The Spider-man of this world

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              "I just shut a man down."


I hummed along to Rihanna's voice as I made my way to the nearest graveyard. Miles, Uncle Aaron and I had spent yesterday painting and getting to know each other. I even got Miles' number.  Which , excitee me for some strange reason. Maybe it was because I wouldn't be alone anymore.

I seldom wondered about love and all it had to offer. I mean my parents-well my dad is still alive and my memories of my mother have decided to play 'peek-a-boo' with me.

So when Miles one my first day in this universe when I found out that there was a spider-man, I had to meet him-


My feet planted themselves to the floor as I froze. Suddenly a strong vibration toke my brain as my spider senses tingled madly.

I followed the overbearing sensation to a spot where I found the spiderman of this universe had thrown himself ontop of a grave with the words Ben Parker etched into the stone.

His mask was up and it was easy to tell that he was exhuasted from the days work. I watched as his head slowly turned in my direction ."Your just like me."

"Yeah. But from an-"

"Another universe!" He yelled excitedly and stood up. He pulled down his mask and I froze, he looked just like dad.

He smiled and held my shoulders with a gentle grip. Of course, I had to look up at him , he was like seven hole inches taller than me , just as tall as dad and Uncle Aaron. "What's your name kid? Which earth are you from? what's your hero name? How did you even get here? Are there other's like us?"

I rocked my head back trying to comprehend all of his very fast, very good, very time management oriented questions.

"Uh. My name is Y/n Megara Parker. I'm your daughter in my universe. I don't know which Earth I'm from, sorry. My hero name is Uravity. I was sucked into an interdimentional portal and transported here. I'm assuming that there are."

Peter's smile widened and he ran his hands down his face with a chuckle of disbelief. "I can't believe it! There could be an entire multiverse of us out there and it finally comes to light! This is amazing Y/n!" he paused to look at my face and stared for a second.

"You look just like M/n. Same face shape and all. She'd love to meet you. Especially since she wants to have a baby.''

I perked up with a hopeful smile. "She does?"

Peter smiled at my excitement and pats my head,"Yeah, says that if it's a girl she wanted to name her after a flower. Y/n was what she chose. And Kaden for a boy."

So that was how I got my name?

From my mother's love of flowers. Dad could never muster up the emotionsl stability to tell me anything about her. But he did give me her dairy. She wanted me to have it. It was the story of her life uo until the day she died. It was way better than any book that I had ever read. It had detail down to the bone and cute doodles for reference at the side. The way she spoke about falling in love with dad and spending everyday being madly in love with him.

But there was this underlining feeling of sadness, because they were from different universes. But whenever they could be together they were. So it was clear to me now. That in and between every other universe M/n  L/n and Peter Parker were meant to fall in love.

In her book was a cool silver bracelet that she left for me. She said that if I ever had to leave my own universe , it should never leave my wrist.

I guess I most have been crying because when I snapped out of my thoughts I found myself wrapped in a warm embrace. "It's okay ,little flower. I won't let anything happen to you."

I sighed and let myself fall into him. A teen can only manage a certain amount of emotional drainage. Too much can feel like we are clouds , empty and light , just drifting aimlessly through the sky.

I moved my head to look up at him."Are you still sponsoring the food?"

Peter chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead." Let's go get you some food."

And for the first time since I was thrown into this universe , I felt safe.


Ahhhh . Another chapter done lovelies.

I'm so excited for what's in store for the future. Please be safe.

Yours in writing , Starlia the Sungal.

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