Chapter 2: Office Visit

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       Astral is standing in the office, giggling to herself quietly. Her thighs are trembling and her hands are visibly shaking. Her pupils are big, and the pretty green in her eyes is gone. Her eyes look almost as if she were possessed. Astral stands up from the chair she was once sitting in. Her thighs shaking more, and it was clear to see that she was no longer stable. No thoughts behind those eyes. Those demonic eyes. She smiles and cocks her head.

       "Would you like to see a threat, Mister Wessman? Mister John, Johnny boy? That was nothing." Astral is staring into Mr. Wessman's eyes. She is trying to intimidate him to make him feel uncomfortable. 

       "Astral, you need to sit back down. You are acting irrational and insane." Mr Wessman says.

       "Oh, Wessman. Do you know the definition of insanity? Because I am not the insane one here." She pauses and lets out a big smile and a sigh, you can see the look of instability all over her face. Her eyes were such a haunting sight.

        "Insanity is when you do the same thing over and over and over and over again. Which I think may, be the approach you are taking. You expect this to just get better. With no change. Is that right? Mister Wessman? Oh, Mister Wessman you really don't know, do you? Do you really have no idea? Poor Johnny boy. You didnt find out what happened to your pretty little daughter, did you? You were wondering why she seems so sad, so anxious recently. You wonder why she showers with the door locked and cries in the shower? You probably didnt even notice... Her babysitter, that kid that's in the back of Mr. Mark's class, pretty sure that's also the quarterback for your PRIZED football team, he touches your daughter, Mister Wessman. I really bet you didnt know that. You let it get to your head. You think you are so powerful. You don't care about those around you. I bet you never even noticed how your daughter has changed." Astral says. She frowns at the thought of his daughter, "Mister Wessman, insanity also includes sending that boy back to your daughter daily."  

       Mr. Wessman looks up from the ground he was staring at, and he looks at Astral. In his eyes, you could see pure surprise and maybe a bit of terror. He looks shocked and hurt. His eyes show deep sadness. "Are you being honest, Astral? A-about my child?" He says and stutters a bit. 

       "I don't know Mr. Wessman. As you said, I know nothing. I will never amount to anything in life." Astral's tone is different. She sounds pained. She sounds as if she is remorseful.

       "Astral..." Mr. Wessman says very angrily now. "Astral you don't know what you're talking about. That's my child. That's my baby. You do not deserve to even have any words about her slip out of your mouth. I would never let this happen to her. I love my child." He is raising his voice, and almost yelling at her now. 

       Astral nods her head and doesn't say anything, her pupils are starting to shrink and she seems to be shaking a bit more.

       "Astral I never want to hear you speak of her again! Ever! Your demented mind doesn't deserve to think about my child like that." Mr. Wessman gets up into Astral's face. Astral's eyes widen a bit in fear as he is inches from her face. "Dont. Don't you talk about my daughter ever again. You are sick. You always will be sick." He yells in her face, and she can feel his hot breath on her. She feels his spit as he is yelling into her face. He backs away from her, only a bit. He looks into her eyes deeply, "You are a liar, Astral. Always will be." He whispers. 

      Astral's pupils grow again and she smiles. Her body stops shaking and her body is calm again.

       "I'm a liar, Mr. Wessman? You just don't want to face the truth. You want to live a lie, Mr. Wessman. You are a liar. I am the most honest person you'll ever meet and that's why you don't like me." Astral smiles as she talks. "You don't appreciate me. No one ever does appreciate me." Astral says and smiles wider. "You do not appreciate any of the things in life, do you Mr. Wessman?" Astral says laughing now. 

       "What are-" Mr. Wessman asks angrily but confused. 

       Astral cuts him off, "Shut the hell up. You don't deserve to speak to me. No one does." She says laughing. 

       "Watch your-"

       Astral cuts him off again, "Mr. Mark doesn't deserve to speak to me either. Are you going to switch my fucking classes or not?" Astral repeats again.

       "No, I am not. Not when you're acting like th-" Mr. Wessman attempts to talk.

       "WHY NOT? You didnt see any of this shit as a damn reason to change my fucking classes?"  Astral stands up and starts talking with her hands and yelling. "You have so many reasons to change my classes and you won't. WHY won't you?" She screams now and swipes Mr. Wessman's papers off of the desk and they fall to the floor. 

        Mr. Wessman is sitting silently in his chair, not saying anything.

       "I NEED my classes switched! I CAN'T do this!" Astral screams and kicks the chair. "I can't be screamed at every single day! I can't do this anymore! I can't do this anymore!" She screams and repeats herself. Astral has tears running down her face, and she is shaking like a leaf. "I can't do this anymore..." She says one more time quietly and leaves the office. 

        "Astral Star! Where are you going?" Mr. Wessman yells after her. She's already out of the office and by Ms. Holly's desk. 

       "Hun, are you okay?" Miss Holly asked, but Astral was already out of the door.

       "Call Officer John. She will be found." Mr. Wessman says leaving his office in a hurry, putting on his coat, and racing out the door after her.

Astral always knew how to get herself in trouble, she had a mouth that just never stopped. 

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