Endgame Part 1 : Revenge and Vengeance

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After some time, Hela reached Earth's atmosphere, her powerful presence creating a shield around her as she descended towards the Avengers Compound. The shield crackled with energy, creating a mesmerizing display of swirling colors and sparks. As she crash-landed onto the compound grounds, a wave of smoke billowed out, obscuring her figure.

The Avengers, always alert for potential threats, quickly assembled outside, ready for battle. Their expressions shifted from anticipation to surprise as they saw the source of the smoke. A pair of piercing green eyes glowed through the dissipating fog, their intensity sending a shiver down their spines.

As the smoke cleared, a figure emerged from the haze, moving with remarkable speed. In an instant, the figure pinned Thor to the ground, holding a sword dangerously close to his neck. The Avengers hesitated, unsure of how to proceed.

Thor, bewildered by her sudden appearance, tried to reason with her.

"Sister, what are you doing here?" he questioned, his voice laced with confusion.

Hela's voice dripped with venom as she responded, her eyes ablaze with anger. "Don't you 'sister' me... where is (Y/N)?"

Caught off guard by her question, the Avengers exchanged uncertain glances. Steve Rogers, the blond man, stepped forward, attempting to defuse the situation.

"Ma'am, can you please let go of our friend here? We'll help you find whoever this (Y/N) is," he offered, his voice calm and composed.

Hela's gaze hardened as she regarded Steve, her disdain evident.

"A Midgardian like you is unworthy to utter his name," she spat, her words dripping with contempt.

Unfazed by her dismissive remark, Steve introduced himself.

"I don't know what that means, but my name is Steve Rogers," he stated firmly, determined to maintain a sense of respect despite the tension in the air.

Hela's eyes scanned the group, assessing them as potential threats. If they became a problem, she knew she could easily defeat them.

Thor, sensing the brewing conflict, "Hela... can you let me go?"

Reluctantly, she glanced down and withdrew the sword, leaving a shallow cut on Thor's neck as a reminder of her power. Thor winced at the pain but remained silent, inviting Hela to enter the Avengers base.

As they walked, a raccoon-like creature approached Hela, interrupting their conversation.

"Are you really Hela, the goddess of death?" it inquired eagerly, its curiosity piqued. "Can I have one of your swords? I'll pay a high price for it."

Hela's face twisted with a mixture of hatred and annoyance at the creature's request.

"The only way I'd sell this sword is if you can bring (Y/N) back, Vermint" she responded coldly, her words laced with bitterness.

The raccoon-like creature stood frozen, unable to respond. Hela quickened her pace, Thor following closely behind, desperately trying to catch up.

"Hela, wait!" he called out, hoping to bridge the gap between them and find a way to resolve their differences.


Hela followed Thor as he Introduced her to the team name into a dimly lit briefing room, her eyes scanning the walls adorned with multiple photographs of people.

But among the faces captured in those frames, none were of you. The realization stung, yet she couldn't let her disappointment show. After all, her purpose here was not only to find you but to confront the one responsible for her suffering-Thanos.

Hela's Return (Hela x Male Reader) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon