┌★ Satoru Gojo ★┐

1.6K 6 7

TW: Slight NSFW, reader is insecure, reader has bad hygiene, dubcon(?), gojo is a little freak, chubby reader, harsh words in 2nd person, reader has body hair, fem!reader, reader is suicidal, gojo has a spit kink.

Word count: 1k


Satoru's been so busy lately. He's constantly out of the house, sometimes he doesn't even have time to come back. You can't blame him, it's not his fault. But sometimes you can't help but feel like it's your fault. He's always taking care of you. You feel so so bad for it. You do. You don't do anything. You just lay there and rot.

When was the last time you even brushed your teeth? God you smell don't you? Maybe that's why he hasn't come back. You want to get up and show and brush your teeth. It's so easy. Yet you can't bring yourself to do it. Do you even have depression? What if you're just lazy? You probably are. You can't be depressed if you're still happy sometimes, you still eat normally though you wish you would eat less, you only seem depressed when you have something to do.

You're disgusted with yourself. You just want to die. You hear the front door open, and you pause. You feel like crying, but you can't manage to get it out. You should've taken a shower before. You should've.

You should've.

You're just laying in Satoru's bed. It's basically all you even do at this point. Kissing you would be vomit worthy-just smelling you -wouldn't it? You wonder why Satoru is still with you. Pity probably. You're gross. That's that. No amount of makeup or self confidence would fix it. You're disgusting.

"Babyyy!" Satoru calls out with a grin, walking into the room and noticing your dishevelled state. He quickly strides over- his long legs bringing him to you in record time-and sits on the edge of the bed beside you. He does notice your body oder. But it's vou. Satoru's pants feel tight as he swallows the saliva building up in his mouth. "What's wrong?" Satoru asks, leaning down towards your ear as his hands move to both cup your cheek and stroke your head, bringing you to look at him.

"Please..I'm just so tired right now..." You quietly murmur. Satoru sighs and moves to lay close to you, but you scoot away from him. "C'mon doll, I can't fix nothin' unless ya tell me what's wrong y'know." Satoru hums, his thumb moving to rub your cheek. You're so cute.

"It's nothing." You harshly whisper, moving away from Satoru more, drawing a frown on his face. "It's not nothing. Obviously not. So just tell me what's wrong." Satoru huffs, starting to get a little frustrated. He just wants to love you. Why can't you understand? But you just want him to be happy. Why can't he understand?

"Just go away." You mumble, frowning as Satoru tugs the blanket off of you, your legs revealed since you're only wearing shorts. You curl up on your side, regretting putting those shorts on. You hate the fact your legs are hairy. You hate everything about yourself. It was just too hot. Satoru groans playfully, as if you weren't thinking about killing yourself right now, and moves to lay you on your back. His big hands move to rest on your knees, and he spreads your legs to slot himself between them, his eyes flickering to the small amount of scars on your thighs.

He's glad there's only a few, despite him knowing how much pain it causes you, because it means you never hurt yourself so badly. But to you, it's just another thing you failed at, just another thing you couldn't do right, another thing that proves you aren't really depressed, because you couldn't even cut deep enough that it would scar. You can bring yourself to say anything as Satoru leans down, his face against yours. Your mouth is practically sewed shut with metal. Your breath is rancid, isn't it? You don't want Satoru to have to be near you when you're like this. It's humiliating.

"C'mon princess..open up." Satoru hums, his hand moving to cup your cheek again, his thumb on your lower lip, starting to push into your shut mouth. Your teeth are as gritted as they can be. Satoru puts his thumb under the little space of your front teeth and forces your mouth open. You move to pull away from him but you're already laying on the bed, your head on a pillow, so there's not much space. "It's okay, just suck on my fingers for me okay?" Satoru asks with a smile.

You don't know why Satoru wants you to do this. He's going to regret it once he realizes the effect of you not brushing your teeth. You don't want to, but you comply. Well, kind of.

You begrudgingly let your jaw relax as Satoru slips his index and middle finger between your teeth, moving them around to coat them in your saliva. You feel weirded out but you try to ignore it. Satoru grins as he takes his fingers out of your mouth, opening his a little. You pause, realize what he's about to do. That's disgusting. That's going to be horrible. You quickly sit up, moving to grasp at Satoru's wrists.

But his fingers have already sunk between his soft lips, you hear the quiet sound of him sucking on his two fingers, licking off all of your saliva that he can. It grosses you out. The thought of it.

Satoru slides his fingers out with a very light pop, strings of his own saliva connecting them to his lips. "See? S'fine sweetheart. M'gonna love ya no matter what. I like you like this. Waitin' for me n'never leaving the house without me." Satoru hums as he hooks his slender fingers under the waistband of your pants and underwear, slipping them down.

"Satoru that..that was gross..." You manage to get out, feeling queasy. The taste of your saliva must be horrible. Why did he do that? "Mm, nah." Satoru shrugs, moving around a little to fully pull off your lower clothes. Your pubic hair is so bushy. He likes it. But what he doesn't like is how you move to hide from him.

"C'mon sweets, s'just me." Satoru sighs, moving your hands away from your vagina as he leans down again, kissing your lips. "Stop being all embarrassed 'round me."

(Notes: I'm the inspiration for this ngl !!!! Stopped writing it cus I felt kinda nauseous(not from the fic) but yk)

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