Chapter Nine

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Stepping through the portal, Lysander found himself in a grand courtyard surrounded by towering stone walls.

The courtyard was bustling with activity as students hurried around, their voices full of excitement.

In the center of the courtyard stood a fountain. Lysander approached it as he gazed into the fountain he caught sight of his reflection—a young man on the edge of adventure.

As Lysander's gaze swept the surroundings, he spotted a woman. Her long, flowing robes blended with the colors of the forest. Her hair was waves of silvery blue. She stood next to four boys with faces full of freckles and dark hair.

What looked like the oldest boy marched toward the school's doors. Lysander watched but as the boy reached the doors a large crowd of students came swarming in front of him and the boy vanished.

'Ethan, you are next," the woman said.

'I'm not Ethan, I'm Liam,' said the boy.

'Sorry, dear.'

Lysander watched as the boy walked forward and off, he went. His twin called after him to hurry up, and a second later they were both gone.

Now the third brother was walking toward the door and then he was gone. Lysander looked over to ask Mrs. Dumpfry how they had done it, but he found she was gone. He couldn't see her anywhere among the students in the courtyard. He swallowed hard and hustled over to the women.

'Excuse me,' Lysander said to the woman.

'Hello, dear,' she said. 'First year? So is Lucas.' She pointed at the last and youngest of her sons. He was tall and skinny.

'Yes,' said Lysander.

'Where is your advisor?' She asked.

'My what?'

'Every new student has one.'

'Well, she seems to have disappeared.' Lysander looked around one more time for Mrs. Dumpfry but still, she was nowhere to be seen. 'I don't know how to get in.'

'Not to worry,' she said. 'All you must do is stand before the doors of and say the words 'Aurum Aperio.' It will open the path for you. Don't hesitate and don't doubt your abilities. You must believe in the magic within you. Now, go before Liam.'

'Er — okay,' said Lysander.

Lysander gripped his belongings as he approached the doors. His heart raced faster as he stood before the doors, he took a deep breath and spoke the words, 'Aurum Aperio.'

With a sudden rush of energy, the doors began to glow with a golden light. Lysander's eyes widened as the barrier before him dissolved.

He opened his eyes. A marketplace sprawled before him with creatures of all shapes and sizes. Stalls lined the streets.

Lysander spotted a towering archway where the barrier had once stood. Above it, there was a plaque with the words 'Athenia Academy.'

He had done it.

Clouds drifted over the market square, as vendors called out to passersby, offering their wares. Lysander weaved through the crowd catching snippets of conversation.

He passed a young man with a determined expression. 'Mama, I seem to have misplaced my phoenix feather again,' the boy said.

'Oh, Oliver,' came the response from an elderly woman.

Further down the square, a crowd had gathered around a boy.

'Show us what you've got, Leo!' someone called out.

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