enraged when Edward Kenway killed him. Eryn tracked Kenway down for eight months, later reluctantly joining forces to find out the truth about Duncan's disloyalty to the Creed.
Secrets: She cannot be around babies due to her father's actions. Eryn often wishes for death so she may be reunited with Henry.
Extra: Eryn is very adamant about decisions she makes, and any breaking of a vow is abhorrent to her. She swears frequently and easily becomes seasick. 

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