'Pity Party'

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A/N: OOP CHAPTER 2 YALL !!! Doing something a lil different (with the song lyric n all) ;)

'Did my invitations disappear? Why'd I pour my heart in every cursive letter?'

When Mary woke up she was beyond excited and began doing her morning routine. She started curling her hair thinking of how much fun everyone will have in a bit.

She finished her hair and went downstairs to eat a quick snack before finishing the rest. She saw her mom and dad getting everything ready as she quickly got a snack and went back upstairs as to not disturb them. She ate her snack and then did her makeup before yelling down the stairs "Mom! Should I change into the dress yet?" When her mom gave her the green light, she sprinted over to her room where her dress was at.

It was a gorgeous lavender ball gown dress with flowers sewn throughout it. She excitedly put it on and then realized she needed someone to help her tie the back. She called her mom who came in quickly. "Oh honey you look beautiful" She said and helped her before retuning to work downstairs. Mary looked at herself in the mirror and twirled to see how she looked and smiled. She decided to head downstairs to see if there was anything she could somewhat help in.

When she got downstairs she saw that almost everything was in it's place. In their yard there were tables for guests, the quinceñera table, there was a bounce house, and a foto booth. Everything was perfect.

A few minutes later, Mary saw that had come! She smiled and waved over at him "Hey Ricky!" She walked over to him "You know, you're actually the first one here" She said laughing as she reached him. Ricky sat down at a chair near a table and began signing 'Everything looks nice! You also look very pretty in the dress' Mary smiled at him and sat down next to him "Why thank you" She replied looking at everything and frowning slightly. "It should've started by now you know?" She looked at him with a sad smile "i don't know why no ones here yet. Shouldn't at least some people be early or on time?" She sighed and stood up as Ricky looked at her worriedly. "How about this? Since you're the first one here, you can sit with me at my table!" She beamed "Since Noel is going to be here later you can have his seat for now!"

Ricky nodded and followed her to said table sitting on the seat right next to her as she sat down. 'So what exactly happens at this type of birthday party' he asked 'I know it's a traditional party right?' he signed "Well it's different for everyone, but for mine we're just going to eat and gane out for a bit" She said as Ricky payed attention intently "We're also going to do the traditional father daughter dance!" She said feeling happy that the day finally came.

An hour.
That's how much time had passed. No one else showed up. Mary sat there staring forward trying not to cry. Ricky looked at her worriedly and decided to call her parents to give them a plate of food. "Why?" She said suddenly getting Ricky's attention.

Her father gave her a slice of cake with a sad expression and without a word. She grabbed the plate and as she as about to grab a fork, she dropped it. Right on her dress. At that point, she couldn't take it anymore and burst into tears. Ricky could do nothing but watch as she was sobbing into her hands. She was mumbling into her hands as she was crying and leaned into Ricky's shoulder. He rubbed her shoulders soothingly with one hand and the other trying to sign to her 'Hey it's going to be okay' She looked at him as he continued signing 'We can wait for Noel and then we can hang out, just the three of us. Is that good?' Mary sniffed and nodded slowly as they both slowly started eating.

A small while later, Noel arrived with a grand entrance "Heyy Mary! I brought you some apple cider from-" He stopped as he suddenly noticed the lack of people and Mary sitting with Ricky, crying. "Hey what happened?" He asked worriedly "Are you okay?" Mary, who was eating cake while crying, shook her said slowly.

Noel walked up to her and hugged her as she broke down again and cried into his shoulder "No one- hic- came and hic- everything hic- was supposed hic- to be hic- perfect" Noel rubbed circular motions on her back to comfort her then he grabbed her face and made her look him in the eyes. "I'm so sorry that happened Mary" He started "Look, we can't do anything about it now, but what we can do is make sure we have a good time now" He smiled "After all..the life of the party has arrived" He beamed as Mary laughed at his joke.

He took her hand hand stood her up "Your dress looks good on you, you know." he started "buttt.. let's get you changed so you can be more comfortable, 'cuz I assume wearing that big dress isn't all that comfy is it?" She chuckled and nodded as Noel led her into her house. He signaled to Ricky to follow them and he obliged, going over with them as they went into her room. When they eventually got there, Noel made Mary pick out a different set of clothes and change in the bathroom.

Mary walked out, changed into a off-shoulder white shirt with simple jeans. She went into her room and sat on her bed, where both Noel and Ricky were and she turned on her TV to put something in the backround. "So what do you wanna do?" Mary asked Noel, wanting to know what he had planned. "Well..we can play board games" he said looking around her room "or.. we can check out all of the stuff downstairs like the bounce house or the photo booth" Mary nodded as they all went downstairs and started having fun with the things there.

They got on the bounce house, Mary and Noel were jumping as Ricky sat in the middle bouncing with the bounce house. They also used the photo booth, which had different kinds of wigs to choose from, Noel put on a black wig cut into a bob, while Ricky put on a purple wig with crazy hair. Mary saw this and started laughing
"HA- What are you two wearing?" Ricky shrugged and Noel struck a pose "I look fabulous"

They soon took their pictures and went back into her room and played some board games for a while. "YOU CHEATER" Mary yelled at Noel, who she clearly saw, stealing money from the monopoly game. "I am no such thing!" Noel replied, acting offended as Ricky shook his head in disappointment. "See? Even Ricky agrees that you're cheating!" Noel snickered and they continued playing and laughing with each other until it started getting dark out. 'Its getting dark. I should probably go before it gets too dark' Ricky signed as he started to get up. "Oh- alright um- my mom could drive you if you want" Mary said standing as well.

'No it's fine' He said 'I can walk home'
"You sure?" Mary said worriedly
'Yea I'm sure'
Mary walked Ricky over to her door and she led him out. "Thanks for coming Ricky. I'm seriously grateful that you showed up even if no one else did." Mary smiled softly over at Ricky, who stood there stunned at her words. "Thanks again" She side hugged him and waved him off as he walked away.

Maybe he meant more to her than she thought.

'Maybe it's a cruel joke on me


A/N: hope yall enjoyed it!!! its a bit longer than the last chapter ^^

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