Chapter 3: The Old Hangout

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       After I left Mr. Wessman's office, as I was walking down the street, I felt like life had hit me hard. I felt like I had just woken up not knowing where I was or what had happened. That happens sometimes, it's very annoying. But if I had to guess... I fucked up and left.

       So now here I am walking down the road, with no destination in mind. I don't even know if I was supposed to leave the school, or if I escaped. It's the end of fall, and it's a bit cold out. I pick up my pace to try and warm up. I'm walking along a state route road, and the cars are flying by me going maybe 65mph if I had to guess. They blow my hair with their artificial wind as they pass me. Along the sides of the roads, there are thick woods surrounding me. 

       Then, it hits me. I know where to go. I can go to that old pipe drain! The one with the fireplace and the lake!  I cut across the road, and go for the woods looking for the neon pink tape I put on the trees to mark my little spot. 

       I arrive at my spot. After what seems like an eternity of walking. I see the big plastic tunnel. There used to be water that went through it, but now it just sits there. It is large enough to put a person in, or even two. Outside of the pipe, there's a firepit. I made that firepit a few years back. I squat down by the firepit, and I see a rock. This was a special rock... A rock with a story. It had paint on it. It was a picture of a pill. One side is white, and the other is red. I smile, remembering the days we all would hang out. I had this friend, his name was Brandon. He was my best friend.  He was my closest friend. One of my only true friends. We would hang out here for hours and smoke. We'd bring a little speaker, so we could listen to music together and we would get so high that our troubles would fade and we would dance. We would dance together like fools, but he never made me feel like a fool. Ever. I loved him, more than a friend. Brandon was amazing! I frown a bit, remembering this. Brandon left last year. Last year around Christmas. I am not sure why, I never did hear from him. But he had bad mental illnesses, he was schizophrenic and had issues with his gender identity. 

       I pick up the rock holding it close to my heart, cupping my hands around it. "You were my drug, my antidepressant. But like an addiction, there's good parts and bad parts, you always need to say goodbye to that addiction someday. You need to move on and grow." I smile and toss the rock into the small creek by the pipe. I smile as I look over and see the sun hit the rippling water. I smile knowing that's where that rock will stay forever. His new home...

       Back at the firepit, I sit at the stump I made into a seat and I pull my lighter out of my backpack. Its a small red plastic one. The bottom is stained with black tarish resin. I light a small fire and wait it out. The school is most definitely looking for me right now.

       I reach for my phone and text my mom...

Astral: Hey. I'm by the old pipe. Come get me when you can, I'll explain later. 

       I try to take some deep breaths and relax, but the cold is killing me. It feels like it's zero degrees out here. 

After probably about ten minutes, my phone buzzes. It's a text from my mom.

Mom: K... I'll be there in ten. The school called me. You're not in trouble. I'll text you when I'm there hun. It's alright.

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