17- "The Bikini"

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They didn't really know what to say to her, they didn't really know how she was feeling. Britney didn't know either, she thought she had been putting it all on but they more she tried to remember how her arm had gotten like that, and she couldn't. Perhaps she was making herself forget, that she knew she was doing but she didn't think it would work. Did she really want to write songs too? This was an after thought, she would ask herself this when she thought about what she couldn't remember. It was worrying her. In the car with her was Matt, who was in the back with her, with Tom and Danny in the front. Tom was driving, stealing glances at Britney in the mirror. It seemed he was the most worried.

They wanted to ask her how she was but something was stopping them, if it was them, they wouldn't want to be asked that question either. Matt's phone broke the silence, "hey babe." He said, it was Emma on the phone. "Are you-" Emma seemed to have cut him off with an answer before he asked. These were the bits that Britney heard, and then she turned her attention to the radio that was on low and continued to look out the window. Britney had seen the same houses and streets too much in the past couple days, she knew this route too well, the only thing different this time was that a Co-Op was closed. Once Matt put his phone in his, Tom turned the radio up a little more.

'And now your throwback tune, requested by Tommy. Here's 'Shine A Light' by McFly featuring Taio Cruz.' The radio presenter spoke, catching her attention again but she didn't smile. Matt tried something else, "how about we get in the pool when we get back?"

"Yeah, I'm roasting" Tom laughed, trying to lift the mood.

Britney wasn't so sure about going in the pool, for many reasons. But she would, as she didn't want to be rude, Harry had offered to give her that bikini for free. The others had gotten back before Britney, mainly because Danny insisted on buying them milkshakes. Britney had a strawberry one. Britney guessed the others were already outside, it was unusually hot for this time of the year and the guys were overly glad to have the pool. She headed upstairs; she was planning on flopping on the bed and falling to sleep by 'accident'. They had had been at the hospital over night. But to Britney the events at the hospital seemed like they would never end.


Britney had another surprise when she walked into her room, she seen Harry standing with his back to her, looking at the posters. The bikini stared at her from the bed. "Admiring yourself?" She joked, surprised that it had come out. Harry was staring at the McFly posters. He laughed at her joke, but didn't turn away.

"We look so young" He pointed to one of the posters, "I mean its crazy how long ago that was."

"I suppose it was" Britney said, putting Matt's jacket over the door handle. "I remember McFly the most out of both of you"


"Yeah, I was about 6 when Busted split and mum always played you since then" Britney explained, a smile creeping onto her face, Harry noticed but her smile soon faded.

"Your mum was a big fan?" Harry asked, grinning, he wanted to see her smile again.

It worked and as she talked he smile became a grin, "She actually said that McFly and Busted should have joined together" Britney laughed, she could imagine her mums excitement at the thought of an album and tour. Britney could imagine what would happen...

Britney would be woken by a scream coming from downstairs; she would shoot up and run to the hallway, where she would meet her dad. He would have the same startled look on his face as her. He would go down first, to protect her, and then she would follow a little slower, as the adrenaline left her, replaced by fear. Then when Britney came in eyesight of her mum, she would yell. "I've got us tickets to see McFly and Busted!"

"What?! No way!" Britney would scream and begin jumping up and down with her mum. Her dad would watch them while rolling his eyes-

Britney had two ways in which this would go, as here was the point where the lines became blurred and she couldn't remember what her father was like before her mum died, she would chose-

he would take out the camera and begin filming them as then started singing, until Britney would say, "Do you mean McBusted?"

Her mother would grin and say cheekily, "I told you this would happen, didn't I Mark" She would look to him and huff, "Mark, stop filming" but secretly she was too happy to care. And so was Britney-

Harry laughed a little, which pulled Britney out of her dream. "Urm, I left it there, I'll see you out there" He smiled and left, he could see that he had pulled her out of thought. Britney looked to the bikini, it was a light blue, with part of it crossing over the stomach area. Izzy had a very good sense of style, Britney thought.

It was the type of style Britney wanted, but she didn't realise that she could have that style

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It was the type of style Britney wanted, but she didn't realise that she could have that style. It was her mind that wasn't letting her; she blamed it on money, which was a valid excuse. Britney knew deep down that it was the voices that were stopping her dress how she wanted. Many times she had drew out outfits that she wanted to wear, or even design. She wished she had taken up textiles at a higher level. She was gifted in it.

Britney had just overcome one obstacle, she didn't realise it but she had ignored the voices in her head calling her names and put the bikini on. She then took a small step back, almost tripping back over the obstacle as she place a long white top over. It came just above her knees and the sleeves were long enough to cover her arms. Britney lowered herself down onto the bed and sat there staring at Matt's coat.

(Disclaimer: Image found on Pinterest)

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