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Symone was currently watching Netflix

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Symone was currently watching Netflix. She had a therapy session the next day and quite frankly she was a bit nervous. She never liked opening up to people and especially not talking about her past. She preferred to leave the past in the past and not think about it. She was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts when her phone rung. "Unknown Caller" it read. "Hello?" Symone answered.

"I need some money Symone." A male voice spoke.

a bile formed in Symone's throat, She quickly swallowed it before speaking again. "I'm not giving you money Kendrick for the last time." She said. "Since when do you start calling me by my real name? its father to you Symone." The male said.

"You've never once treated me like your child so why should you refer to you as my dad?" The younger spoke. "Come on you cant still be mad at that..look I did all I was supposed to! I put food on your plate and clothes on your back and a roof over your head! I could've abandoned you and left you on the street and let you fend for yourself!" The male exclaimed.

"That would've been way better then what I went through in that house! You were supposed to protect me I'm your daughter for goodness sake!" Symone yelled, fighting back tears in her eyes. "Look what's done is done I cant do anything about it anymore and neither can you, so let it go Symone!"

Symone couldn't nor would she hear anymore of this. So she hung up on her so called "father". Besides her eldest brother, He was the reason she was like this. He had no regard for her feelings nor her well being. He was wasn't fit to be a father or a husband and the reason her mother committed suicide.  She couldn't believe he had the audacity to ask her for money after everything he put her through. He was a sick bastard and she refused to associated with him.

She wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her oversized hoodie as memories of her childhood flooded her brain. It was times like this where she wished she could end it all but something inside of her wouldn't let her.

She remembered the stress ball her therapist, Dr. Isis gave to her and pulled it out of the pocket of her hoodie and squeezed it. She breathed in and out trying to forget that call ever happened.

"Why do y'all never have any frosted flakes?" Noah asked exiting out of the kitchen and entering the living room. "Because you're always here." Symone said lowly. "What's wrong with you sy?"

"Nothing Noah, I'm perfectly fine." The woman responded. "I can always tell when something's up with you...you seem upset. Now tell me." Noah demanded.

The woman stayed quiet though.

"Was it Kendrick again?" The man asked. Symone nodded slowly before tears came running down her face and she put her head in her hands letting it all out.

Noah's heart completely broke at the sight of his best friend crying. He felt so bad for her, knowing her story and knowing what a toll past situations have taken on her.

"It's okay, you're okay now, nobody can hurt you anymore." Noah said wrapping his arms around Symone rocking them side to side. The woman melted in the mans warm and comforting embrace.

Noah wiped her tears with his hand and hummed quietly to her. Symone was forever grateful that she had Noah, her best friend in her life. Even though their relationship didn't work out, he's always treated her with love and care and never once mistreated her.

He was truly a great person.

"Thank you Noah." The woman whispered through her sobs.

"Yea, yea, yea, I hate a lame bitch with class!" Janae sung, twerking to her song

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Yea, yea, yea, I hate a lame bitch with class!" Janae sung, twerking to her song. "You're ghetto as fuck." Brooklyn said shaking her head in fake disappointment.

"Okay and? Imma be this way until a fucking die hoe!" Janae replied back. The sass visible in her voice. "I'm just saying."

"Oh please you know you like it anyways." Janae said caressing Brooklyn skin. Brooklyn noticed this and immediately got uncomfortable, scooting away from Janae. "Girl what's wrong with you?" The other woman asked confused.

"You know I hate it when you touch me like that, I told you about that multiple times Janae." Brooklyn said now getting aggravated. "And why not? Afraid yo lil emo girlfriend gone find out? What she gone do to me?" Janae said taking Brooklyn's arm and caressing it softly.

"Janae I'm telling you right now stop touching me before I get mad!" The younger yelled yanking her arm away from Janae.

"Oh whatever, you'll come around eventually. And when you do, you know where to find me." Janae said licking her top lip and leaving.

Brooklyn was livid. Her and Janae are just friends and no matter how many times she tries to explain that, it seems like Janae can't get it through her thick skull. Brooklyn was also confused on what to do about this.

She's thought about cutting her off multiple times before but her and Janae had been friends since 6th grade. Her heart just wouldn't let her.

But if Janae didn't get herself together soon then Brooklyn just might have to unfriend her.

Brooklyn then received a messages from Noah. She rolled her eyes as his name popped up on her screen.

You should come home, Symone needs your support more than ever right now.


Brooklyn scoffed, How would he know what Symone needs? It's not like her cares anyway. That's why they broke up. She decided to ignore her jealousy alone and go home. She may not like Noah, but she'd do anything for Symone to be happy.


Meant to update earlier but I forgot I had volleyball practice 🏐

anyways stream 2093 for clear skin

Hope y'all enjoyed ❤


I'm gonna start trying to update this story more I really like it and I think it has a lot of potential 🌟

That's all for now

Hope y'all enjoyed ❤️

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