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the high pitch whistling sound of wind howling outside the bedroom window made my skin shiver. glancing out, i watched the sheet of snow whip through the quickly darkening evening sky. my phone had buzzed multiple times warning me of a severe thunderstorm watch tonight and tomorrow for a blizzard.

i sat at my desk trying to finish up some work on my computer but i struggled to focus. i hated storms. nick and matt had gone to run errands earlier in the morning and hadn't come back yet. i worried they would get stuck trying to drive home. chris was somewhere in the house with me. most likely in his room working on something.

the lights in my bedroom flickered twice, making an uneasiness settle deep in my chest. the distant howling of the wind sent shivers down my spine. reaching across the desk, i grabbed my candle and a box of matches. i needed them close if the power went out. god blizzards were awful.

just as i placed my fingers back on the keyboard to finish typing an email, lights blinked again. the room suddenly went dark. this time nothing turned back on.

other than the storm wailing outside, an uneasy silence filled the air. a pit of cold darkness blanketed every inch of the place. gulping, i felt in front of me for the box of matches. striking the stick, i brought the flame to the candle wick. faint warm light reflected onto the wall. it's blaze brought a bit of comfort, but not near enough.

chris. thoughts drifted to the man i had not seen almost all day. but i wasn't home alone. thank goodness. what was he doing in the moment? was he alright?

gently grabbing the lit candle, i got up and carefully navigated my way downstairs. the abyss of darkness that spread through the silent house and the hum of the wind sent shivers down my spine.

upon reaching the room, i realized chris' bedroom door was closed. not a sound emitted from the other side. raising a fist, i gave a couple soft knocks. more silence, no response. just as i brought my hand up to knock once more, the door cracked open.

"hey, you alright?" chris asked as he opened the door wider. in the dim light my eyes caught the unruly head of curls in front of me. brunette locks stuck out in countless directions. he looked very cozy, an oversized black sweatsuit draped over his figure.

"yeah yup," i said quickly.

even with the lack of proper light i didn't miss his instantly raised eyebrows.

"i just," i hesitated, "wanted to make sure you were ok after power went out." i silently groaned at myself for how unconvincing that probably sounded. i didn't want him to know i was scared. he would just make fun of me.

chris took another step out of the doorway, gazing down at me. "you're scared of the dark, aren't you," he chuckled, lightly shaking his head.

"no, no i'm not," i said hastily.

"yes you are," he laughed. "look at you, you're literally shaking." he reached out holding onto my upper arms.

i didn't even realize until he said it, but i was shaking. why was i so bad at hiding my emotions?

"im just cold," i said flatly.

a quiet warm chuckle escaped the man and he let go of my arms. "how about we go start up the fireplace? that should warm you up a bit. i bet we could roast marshmallows on there too."

i laughed. "you really think we can roast marshmallows on that?"

"of course! why not?" chris quickly dipped back in his room without a word. i stood there not sure what suddenly came over him. i was about to whisper out a chris! but he came tumbling back out of his room, arms full.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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