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Even though I had expected to hear them sooner or later, the words were almost foreign to my ears.

The excitement was hard to contain and from the corner of my eye, Yuzuriha's static expression showed that I was not the only one.

I could hardly believe it ... it was finally happening ... they ... accepted our proposal.

Seconds later I felt Yuzuriha's arms pull me against her body, wrapping me in a tight embrace and spinning me around.


"EEK! \Y/N!!! We've waited so long!" she shouted, giggling like a pre-schooler, I felt her joy rubbing off on me as I returned the hug, laughing along as we spun around in dizzying circles.

When we stopped, she faced me, her face radiant.

"So are you gonna tell him? I'm going to tell Taiju!"

I thought for a second, considering it was time to go to my next class and I, for one, couldn't really afford to wait much longer..but..it was his idea...   

                                                                                                                                                                                                 "I'll have to tell him, it was his idea after all...I suppose missing five minutes of class is something I'd be willing to compromise on," I'd sighed, knowing inside that his reaction wouldn't be worth the effort of telling him, since he'd probably just say 'okay' or 'so?'

Yuzuriha waved me off and basically skipped away, the bounce in her step a testament to how excited we all were...at least she had someone loud and optimistic to tell...while I was stuck with a boring scientist.

The long walk to the sciencey side of the school wasn't as tiring as it usually was, as my spirits lifted with every step I took, but I was still puzzled as to why they actually listened to us...probably because of Yuzuriha's incredible formal letter writing skills...not to mention the begging...which Senku didn't participate in. I feel like I understand why now. As soon as I left the room that day, the humiliation was real.

I opened the door to the lab slightly and peered in through the window, not surprisingly seeing a lock of green hair that at first glance looked extremely out of place. But believe me when I tell you: He belonged here more than anyone else. 

I let myself in, my eyes wandering to the clear test tubes with coloured liquids in them, almost distracting me from the task at hand...I couldn't help it...the colours were so mesmerising.

When I heard a voice from halfway across the room, "Y/N", I stopped in my tracks.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        I lifted my head to see Senku staring at me with an unimpressed look, his eyes slowly turning to a puddle of clear, unnamed liquid on the floor...that I had almost slipped into.

"Oh... my bad," I said with a nervous chuckle.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  "Since you decided to come in just as I was about to clean up this mess, how about you do it for me, y/n?" he sighed and turned to his desk.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion and replied, "Er..sure?" and headed for the box of tissues.              

The same voice stopped me just as I was about to place the tissue on the liquid to clean it.               

"That's corrosive by the way, if it comes into contact with the tissue that's touching your hand, your hand is likely to burn off," he said with a nonchalant shrug.                                                                     

You couldn't have told me that sooner, huh?" I practically jumped up from the puddle and glared at him.

He let out an amused breath and shook his head, turning away from his desk. "You never do what I say, I expected no different this time."

I rolled my eyes and threw the tissue in the bin. I turned to face him, but he had already turned back to his desk.

"Hand me the conical flask on the desk to your right for real this time, Y/N."

I sighed, "Yeah, got it."

Still a little scarred by the fact that my hand could have been non-existent right now, I grabbed the flask and handed it to him.

"Anyway, Senku, I've some news," I said calmly, hoping not to show my excitement or he'd probably tell me to shut up.

"Then don't waste your breath, get on with it," he replied, while he was still measuring some random liquids and watching me out of the corner of his eye.

I couldn't help but smile as I told him.

"Senku... we're going to London!"

(um trip yes?? anyway i chose london becuase its literally the only big city i know the most about since ive been there loads since i live in the uk, so i hope no one minds?)

-𝚜𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜-  (ꜱᴇɴᴋᴜ ɪꜱʜɪɢᴀᴍɪ x  ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now