Chapter 28: New World & The Bitch

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It had been four months since I and Cyrus started dating. Everything felt right. He began to hang out more with my friends. Cyrus and Kavin are starting to get buddies with each other now.

As we walked down the hallway holding hands. Cyrus had a big hockey bag with him and his school bag. I told him he would need both of his hands. He refuses and still insists on holding hands with me.

Walking into English class, Rachel looks up at us as we pass her. "You guys are glued to each other like usual, she joked.

"Are you a little jealous, Rachel?" Cyrus teased. Rachel turns to face him. "not at all. Dating seems fun and cute, but not my top priority right now."

"That's fair. "I say, sitting down in my desk chair. Cyrus looked at me. "Are you telling me we would never have happened if I was not charming and put the work in?" he looked frazzled.

I chuckle. "Yes, don't take it personally."

He claps into his chair. "If I did not have Luna, I think I would be lost." he looked so dramatic.

I stared at his drama-acting skills and shrugged. "You will live."

He snaps out of his drama scene. "I love you too." he laughed.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Cyrus!" Luke calls out. He is a tall, blond senior on Cyrus's hockey team. Luke looks more like a model than a hockey player. He walks over to Cyrus's deck.

"What's up, Luke?" Cyrus replies, giving him a fist bump.

"I am throwing a party on Saturday. It will be the last party of the year before we graduate. Are you coming?"

Cyrus sat there thinking for a second. "I will go only if I can bring Luna," he announces.

Luke blinked. He looked over to me and back to Cyrus. "Of course, Luna can come! She and her friends can come too!" he smiled.

Then, he paused and shifted his eyes to Rachel, who was not even paying attention to the conversation.

"You, Rachel Hall, right? The caption of the girl's soccer team?" he questioned.

Rachel turns to face him, with her eyes cold as ice. She responds, "Yes, I am. You are Luke, the boy who looks like he should be a model and not a hockey player." she says calmly.

That's Rachel for you, cold as ever. She only drops her guard when she knows someone well enough to see her kind colors.

"A model uh? Luke laughs Thanks, I will take that as a compliment." he winks to Rachel. "You should come to my party. Luna and Cyrus will be there."

Rachel looks at Luke towering over her. "I will think about it," she answers.

"Awesome! He smiled. He looks at Cyrus and me again. I will see you guys at the party!"

He said his goodbyes to Cyrus. Then, he walked away from us to his seat in the front row.

I learn over Rachel's shoulder. "Looks like someone may have a little crush on you." I teased.

Rachel turns a little to my face. "Shut up." she blushes.

Cyrus watched us and nodded his head. "He was totally flirting with you, Rachel."

Rachel's head snaps to Cyrus. "I don't need to hear it from you too!"

She places a book in front of her face, probably to cover her embarrassment.

"Just looking out for you, Rach." I pat her shoulder.

"I know," her muffled voice from under the book.

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