┌★ Satoru Gojo ★┐

1K 3 1

TW: NSFW, noncon/rape, some religious themes(?), reader was implied to have been raped before, angst, Fem!reader(sorry to all the dudes out there)
WC: 970


Another warning, DARK CONTENT, tags are there for a reason if you feel uncomfy with them please dont read this<3


Is this really your god? The one you prayed to every morning and night, every time you felt scared or sad? How could it be?

How could your god just defile you like this? After all you've ever thought of him? After all you've ever told him?

You don't know what to do as Satoru cups your cheek, his cock deep inside of you as he moves with shallow thrusts. "Smile. You should be happy I've chosen you for this." Satoru hisses, his thumb hooking into your mouth and under the corner of it, tugging it up. "Please.." You hiccup, tears still streaming down your face. In return, Satoru's thrusts get harder, the time between them becomes shorter. Why isn't he finished yet? He's already expelled his seed numerous times inside of you, and you've been forcefully shoved to your climax more times than him.

He lets go of your cheek, his hand moving under your limp thigh, pushing it back up to your chest to accompany your other.

The last assault you were forced to endure didn't last nearly as long. How long has it been? You don't know. You were just visiting Satoru's shrine, you said hello to the shrine maiden, you prayed for a good day, before you stood up to leave. And your god was there, in all of his beautiful glory. He came closer to you, calling you his most beautiful and devoted worshipper. You were honored, even as he got too close for comfort. But too close turned to touchy, and touchy turned into taking off your clothes.

"I said smile. You should be happy I'm choosing someone like you. Used and dirty. But it's okay; I understand. It'll just take some time for you to get used to me." Satoru sighs, as if he was disappointed. He moves his hand from the pits of your knees, releasing your sore legs from the mating press he forced you into. His large hands move to grasp at your waist, pulling you closer to him as your thighs are forced to accommodate and give a warm home to his hips. Your lower legs hang limply behind him, occasionally jolting and twitching when he pays attention to your aching and abused clit.

Your breath is labored as you sob, Satoru clicks his tongue. A rough hand moves down and presses against the bulge in your stomach from how deep and big his is inside of you; He doesn't even fully fit, some of his dick has been forced to stay outside of the inviting warmth and coziness of your cunt. His hand moves, the index finger pulling up the hood of your throbbing nub and his thumb starting to rub and press against it aggressively. "You understand why I'm doing this, don't you?" Satoru coos like he's not ruining you.

You shake your head with a fluttering sob, your legs shaking as your overstimulated body pleads for a break.

"Really? Huh. I guess you aren't as intelligent as I had thought..." He huffs, before looking at your face. "Well then, it's simple. I want a wife." Satoru states as if he really had to do all of this for a wife. He could've just asked the village folk, the royal people, anyone from around. He's highly worshipped. As if knowing what you're incoherently thinking, Satoru continues, "But not just any wife. I want my most devoted follower. I won't settle for any less. Oh, and I'm talking about you, since you probably didn't understand. You're not the smartest, but that's alright. It's not like I need you to engage in smart conversations with me."

You just continue to cry, causing him to sigh loudly and roll his eyes. "You're so ungrateful." The words flow out of his mouth like nothing as he forces you to come undone on his dick once again, your back arching and your hips bucking against your will. "I might as well just find a woman who wants to pleasure me, y'know?" Satoru murmurs as he leans down, lips ghosting over the middle of your throat covered in his bites and hickeys.

Your lower lip trembles, and you hope he's being serious. He'll leave you alone if he is. Right?

"Sweetheart, you really thought I'd just up and leave? You really think so little of your God?" Satoru tsks, shaking his head as his face moves up to look at you. "I'd never leave you, I'll even give you some kids so you don't doubt it, 'kay? I'm so generous aren't I?" He grins like he really believes it, his thrusts growing a little sloppier as his thumb never ceases its movements of tormenting your clit.

Satoru grunts a little as he leans down, attaching his lips to yours as a spiral of weeps and mewls leave your mouth. His hand tightens on the side of your waist, nails digging into your plush skin, and his thumb moves harder and faster on your throbbing nub. You don't want children. Satoru should know that, shouldn't be? This can't be your beloved god. It isn't. He would never partake in such cruel actions. It must just be someone mimicking him.

Your weeping leaves your mouth open and vulnerable, allowing Satoru to let his tongue slip into your mouth as his thrusting ends and he fills you with his hot seed once more. Ropes and ropes of his cum fills you. It feels neverending. But eventually, it ends, he pulls away from your mouth and licks his lips. "Let's keep going a lil' longer." He states with a teasing smile, your body aches from everything he's already done, and he wants to keep going? You want to tell him no, but as he just picks up the pace once more, you just whimper and tremble.


(Notes: I really need to start working on my other fics and not just making new ones
Edit: I actually got a 1.3k word fic done sooo yay!!! :3)

devoted || yandere jujutsu kaisenNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ