Chapter Five

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She seemed satisfied with his response and, with a subtle nod, turned to attend to her tasks.

The perfect moment arrived, and Lysander seized it. He leaped from his chair and bolted for the hidden door. He inserted the key into the lock. It fit with a satisfying click, and he turned it.
As the door swung inward, a rush of warm air, scented with unfamiliar fragrances, wafted through the opening. 

He took his first step into the room, the key, still in the lock, disintegrated into a fine silvery powder and it crumbled away. "Oh, no..." he muttered to himself. The door stood open, and the powder from the key drifted away like smoke. 

With the door open and the key gone, there was no turning back. Lysander's heart raced as he approached the small hidden door. 

With a cautious breath, he pushed the door open, and a world he never imagined spilled out before him. The chamber beyond was a bridge, connecting his world to another. 

The floor, surprisingly solid despite his initial expectations, was made of translucent glass. Beneath it, an ever-changing landscape unfolded, featuring lush meadows with vibrant flowers.
As he stood on the threshold of this newfound world, the lingering question remained: What mysteries lay hidden in this realm, and what role did Mrs. Dumpfry play? 

He stood before a vast, overgrown garden. The air was thick with the scent of nectar and cinnamon. The garden was illuminated by glowing mushrooms. 

Floating orbs drifted through the air. Each one contained a swirling core. In the distance, he spotted beetles, their backs gleaming with hues of sapphire, emerald, and amethyst, much like the crystals he had seen in the hidden room. 

Curious, cat-sized creatures moved through the underbrush, their large wings emitting a purr as they flapped. Each one had a jeweled eye on its forehead. 

Amid the overgrown garden stood a series of structures. There were oddly built, and some were built sideways so that if you walked inside, you would feel like you were in a fun house.
There was an entire hamlet of vibrant, oversized mushrooms, their caps forming rooftops. The cobblestone streets were a checkerboard of colors. When he took a step, the cobblestones would light up. 

Trees of every shape and size adorned the streets, their trunks had striped bark and were sparkling with fruit. The sky overhead shifted from pastel pinks to deep purples and vibrant blues as if it couldn't decide on a single color. 

As he stared out at the rolling hills, Lysander noticed a man wearing a top hat that had a collection of antique keys, each one varying in shape and size. His coat, a patchwork of deep purples and midnight blues, appeared to be sewn together from countless different fabrics.
"Ah, I see you've found your way in!" The man exclaimed as he twirled a pocket watch in his hand. "I am Thaddeus Grimblewick, the curator of this curious dimension. And you must be Lysander." 

"How do you know who I am." 

"Would you care to join me for a cup of tea?" He strode over to Lysander. 

"I uh..." 

"Last time I saw you, you were seven," said Thaddeus. "You look a lot like your mom, you have her eyes." 

Lysander looked up at Taddeus. "Who are you?" 

Thaddeus chuckled. "Thaddeus Grimblewick keeper of the realms. What about that tea then, eh?" he said, rubbing his hands together. 

"What is this place?" 

"Well, Lysander, Brewer's Botanicals acts as a doorway to various dimensions and realms, all connected by the magical oddities it houses. That little door you opened, it's a gateway to an entire world, my world, and many others." 

Thistlebloom and the Secrets of Brewer's BotanicalsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon