Chapter 3- Takeoffs and Staring (at...'Nothing' that was Something)

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George POV-

I turned around to see a blob of yellow brown hair falling to the floor. Clay. My best friend. And a moron. Mom once suggested that I not become friends with anybody stupid. Seems like I broke that one. Oh well. Not like she's my mother anyway.

"Gahhaahahaha!!" Hemlok burst out laughing, his hands clutching his stomach. Finger pointing, he teared up, "You-look at you! HAHAHA!!"

"Hehehehehahaha!" I started giggling too.

The few plants that towered above us, some kind of tree/bush in the plasq family, shivered in the cool breeze. Their leaves let out refreshing grass green twinkles, which slowly fell down. They were gliding down, lighting up the area. Clayton stood up then, soft hair in a messy blob. The moon's silverlight basked him in a glow; his green eyes appeared to be made of brilliant green magic. The slightly lighter green twinkles were surrounding him, giving his laxed t-shirt and green jacket a mysterious wonder. His protruding oval chin was shining green-gold-silver, as were the front of his soft, slightly wavy straight hair. The way his hair ombre-d, from the warm, hearty brown down to the soft, golden blonde by his hairs gives him such a boyish charm. Especially with that face of his. The way he was wheezing, with his long, tough hands on his knees, his dark orange trousers emphasizing every curve, every line.

The green twinkles landed on his sturdy legs and boots. My boots. Wait, no. His boots. The pair of boots I'd given him as his birthday gift. He was wearing it, his green magic circulating through the boots.

I gasped softly. What a scene, a picture from a movie. Not something to be seen in real life; something that would be fantasized over and over, but never come true. Clayton. That is what Clayton was. Something forever just out of my grasp.

Suddenly, Clay shifted his head. More green lights came then, showering him again in a beautiful light. His eyes found mine, all the way down here. They shined, and he smiled.

"Arh, I told the two of you that you guys should've gotten married already, right?" Hemlok butted in, completely ruining the moment, "It wasn't very noticeable, y'know. George, you only stared at him for a minute. And definitely not red, even though I probably couldn't tell with this lighting."

"I-I! I was not!" I retorted, knowing I was ousted. Oh Hemlok. Just wait until U gets here. I'll tease you endlessly then.

Satisfied with my planned revenge, I walked on. Only to freeze a second later. I could feel Clay's gorgeous green eyes on me, shifting farther and farther down my neck. Oh the twelve gods help me.

Just keep walking. Ju-just keep walking. I-it's fine. Hem looked at me weird for a bit, then boarded the StarJet.

After Clayton got on the StarJet, which took about 20 minutes because he didn't know how to get up so high without stairs, a problem arose.

"Clayton! I will fly the StarJet!"

"No, George. I will fly the StarJet!"





Suddenly, Clay took the controls from my hand, and unlike before, when I tried, it lit up.

[Welcome Crown Prince Clayton Middle Imsira Laris. Please sit in the assigned pilot launch]

A light techno-screen appeared in front of me, then a metallic voice rang through the cockpit.

"Looks like I fly Georgie~" Clay had that stupid goading look on his face—which looked incredibly hot. I could feel my sweat rolling down my back and I tried madly to keep the childish blush off my face. I think the latter was only half-effective.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13 ⏰

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