Chapter Eight

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They visited the Mystical Emporium. Barrels of elixirs stood on the floor; jars of rare magical plants, dried roots, and shimmering powders lined the walls; bundles of feathers, strings of enchanted fangs, and coiled claws hung from the ceiling. While Lysander asked the woman behind the counter for a supply of some potion ingredients. Lysander examined silver phoenix feathers and tiny dragonfly wings.

Outside the Emporium, Lysander checked the list again.

'You need a familiar.'

'A what?'

'They help beast masters and magical folk focus their abilities.'

'But I thought I already had a creature.'

'You do. The Emberfox is more to aid you in the challenges you will face but every student needs a familiar. I think a moonshifter will be perfect for you. All the kids want moon shifters, they're elusive, carry your dreams and everything.'

Twenty minutes later they left Enchanted Companions Emporium. Lysander now carried a large cage that held a moonshifter, fast asleep with its silver fur glowing softly.

Thaddeus led Lysander over to a large table that was isolated in the middle of the town market. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the wand, the amulet, the whistle, the pouch, and the gemstone.

This was what Lysander had been looking forward to.

'This wand is crafted from Silvermoon Wood and houses a Phoenix Feather. It grants you the ability to bring images to life. Whether you conjure creatures, objects, or entire scenes, the possibilities are as vast as your imagination.'

Pointing to the Amulet, Thaddeus continued, 'This is your Emberfox's Bond. Wearing this amulet establishes a deep connection with your Emberfox. It allows you to share senses with your creature, experiencing the world through its eyes, and feeling its emotions. As an additional benefit, the amulet provides an invisible shield, offering protection against specific magical attacks.'

Next, Thaddeus picked up the whistle, 'This is a powerful instrument. When blown, it summons fae spirits. These spirits possess unique abilities, from creating illusions to providing valuable insights. The melody you play determines the strength and variety of the summoned fae. A useful tool in times of need.'

He then pointed to the Pouch, "Contained within are Stardust Crystals, Fern Essence, Phoenix Ember Residue, and Dreamer's Tears. These essences temporarily alter reality – create mystical barriers, teleport short distances, or even summon a pocket dimension for a brief escape. The possibilities are limited only by your creativity.'

Finally, Thaddeus held up the gemstone, "This resonates with your magical energy, enhancing your abilities. When channeled through the gemstone, your magic gains an unpredictable twist. It can temporarily alter the properties of spells, turning a defensive spell offensive, or enhancing your magical intuition for a short duration. Each item is a key to unlocking the full potential of your extraordinary abilities.'

Thaddeus observed Lysander. 'Now, these items are yours, but with power comes responsibility. Your destiny as a Beastmaster is intertwined with the fate of creatures and the balance of magic.'

Lysander nodded.

'The next step,' Thaddeus continued, 'is to embrace your training. You will hone your skills, forge bonds with fellow Beastmasters, and unlock the full potential of your abilities.'

As they spoke, a shadow fell over the market. Lysander looked up to see Malachite Zephyr, the boy he had encountered earlier, approaching with a disdainful expression.

'So, the newcomer has some fancy artifacts,' Malachite sneered. 'Doesn't mean you'll make it through the trials. Not everyone does.'

Thaddeus, undeterred by the boy's attitude, addressed Lysander, 'Ignore him. Your journey is unique, Athenia will test you, but it's where you'll discover the extent of your abilities.'

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