Infinity War : Loss of Love

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You woke up earlier than usual, the soft morning light filtering through the windows, casting a warm glow across the room. As you opened your eyes, you found yourself enveloped in Hela's embrace, her body pressed against yours. A smile tugged at your lips, unable to contain the happiness that swelled within you.

With a gentle kiss on her forehead, you whispered, "Wake up, Hela~"

Her response was a soft murmur, a contented sigh that indicated she was still lost in the realm of dreams. You couldn't help but chuckle at her sleepy state.

"C'mon, Hela, wake up," you murmured, giving her a gentle shake.

As she stirred, a small smile curved her lips, but she remained in the embrace of slumber. Your heart swelled at the sight of her peaceful expression, a reminder of the deep love that bound you together.

"I love you too, dear," she murmured, her words a sweet melody that warmed your soul. You couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for having her in your life. But there was a mischievous spark in your eyes, a plan forming in your mind.

Knowing it would take a little more effort to rouse her from her dreams, you decided to play along.

"Hela... you'd listen to me, right?" you asked, your voice filled with a playful tone.

"Of course, darling," she whispered, her sleep-addled mind unable to resist the pull of your voice.

"Then... would you do what I tell you to?" you teased, unable to contain a mischievous grin.

"Anything... I would destroy worlds for you... my love," she confessed, her words a testament to the depth of her devotion. The sincerity in her voice brought a warmth to your heart, filling you with overwhelming affection.

Chuckling softly, you leaned closer, brushing your lips against hers in a lingering kiss. It was a gentle awakening, a way to bridge the gap between her dreams and reality. And as she opened her eyes, a soft smile tugged at her lips.

"Good morning, darling," she spoke, her voice filled with love and affection, a melody that resonated deep within your being.

"Good morning, Hela. Want to have breakfast?" you asked, your gaze filled with adoration.

"Hmmm... yes," she replied, her voice still laced with sleepiness. She yawned and stretched her arms out, the picture of contentment.

"Okay, wait here. I'll bring it soon," you promised, gently extracting yourself from her embrace. As you stood up and headed out of the bedroom, Hela made her way to the balcony, drawn by the allure of the breathtaking view of Asgard.

She stood on the balcony, a regal figure against the backdrop of the majestic city. The morning breeze brushed against her skin, carrying with it a sense of tranquility. The sight before her stirred a longing within her, a vision of the future that you would build together, a future filled with love and happiness.

Lost in her thoughts, Hela was startled when she heard a knock on her door. You entered, carrying a tray filled with an assortment of luscious berries.

"Well, Hela... looks like Loki took the Tesseract... " you confessed

"Why am I not surprised," Hela rolls her eyes in annoyance.

But just as you were about to step onto the balcony, a sudden weakness overcame you, causing your legs to buckle. The tray slipped from your grasp, crashing to the ground as a cloud of dust enveloped your body. Hela's eyes widened in horror as she turned to see you crumbling away before her eyes.

"(Y/N)!" she cried out, a mix of fear and desperation lacing her voice. In a heartbeat, she rushed towards you, her arms reaching out to hold you, to save you from whatever force was tearing you away from her.

Hela's Return (Hela x Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now