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What's that, TheRussetNightingale? You say there's a new book being put into place? What?! It could be any of TWO SUBJECTS?! WHAT'S THAT, TRN?! THERE ARE SOMEHOW SPOILERS IN THIS CHAPTER OVER DAWNGUARD?!?!?!?!?! Also, I kind of stop being serious 1/3 of the way into this notification. Sorry.

Note: EVENTUALLY, once I complete Beautiful Insanity (which is nearing its end) and finish my edit of Moonlight's Embrace, I'll either focus on a Companions story or the Dawnguard story. It'll depend on what you all want.

1. The Companions

-The Companions story will have a new character and get into the main questline a bit. It'll be SOMEWHAT similar to Moonlight's Embrace in the sense that it's both adventure and a bit of a romance story. <3 It has a bit of romance, a bit of fun, and a hell of a lot of new stuff. It's basically got one main character and will be more adventure-centered.


Trinne: (Name not set in stone) Blonde hair, dark golden eyes. A strong-hearted, loyal, and very moral lass, she's searched for her father all her life over every province in Tamriel. After hearing of his possible location in Skyrim, she joins up with the Companions in the hope that they can help her find him. She's also got something that no one has figured out... not even her. Who will unlock it?

Russet: You know who she is :) Red hair, blue eyes, Dovahkiin! Okay, this is shameless promoting. Russet isn't really going to be in the story much at all, it's more mentioning of back when Russet was only in the Companions, then when she returns briefly.

Farkas: FARKAS IS MY HOMEDOG (Get it? Homedog? Home? Dog? Dog? Eh, humor is lost on the sane.)

Vilkas: VILKAS IS A DICK (Get it? No? Yeah, there's no attachment other than he really is a dickhead.)

JustnameoneoftheCompanionsandthey'reinthebook: Oh, yeah, this character is a fuckin' BOSS! SO aweSOMe bRO! :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O :O YOU CAN'T COMPREHEND THIS CHARACTER'S BAWSSOMENESS (Get it? See what I did there? Boss and awesomeness? I said them both? Combined them into one word that was a play on words? A pun? FUCKING HELL, HUMOR IS LOST ON THE SANE!)

2. Dawnguard

The Dawnguard questline will involve a group instead of a single person. Snow Elves, vampires and Lord Harkon, oh my! It's about what happened the first year that Russet was away from the Guild. There's just about nothing romantic in this story, other than... well, never mind. Leave it be.

It's a literal terrifying kind of romance. I don't know if it'll come to fruition, but have you ever... been scared of being near someone, yet couldn't bear to be away? That's exactly what it is/would be.


Russet: You all know who she is :) Yes, she's a main character in here. Probably. WEREWOLF.

Serana: Brown hair, green eyes (as a human). The beautiful and intriguing vampiress, daughter of Lord Harkon, awesomely voiced and best female in the Skyrim game plus a LOYAL MOTHERSHIT ON A FROOT LOOP sorry, I got distracted.

Meresim: White hair, frost-blue eyes. A mysterious elven female with an unknown past, who knows what's going on in her head? Violence is abhorrent to her, but what happens when she's surrounded by dozens of her own bloodthirsty kind?

Asher: Black hair, dark brown eyes (until the vampirism), red facepaint that trails from her eyes. A Breton sorceress, full of nothing but hate and cruelty. She'll kill anyone who provokes her or even annoys her in the slightest. How much worse will this evil woman be when she's gained otherworldly magic from the most powerful vampire to have ever existed?

Lord Harkon: Brown hair, yellow eyes. The legendary lord of Volkihar Castle, he's spent countless years trying to solve a prophecy to blot out the sun and bend each human to his will. Can he change for his daughter, or is this father doomed to die at her hands?

Gelebor: That one Snow Elf pisshead, who cares what he even looks like?

OthervampiresandDawnguardmembersbutreallywhocaresaboutthem: I'M NOT EVEN GONNA BOTHER BECAUSE I'M TIRED AND WANNA END THIS SHIT

(Note, I base my characters on my life fairly often. I hate my father since he manipulated and used me/my entire family all my life, so it's unlikely that Lord Harkon is gonna change. The day that dickmouth of a father of mine changes is the day that Harkon will. Hey, there's still a chance.)

((Note: No, there's not.))

(NOTE #73821748914981774593748573984578937589453758934789763704576894589347953845987348509704958734896879467302985789387574375894375287509285928590856437043763844850936843089038095395587903587943848968930753485374538465735840938502295820931415926535897932384626433832759, I also have to write my *mumbles* ssnscrdfcbtnbdywllrdtdsptthfcttssqltmthrn...))

(((NOtE NUMBER INFUCKINFINITY, all you have to do to figure out the mumbles is figure out what vowels to put in there. That's just the consonants.)))


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