Chapter Two- Agents without Training (on how anything)

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Clayton POV- Two days later, nighttime

The dark black sky filled my vision, and heavy winds blew my outstretched hand in every direction. I backed up several feet, staring at Hem. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all.

"C'mon Clayton. Don't you want to be brave—" Hemlok fluttered his eyes dramatically and clasped his hands together in mocking, "for your lifelong love?"

"S-shut up!" I yelled into the open window, turning my already tomato-red face away towards the lime walls of my bedroom.

It was a mistake looking outside the window again. The black sky seemed like it wanted to eat me alive, and the trees laughed evilly as they gazed at the scene. Even the stars—the stars!—hungered for my death. No. No no no no no! I can't do this! Wha—who even came up with this idea!? I can't jump out of a window! NO!

George POV-

I noticed the 'Clayton Puke Face' on Clay's face, and I knew that he was probably (more like definitely) scared out of his wits. And that means he's probably going to vomit out the window, splattering some unfortunate existence with some royal super high velocity shrimp particles.

"Don't be so nervous, Clay," I rolled my eyes and tried to be calm, but my heart was practically exploding out of my body.

Even as I said it, sweat silently rolled down the back of my neck. Thankfully, no one was behind me in Clay's lime chambers. Although I'd levitated using air magic many times, it was always with small objects: a pencil, or maybe a ruler if I was feeling confident. Now, it was my best friends. They're putting their lives in my hands, basically. No pressure, guys!

I pretended to scratch my back, but it was really to hide a tremor in my left hand. Deep breaths, George. No hesitation today, or you'll never see the two of them again.

Clayton's clammy and pale face turned around and he locked eyes with me. Was it a sign of trust? Or disbelief?

However, Clayton, with a laugh, said, "Oh right. I forgot it was you who would be floating me, Georgie. I guess I have nothing to worry about now!"

He slung his pack over his shoulder, and mine over the other. And with that, he jumped out of the window with an innocent, dopey smile on his face.

Wait! I wanted to shout. But I couldn't. My mouth, my voice, wouldn't function. Sweat poured down my trembling hand. Nothing worked. I tried, I really tried. But all thoughts evaporated, and I could only see the moment he jumped out. Again and again. Always replaying that moment.

What saved me was Lok. He fixed his confused gaze at me, asking, "Hey, uh, George? Y'know, Clayton seems to be falling."

That snapped me into action. A thousand times of practice kicked in, and I disconnected my eyes, lapsing into Focus. Felt the magic within me, saw the boundless tides of pure, pure mana in glorious yellow light around us.

I raised my hands. It was hard! The air felt so clumsy! Like, it just wants to fall apart. BUT! Then, Clay will die! DIE! SO! NO!

I tried my absolute best! Swoosh! All of the magic in my cells surged out with grim determination, whirlwinding in fierce blue light towards the most important irau in my life.

Since I was in Focus, I could see Clay. He had no fear whatsoever, even though his beautiful locks of golden blonde were streaming above him. Actually, he seemed to enjoy it.

I heard him shout, "OOOH!! YEAHHH!! THIS IS THE BEST!!" as he fell to his death.

Clayton POV- A few minutes later

Winter HijackingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora