Prologue- Drunk and High (on ice cream)

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The green crystal cup was shiny, very glamorous. I took another spoonful out of it. Ahhhh! Ice Cream! Heh heh. It looks swirly and browwnn~ hahahaha! So funny! Suuppeerr Caaff IceeClreaamm.

"Hhheeyy guys," Hem's speech was slurred, "we should doooo something! Hehehe! Something siiinister~"

"Ooooooo!" exclaimed a pink-cheeked George, "Sssteal a jeeet! Gooo Tiiunndda!"

"Sssteaal!! Jet! Jet!" Hemlok yelled drunkenly.

"Yeeaah," I agreed, "Tiuuunnddaa shoouunds fruun!"

A/N: This story includes swearing. 

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