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Third Person Pov:

It was a cool early Monday morning in California. Symone had woken up an hour earlier than she was supposed to. Today was her first appointment with her therapist Dr. Isis and she was a bit nervous, afraid she would make a horrible first impression.

Noah, her friend, had stayed on call with her the whole time she got ready just to calm her down.

"See me? I drink liquor but I know how to handle that shit....autumn a different story." Noah said.

"And everybody knows if you can't handle your liquor then you shouldn't drink it idk wtf he was thinking!" He continued.

"Oh really?" Symone take gasped pretending to be interested.

"Symone if you want me to shut up then just say that like damn." Noah mumbled.

"Sorry, it's just I'm really nervous I really wanna make a good first impression!" The woman said.

"Symone you do understand what this is for right? Its not about making a good impression it's about you getting your shit together." Noah said.

"My shits already together though."

Noah side eyed Symone.

"....okay so Im bipolar and overthink alot! That's not my fault." She whined.

"Okay Symone." Noah sighed.

"Hello! My name's Dr

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"Hello! My name's Dr. Isis and you must be Symone Ryley?" The therapist asked with a small smile on her face.

"Yes that's me." The other woman responded back shyly.

"Great, how are you on this fine morning?" The therapist asked.

"I'm good." Symone responded.

"Great, before we get into the real session I wanna get to know you first, tell me about yourself Symone." Dr. Isis said.

Symone was quiet for a bit before speaking up. "What do you wanna know..?" She asked. "Well for starters, your childhood, what was it like?"

"It was okay..." Symone responded, and the therapist gave a small smile.

"Come on you're gonna have to give me a bit more than that honey, I understand your nervous but this is a safe place. Everything you say stays between us and us only and no judgement will be passed here." Dr. Isis said.

"It was fine for the most part...my mom died when i was 3 and I grew up with just my brothers and my father so I never had anyone to teach me how to be a woman." Symone replied.

"What about your teenage years? What was that like for you?"

Symone was hesitant to answer that question. Her teenage years were traumatizing and she doesn't wanna revisit or remember that part of her life. So she stayed silent.

"It's okay, we don't have to talk about it at the moment, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it okay?" Dr. Isis reassured.

Symone's anxiety was through the roof at this point, she started pinching at her skin to keep herself calm. Something she found herself doing alot. Dr. Isis noticed this and it instantly broke her heart. "Poor lady.." She thought to herself.

"Symone you shouldn't pinch yourself like that, there's marks all over your arm."

Symone looked down at her arm seeing all of the purple-pinkish marks and sighed to herself. Removing her fingers away. "Instead of pinching yourself, use this." Dr. Isis said handing Symone a red ball with a smiley face on the front and the words "It'll all be okay" written on the back.

"It's a stress ball, whenever you feel anxious or if you feel you're about to have an anxiety attack, you just squeeze it. It worked for me in high-school so i figured maybe it'll help you." The therapist said with a warm smile.

"Okay...I'll try it." The other woman said squeezing it her hand.

"Ill see you on tuesday, same time today and we'll talk a little bit more. Heres my number in the meantime." The therapist handed Symone a small white piece of paper with her number written on it.

"Don't lose it now, I'll see you later Symone." Dr. Isis said waving bye.

Symone got in her car shutting the door and clicking on her Brooklyn's contact letting her know the session was over

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Symone got in her car shutting the door and clicking on her Brooklyn's contact letting her know the session was over.

"BITCH IT BURNS!" A voice was heard in the back. Sounded like a girls voice.

"Hey sy sy, how'd it go?" Brooklyn asked. Symone was quiet for a few seconds before speaking. "Who is that in the back?" She asked.

"Oh that's Janae, her nose piercing got infected so now shes putting alcohol on it." Brooklyn responded. "AHHH!" Janae screamed in the back.

Symone felt sick to her stomach. It was like Brooklyn was always around Janae whenever she got the chance and it made Symone angry....more so angry. Especially since she's already told Brooklyn how it made her feel when they were with each other without her being there, it was as if she had no regard for Symone's feelings at all.

"But you didn't answer my question, how'd the session go? is the therapist nice?" The woman on the phone asked.

"yea it went great, shes nice, bye." Symone said hanging up, completely pissed off at Brooklyn.

" Symone said hanging up, completely pissed off at Brooklyn

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Took me 37 years but i finally gave yall a chapter


Hope yall enjoyed ❤

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