Chapter 30: Graduation

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Since the party at Luke's, the school year has been flying by. We are only a couple days away from graduation. Cyrus confronted Mia about the rumor, and she said the same things she told me.

He does not even talk to Mia anymore. She did it to herself; I don't feel bad about it. After all, she almost broke me and Cyrus up before we began dating.

As we all sat in the lunchroom on the last day of school. All I could think was everything was going to be different now. I look over at my friends, Kavin and Rachel, who got into their colleges with scholarships.

I am waiting to hear back from Berkely to study music production. Until then, I decided to get a job and work at Wing's Cafe to make money.

Cyrus got a hockey scholarship the next town over. We can see each other often.

Even though I traveled to this school my senior year, it feels like it has been my home for years. I am going to miss it a little.

Anna and Emma have another year. I can't decide if Anna will miss all of us or Kavin more. I will miss both of their bickering.

"Promoise, we will all hang out on winter break," I tell my friends.

They all look at me with a small smile. Rachel leans on me. "Of course, don't worry. We are glued to each other at this point."

We all laughed. "I bet you all will miss my jokes." Kavin smiles.

We laugh harder. I look at Kavin. "I will miss you, bud."

He looks at me as if he is about to cry. Then he actually does.

"Kavin," I cry to him to give him a hug.

"He is as emotional as ever." Anna joked.

Kavin wipes his eyes on his sleeve, looking at Anna. "I know you will miss me the most!" he booms.

Anna pouts out her lips. "shut up! I am going to miss you!"

Emma pats Anna's shoulder to calm her down.

We all get up from our table and slowly exit the lunchroom with many memories of jokes, laughing, and fights.

We all now stand in the parking lot. "I will see you guys at graduation tomorrow," I called out.

Everyone nodded, and we did a group hug.

The following day, I am walking back and forth at Rose Hill's football stadium, waiting for Cyrus. I have my red graduation gown on. Cyrus texted me, saying he wanted to meet before the graduation ceremony.

I look at my watch. Where is Cyrus! He is going to be late. Then, like magic, I saw a boy running toward me down the hall. It was Cyrus. When he reached me, his hair was windblown, and he was breathless.

"I am sorry I am late." he breathed.

"I was just thinking you were going to be late."

He looked at me and smiled. "I just made it, and I am never late to see you." smiling.

I raise an eyebrow. "what's up? Why do you want to meet? We need to get to our seats."

He grabbed my hand. "I wanted to give you something."

Then Cyrus reached inside his pocket under his gown. He placed a small box in my hand. I look at it in confusion.

"It's an early birthday present. Open it." Cyrus smiled.

I looked at him in ah. "My birthday is this weekend. How did you- I paused, Rachel."

He nodded. "yeah, she told me. Anyway, open it!"

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