Dad | CL16

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Warning: Loss of a parents


I collapsed onto my knees tears streaming from my eyes, praying it wasn't true. That it was all a bad dream and I'd wake up in my bed and have Charles next to me to wrap me in a warm hug and tell me everything was alright. But that didn't happen, this was real, definitely real and Charles wasn't here either he was at work. My sodden eyes blurred from the amount of tears flooding from them, I fumbled with my phone desperately trying to find Charles' number in my contacts. I pressed call and he answered immediately.

"Hey chérie." He answered his tone happy and cheerful until he heard my sobbing from the other end.

"Charlie I need you to come home." I cried down the phone, praying he could drop out his press conference.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly as I clutched the phone to my ear, I took a deep breath before saying it. Confirming it was true.

"My dad." I sobbed "He's-" I choked the pain in my throat trying to prevent me from saying it. "He's-"

"It's alright, take your time." He comforted me over the phone, I could hear fast footsteps as he ran while holding the phone to his ear.

"He's gone." I forced out before breaking down again. Charles didn't say anything I just heard his heavy and fast footsteps.

"Don't worry chérie I'll be home soon." He assured me, inaudible chatter was heard as he conversed with someone else. "I'll be home in 20 minutes."

"Thank you." I choked out before hanging up and falling down onto my side on the floor. My tears rolled down my cheeks as I waited for Charles to arrive home.

I heard the door click open and my name was called out by my boyfriend.

"Y/n!" He shouted rushing up the stairs his coat and shoes still on. I sat up as I saw his face appear around the door, he dropped down with me and gathered my heap of a body in his arms. "I'm here. I'm here." He reminded me as I cried onto his coat.

"I don't know what to do." I cried as my arms held his neck making sure he didn't disappear from my grip. Knowing he was here brought me some comfort, just this time a few months ago we were in this same situation when my mother died. Charles combed my hair from my face as I weeped uncontrollably.

"I'm here, don't worry." He reassured me as he tried to calm me. His arms kept a firm grip around me and held me close to him. My head lay on his chest as I still hoped this was all a dream and that I would wake up soon. I wiped my tear-stained, red, puffy cheeks with my jumper sleeve as I attempted to calm myself. I clung to Charles bright-red attire as he held me close to him. My breath faltered as I went silent for a moment the choking sensation in my throat refusing to let out any noise at all. "We're gonna be alright." He told me cradling me and swiping his thumb over my cheeks to sweep the tears off them.

After a while longer I was able to stop crying. Charles sat me down on our bed and sat next to me.

"Do you want anything? Anything at all?" He asked his arm around my shoulders, I shook my head as it throbbed and I sniffed. Charles now took of his coat and shoes even though he had arrived home a few hours ago. He threw them onto the floor and returned his focus to me, his ringtone trilled in his jean pocket. He clicked the mute button without checking the name or diverting his attention. "You need a drink, some water at least." I nodded and he guided me off the bed and we went downstairs so I could have some water.

He took two glasses and filled them both with water and passed one to me. I took it in my shaky hands and sipped on it, still unable to speak Charles had to ask me yes or no questions.

"Do you want some garlic bread? I'm going to order a pizza." He suggested, I shook my head sipping on the water again. "What about one of the little pizzas?" He questioned "You know the cheese ones?" I nodded and drank my water again. "You want a little cheese pizza?" I nodded again confirming just what I wanted, this it what happened when my mum died. Charles bought takeaway and I was mute for about 2 hours after I had stopped crying.

But this was so much worse, by father and I were like two pieces of a puzzle and there wasn't anything that could separate us. Not until now. Not until this.

My phone trilled as the F1 app posted a notification.

BREAKING: Charles Leclerc to miss Las Vegas press conference due to 'family emergency'

I placed the phone down after reading it. Charles looked up at me I showed him the notification and he nodded.

"It's ok." He reassured me placing his down on the kitchen island mid food order.

"I want you to race this weekend." I mumbled hoarsely, my throat raw and painful as I spoke. Charles nodded, his eyes desperately trying to find mine and comfort me.

"Are you sure?" He asked I nodded and sniffed. "Ok I will." He nodded before finishing off the order and wrapping me in a hug. "Should we watch some housewives of New Jersey?" He asked suggesting my favourite show, it was so great because it's mental. I nodded with a small smile and we walked into the living room together.

He sat down on our plush couch and I snuggled into his side as he wrapped his arm around me as the mental show played. Displaying the women throwing things at each other and constantly bickering.

The doorbell rang and Charles went and answered it to get the pizza. I waited patiently for him to return with the boxes in his hands and a wide smile on his face. He held the red boxes and placed them onto the coffee table in front of us. He passed me my cheese pizza and opened up his pepperoni one.

"Thank you." I spoke as he handed it to me and I opened it to smell the comforting smell. I tore off a slice and turned to my boyfriend who was eagerly watching the television. When my mum and I first showed him this show he refused to acknowledge it, now we sit down and watch it together. His hands fumbled to tear away a slice of his pizza while his eyes remained fixated on the spat on the TV.

After we had finished our tea, I lay against Charles a blanket over my legs and my heavy eyelids dropping shut.

"Love you." Charles muttered before leaving a kiss on my head.

"Love you too Charlie." I smiled shuffling further up to him, his warmth and his scent that filled my nostrils gently sending me to sleep.

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