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Alrighty! I've got about a million book ideas SWIMMIN' AROUND IN MY HEAD LIKE A FACKIN' SLAUGHTERFISH ASS!

I didn't take my Vyvanse.

Okay. Whaddya want after Beautiful Insanity's finished? We ARE nearing the end, ladies and gentlemen. I predict the end will happen... mm, sometime within the next few da-- years. Definitely years. KIDDING. (Focus, Kat. Random does not equal funny.) 

What would you guys like to see once BI is done? I just asked that...

-Companions/Main quest fic

-Oblivion era main quest fic

-Dark Brotherhood fic

-Beautiful Insanity sequel (are we gonna stretch it?)

-When the Black Flag Rises sequel (remember, that cool AC4 one nobody reads? D': I have a good idea for a sequel...)

-Updates to F*** These Goddamn Nintendogs

-Dawnguard fic

-Pokemon fic


C'mon, guyssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.................

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