1- "Just a normal day until..."

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Everyday Britney walk the same route to school, nothing every changes about it, not even the music she plays, that being Busted. Sometimes McFly, sometimes Son Of Dork and sometimes, even McBusted. Can you see a pattern? Yes. They all have James Bourne in them, excluding McFly. But even James has written for McFly.

I want you Britney,
I need you here with me.
You know that I won't stop until I've got you.
I want you Britney.

Britney's music was cut off by a text alert. She pulled it out of her pocket and looked down slightly annoyed that it cut off her favourite song.

It was from Jenny.

'Britney! Guess what?' Jenny's texts always started with her name, she would know it was Jenny texting her without caller ID, but then again no one else texts her. She never liked it when people shorten her name to Brit, mainly teachers do. That's not what her name, she would think 'my mum didn't name me Brit she named me Britney.' And Britney also liked to think, or dream that the song is written about her.

'Let me guess, a guy has asked you out?' Britney replied, Jenny had at least five guys ask her out a week and she says no every time, they never get the message and they come back a week later with a new pickup line. And so the circle repeats itself.

'Well yes but that's not what I wanted to tell you' she sent Britney and then another text came through again, 'Have you heard about the new music teach? Xx' She never double texted, she hated it, Britney never seen the problem with it. One thing she did hate was the kisses at the end of the messages. Britney was surprised at how fast she had replied, to say she's always on the bloody thing. She didn't text back as she was at the school gates now.

"Hey Britney" Jenny sang.

"I was just listening to that!" Britney said and Jenny laughed, Britney smiled. "So who's that guy that asked you out? Is it Greasy Jimmy again?" She asked looking a little disgusted.

"Oh gosh no!" Jenny pretended to shiver, "It was the football player with the blonde quiff," she pointed in the direction of the football team.

"Jenny, if you haven't noticed there are at least ten guys with blonde quiffs" Britney stated sarcastically.

"Oh yeah" She laughed; she was acting dumb again as she waved at them while we walked by, "I think his name's Jay" she added quietly.

"Oh my gosh, Jennifer! You don't even know his name!" Britney laughed, while raising her voice a little.

"Please don't call me by my first name" She said, "and the only reason why I don't know his name is because he walked away before I could ask" Jenny said, pointing to Britney, then carried on talking, "He was so nervous that after he asked he walked away" she laughed a little but there was a sadness in her eyes. Britney personally feel sorry for some of the boys. Jenny can be horrible to them if she doesn't like them, half the time she didn't. That probably explained why the poor guy ran away.

As they walked through the crowded hall, Britney heard various words being whispered or even shouted at her. 'Mentalist' being the most common one today. Jenny couldn't hear it as much as Britney could. Today they had Music lesson all day. They both hated it because they didn't have their normal teacher, Miss Mackenzie. Britney thought that was so weird, she couldn't look at her without singing What I Go To School For. The supplies they normally had weren't very good; they didn't know what to teach them.

Jenny and Britney walked into the classroom and straight away Jenny left Britney for her other friends. Britney didn't blame her, she would too if she was in Jenny's situation. But Britney probably wouldn't choose Jenny's friends. So as per usual Britney carried on walking to the back of the room in the corner and sat down. She liked it at the back because then you could hear what people were saying about you, not in a good way, unfortunately for Britney and then people couldn't throw things at you without making it really obvious, or stick things on your back. Britney's phone buzzed again, it was another text from Jenny.

'Sorry Hun, you know I would change it if I could. Do you want me to sit with you?' Britney hated it when Jenny called her Hun, she only does it when she felt sorry for Britney.

'I don't mind. Need to concentrate today, dads coming home' Britney texted her back, Britney looked up and seen Jenny staring at her. Jenny smiled and looked at her phone and her smile dropped and she went over to Britney.

"Why didn't you tell me your dad was coming home?" Jenny whisper shouted to Britney, while crouching down next to the desk

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"Why didn't you tell me your dad was coming home?" Jenny whisper shouted to Britney, while crouching down next to the desk. She knew Britney didn't want people to know even more about her personal life than they already did.

"I just didn't think it was important, you should get back to your friends before they come over and start shit because I don't need it today" Britney fired back at her, she was annoyed at Britney, she never normally bothered with her when Britney brought her dad up in conversation.

"Alright Hun. I'm here if ya need me" Jenny said and walked off and sat back down with her friends. Again with the Hun. Britney thought and rolled her eyes. Britney put her headphones in and pressed shuffle. 3am started to play...

Britney sat in her room, silence had fell as soon as her Dad had slammed the front door. She was left in the house on her own. She wasn't sure if this would be her house for much longer, nothing was certain for her any more. Her mother had just died this morning. Her body couldn't cope with the cancer eating away at her and nothing, no treatment was working. Her mother was in a better place now, away from the pain, that's what Britney had to keep thinking to herself. Her dad did not take it well at all. He drank the day away. Britney cried the day away that was until her dad started to take his grief out on her. When he was drunk that was when he would hit her that was until he was sent away. But only for a while, not forever.

The bell rung out, snapping Jenny out of her memories. Britney was shaking and she wasn't able to pull her earphones out. But she would be okay; she repeated that as the song came to an end. She would be okay.

Britney kept her head down, but she new the teacher had walked in. She couldn't look up, she was concentrating on not shaking. Britney pulled out her earphones and stuffed them in her bag and placed her phone under her leg on the chair. A trick many people do in class.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm sorry but your stuck with me for a while now as your teacher is still away, but at least now you can begin to learn some music again" He laughed, the class mumbled in response. Britney knew that voice, she was still shaking and she didn't want to look up. "We'll start with the register so I can try and learn your names, I'm a bit rubbish at names so bare with me" He said and began saying names, Britney was glad she was at the bottom of the list because teachers didn't take notice of you. They would give up trying to remember people's names halfway through the register. "Britney Perry, are you here?"

"The freaks in the back corner" Toby butted in before Britney could answer for herself. So Britney kept her head down. She kept thinking how familiar the teachers voice was, but she just couldn't think who it was.

The teacher looked to Britney and then to Toby, he ticked her name off on the register, "Anyway, Toby you can take this to the main office and think about how you talk to people" He said harshly, holding the piece of paper out to him. He watched as Toby got up from his seat and walk to the front to get the paper, Britney mentally thanked the teacher for what he said. The teacher continued, "I should introduce myself, I'm your new music teacher, for now anyway" He paused for a moment, looking over the class, and then said, "I'm Mr Bourne."

(Disclaimer: Gif not mine, credit to owner)

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