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"Whats with that dumb smile on your face" Noel said as Mary walked back into her room. "What are you talking about" She said rolling her eyes at her friend. "I don't know you're smiling as if you- ohhh.. was it Ricky?" Noel drawled out in a teasing tone "As if" She said with a playful smile and eye roll "Suree we'll see about that" Noel said with a smirk "What is that supposed to mean?"  She chucked "I don't know" he shrugged "What do you think it means?"  he smirked at her as she laughed and shoved him.

On Monday, Mary was heading to her locker with Noel to set her stuff there before she choir when a little paper came out of her locker. She picked it up and looked over at Noel "Weird, why was there just a paper in my locker?" The boy shrugged and told her to open it. The note didn't say anything, but it had a little red heart on it. "Huh..that's wired.." She said and showed Noel "Aww you have a secret admirer" The boy said "That's so romantic- when will it me my turn" He faked cried while the girl was trying to figure out who on earth would send her the paper. 'It's probably just a prank honestly' She thought as she just folded the paper into her pencil bag and started walking towards the choir room, leaving Noel without realizing.

"HEY! Don't go around walking away from me!" He said as he began following the girl to the choir room. As they reached the room they realized, based on the chaos in the room, that Father Marcus was late. Noel decided he wanted to mess with Ocean and walked over to bother her, leaving the girl he was following in the first place. She decided she would simply walk over to Ricky and sat next to him

"Hey Ricky!" She smiled over at him, putting her backpack on the ground next to her 'Hey Mary!' The boy signed 'How are you doing after- y'know?' he had a unsure look on his face "Oh way better" She waved off with a small chuckle "not great but better all things considered" She looked over at him "How about you?" she asked the boy 'Good! Also guess what! I got a new cat!' He signed with enthusiasm, talking about his cats "Woah a new one? How many does that make now? Like 12?" She said amused at the amount of cats his family seems to have

He nodded his head vigorously then turned to the girl as she seemed to be in thought "ugh..I just remembered.." She started annoyed "Noel's going to work today.." She drawled out "I was planning on hanging out with him after school too.." She mumbled to herself slightly. Ricky saw a slight opportunity to hang out with her, as he liked 'talking' with her when in the choir and was really the only person who listened to him, so he wanted to be better friends with her 'Hey?' he tapped her shoulder as she hummed, showing she was listening 'Maybe we can hang out? After school, like how you and Noel do- but of course we don't HAVE to if you don't-'

"Oh! That's actually a good idea!" She said, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him slightly "Hanging out with people other than Noel will-probably be good for me" The girl deadpanned as she thought about it, the boy had been one of her best friends in the small town. "Do you wanna walk home with me after school? That'll work for me- will it work for you though?"

The boy only nodded, now excited for the end of the school day to arrive. "Hmm..Father Marcus isn't here yet.. that's weird don't ya think?" The girl mumbled, grabbing her bag and taking out a small sketchbook to pass the time. As she grabbed a pencil out of her pencil case, the small paper she shoved in earlier fell out. She quickly put it back inside, not noticing slight blush of the boy next to her and started drawing while waiting for time to pass.

After school came and she was walking home with Ricky, she was doing most of the talking, but the boy didn't seem to mind. "And then she told me soda was too much sugar and was basically diabetes in a cup! Can you believe her!!" He seemed to silently snicker at the girl complaining about their fellow choir mates.

When they made it to her house she opened and they walked in. "You know which way to go right?" She asked as she walked over to the kitchen to get a glass of water. The boy nodded and began his way to her room. Mary decided to get some strawberries and cover them in some chocolate for a sweet snack and took them to her room, where she found Ricky standing awkwardly in the middle of her room.

She laughed and said "Why are you just standing there?" She patted her bed after she sat down, signaling him to do the same. Soon after he sat down she started, "We don't talk must outside if the choir so lets play 20 questions! You can go first" She motioned for him to start
'Hmm.. What's your favorite color?'
"Oh easy- It's purple! What's your favorite fast food?"
'Maybe Mcdonald's- cuz' I go often'
"Really? I would not have guessed"

They continued like that for hours, not noticing the time flying by them as it started getting somewhat late. "Aw it's getting awfully late, you should probably be going soon no?" The boy nodded and they walked out to her porch when he began to sign 'Hey- There seems to be a festival or fair happening soon' Ricky started, getting somewhat nervous after signing every word 'We should go- like us and maybe Noel too- maybe even the rest of the choir' He paused, waiting to see the girl's reaction, and it was a good one "Really!? I love fairs! We should go! I gotta ask Noel, but he'll most likely say yes if he doesn't have work, the rest of the choir though... I wouldn't know about them" She mumbled the last part "But we totally should!"

She waved the boy off after he insisted on walking home himself and went inside immediately to tell Noel on the afternoon she had while he was gone.


A/N: WOOO A CHAPTER DONE!!! BTW there WILL be a timeskip soon where Ricky does confess because I want their relationship to be short and sweet (like their lives lol) and it's not supposed to be a big relationship (aka the choir didn't really know about it) ANYWAYS TILL NEXT TIME LOVES 😘😘

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