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'Everything happens for a reason,                 
                     even bad things´


✿︎☀︎︎. . . ☀︎︎✿︎. . ☀︎︎✿︎. . ☀︎︎✿︎. .☀︎︎✿︎. .☀︎︎✿︎...

"And you'll be left in the dust, unless I stuck by yuh, you the sunflower I think your love would be too much."

I sang as I sat across from my dad. He turned to me with an amused smile."Learn that from ,Uraraka?"

I smiled and nod , hearing him through my headphones. My new ones since I took my old ones onna mission and got them broken by Doc Oc. She's a crazy one.

My dad,Peter Parker, was the Spider-man. And my mom was the Red Widow , but she passed away , she was killed by Kingpin. After the accident dad spiraled into a flux of depression and guilt.

Him smiling was a rear feat, so when he did it made my world shine just a little brighter.

Uraraka and I were going to a new school today. A school for kids with big brains made for science. Uraraka wanted to go into the electronics course that they offered and so did I. But, that meant leaving the school that where all of our friends were.

It's really depressing when I think about having to socialize with new people. But, the pro for me is that I actually like meeting new people. Con is that I can't stand 'small talk'. It's funny because that's the foundation of the new found friendship that you want to make. It's just so. . Painfully awkward.

"You better hurry if you want to catch Uraraka on time,  Be good. Remember your manners. Don't let your anger take it's tole. And be my little ingenius baby for me, okay?"

I smiled up at my dad despite disagreeing with some of his request."Dad, I'm going to a new school, not a Retirement home."

My dad shot me a stern look , 'all jokes aside' it said."Still, you never know who you might meet and you have a habit of getting into your own head. You're a Parker, you'll be fine." He said dragging out the word fine.

I kiss his cheek as I pass on my way to the front door where my suitecase and bookbag are."Love you , dad. Tell Mama, I said Hi and that I lover her to. Oh! and tell Mary that I tool her advice."

"What advice?" My dad asked curiously taking my suitcase and carrying it down the stairs for me.

"Girl advice." I replied simply, I didn't want to give him too many details, especially 'cause it's about a boy. No dad ever wants to hear his daughter talking about a boy. Ever.

So asking my dad for advice was a no-no.

So the only other person that could go to was my mother figure Mary Parker.

Yeah, dad remarried. And surprisingly I wasn't as upset as I thought I'd be. Infact when I found out that it was Mary I was pretty excited. Mostly because she's been there my entire life ,she and mom were best friends. And she made a promise to mom that she would look after me and dad if anything were to happen to her.

I couldn't get upset with her for keeping her promise,plus my dad has been pretty happy since she asked to help.

She makes him happy. How could I be upset about that?

After my friend Uraraka's death ,I hadn't realized it that I was slowly distancing myself from the rest of the world until my dad brought it up on one of our missions.

I would see Uraraka in everything that we used to do together.

And it was painful, sometimes I wish I could my mind on standstill and never relive the pain. But, I guess this is the gulit that the soul crumbles under when you have the power to save somebody , but fail to do it.

'With great power comes great responsibility',my father's voice said in my head.

God I hate that saying.

"Hey loser." The voice of the person that I tolerate the most said. I lloked down the apartement buildings staircase to see Uraraka my best friend.

I smiled and waved down at her."Hey Mj. I can't see you from under all that sarcasm."

"Neither can I."

My dad chuckled and moved so that he could look at Uraraka."Good morning to you to Miss Jones."

"Right back at you Mr. Parker." She greets before checking her wrist watch."Loser we have 29 minutes to get to school and we have to walk so. "

I nod as I got the jist. I quickly kissed my dad's cheek and ran down the stairs to meet my best friend.

"Let's go, fool!" I cheered as I grabbed her hand pulling her out towards the exit.

"Mr. Parker save me from your crazy demon child!"She shot over her shoulder . My dad laugh,"Good luck."

Uraraka sighed as we ran out of the building. Me running and her being dragged by me.

When we got to the school,we headed straight for our first class, History.

"God, just take my soul."Uraraka said before we entered the classroom.

I giggled and squeezed the hamd tha I was holding."Oh, hush. You'll be fine, you're great at this subject."

Uraraka rolled her eyes"Yeah, becaise you help me."


. . . . . . . . . 

After the day of school we were exhausted. I mean from the beginning who told is to run with suitcases?

Uraraka blamed my excitement for leaning.

We were-

I snapped out of my daydream. Beads of pesperation clugging my pores as I exhaled heavily.

That was a year ago, the dream.

When Uraraka was still alive. Now I visit her grave and fight my way through nightmares, only to wake up to an even harsher reality.

My dad retired. Which meant that I was the new Spider-man or should I say Uravity.

It was my tribute to her. Uraraka Ochako.

Ura- from her name and Vity from gravity.

With my spider powers I can defy gravity and it's pretty cool.

Here I was now standing on top of a skyscraper and looking down at the city.

Everything seemed to be in balance except for that overwhelming feeling of alarm that my spider sense was giving me. What was going on?

The harder I looked down at the city the more I saw nothing ,so what was-

Before I could finish my thought I was being sucked into some kind of vortex in the roof the building.


I struggled against it's pull as I was fully emerged and thrown into a whole new world.

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