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Time skip 3 years • Senior Year

To say that Mary gained a crush on Ricky would be an understatement.

She fell and she fell hard

Ricky had become one of her best friends and they hung out often, whether it was both of them alone or times when Noel joined them, and they talked and talked until there was nothing to say; then they would sit in a comfortable silence until another conversation topic came up. When he would get to close her face would heat up, unbeknownst to the boy, and she felt both giddy and nervous when they would talk.

She felt as though she could rant to him about anything and everything and he would always listen- a fact Noel didn't like when she told him, but soon accepted as he wasn't necessarily the listening type often times. To Mary's shock, Noel wasn't surprised when she had told him about her crush, but he did say "it took you way too long to realize! the suspense was killing me!!!" —not the answer she was expecting, but made sense coming from Noel.

Today, Mary and Ricky decided to hang out at a coffee shop. They had originally planned to go with Noel as a trio, but he had canceled last minute; a fact Mary didn't appreciate but couldn't argue with. As they got their orders they started making conversation, but Mary noticed Ricky seemed slightly distracted.

"Hey are you okay? You seem a bit nervous?" She asked, clearly worried for the boy "It is 'cause of our senior performance coming up?" She gave him a cheeky smile "You'll do fine! Can't be worse than last years" She shrugged

The boy only watched the girl, oblivious to the fact she was the reason he was nervous; he was going to tell her he liked her. He had liked her since she started talking to him in the choir. Only thing was, he was unsure if she felt the same and was gathering up his courage, just in case he got rejected.

She then kept talking about the fall fair coming up and the choir's competition to try to get the boy's worries off of his mind, though it probably didn't help him at all.

"Do you think we'll win the competition this time?" She said sipping her drink, waiting for the boy to answer
'Maybe, but who knows' The boy shrugged, still trying to figure out how he was gonna tell her. His original plan was to simply tell her; but that was easier said than done. He decided that he would just get over it; it was now or never. He looked over at Mary as she was sipping on her coffee and as they made eye contact he braced himself for the worst.

'Hey so I really like you...like a lot and- do you want to go on a date with me?' He closed his eyes and was readying himself for what she was going to say, but then opened them when she didn't respond and was surprised when he saw her face. Her face was red and she had a shocked look on her face as she responded
"I- like you too" She looked away sheepishly "I would love to go on a date with you Ricky"

This time Ricky had a shocked face, as the two teenagers looked away from each other each of them with red faces. Soon they set up a date at a fair that was nearby for the next day.


Mary sat in her room pacing with Noel laying on her bed. "What do I wear?" She asked panicking slightly, as she wanted to dress nice for her date, which was in a few hours. "Just wear something nice, but not too formal." The boy shrugged, he just got to her house after work "If he likes you he wouldn't mind what you wear" He said matter-of-factly "I know he wouldn't care!" She said "That's why I like him, but still!"

Noel sighed as he walked over to her closet and took out a purple shirt with a black skirt "Here this is a cute outfit. You hardly wear it and it's cute" He threw her the outfit and she quickly went to change into it.

"Is it good?" She asked as she walked out with the outfit and looked at herself in the mirror "It's perfect!" Noel exclaimed "He's gonna love it" She smiled towards the boy and said "Thanks for the help. I was going to panic about this for sure" The boy replies with a smirk saying "I know what would you do without me?" She playfully shoved him onto her bed when she heard the doorbell ring and she ran towards the door. Before she left she heard Noel whisper quickly "Tell me how it goes after!"

When she got to the door and opened it, Ricky was standing there looking nervously and smiled as soon as she got there. "Hey!" She smiled over towards him and they soon started walking towards the fair grounds.

As soon as they got there, Mary grinned and started walking over to get tickets for the rides. So far, the date was going well; they had gotten on a few rides and they played some games. They were currently sitting at a table and eating some sweets they got from some stands.

"So how are you liking the fair?" She asked the boy while her mouth was full of food. He only looked at her with a small smile as he responded 'Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He chuckles 'but it's nice I like it. How about you?' The girl swallowed her food and the replied "I love the fair! I just really like fairs in general. My favorite ride so far has got to be the cyclone for sure!" She said as she waved her hands to exaggerate her point.

Ricky wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend, but he didn't know or when but then got and idea. 'Do you want to go on the ferris wheel?' Mary looked towards the ride then also saw it was sunset. "Oh yea! The ferris wheel as a final ride!"

They then walked over to the ferris wheel and soon got on. Mary was excited to be on the ride and it started to rise slowly. She usually loved fast paced rides but the ferris wheel was an exception and was arguably one of her favorite rides. She had grabbed Ricky's hand and grinned over at him with a faint blush covering her face.

When it stopped at the top, they had a full view of the fair and as they both looked at each other; Ricky started leaning towards her and her eyes widened as their lips met. She relaxed into the kiss and soon they pulled apart staring at each other. The boy soon signed towards her 'Will you be my girlfriend?' She grinned and nodded as she pecked his lips with a quick kiss

Soon after when they got off the wheel, he walked her home right as it got dark and she made sure he was out of sight when she closed the door and ran towards her room to call Noel and tell him about her new boyfriend.


anyways like one more chapter and then we'll get to the musical :]]

All American B*tch | Ricky Potts x OCWhere stories live. Discover now